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Posts posted by MasonCross

  1. Dear Disappointed SW:TOR player,


    My (gaming) name is Mozaic, and I am 14 years old. Please don't take this as a joke and say, "Wow, this kid doesn;t know what he is talking about." Please just listen. Some of you might be saying, "This game has no endgame, this game's PvP sucks, this game doesn't have nearly as much content as World of Warcraft has, etc."


    For all of you who have been around long enough to play Vanilla WoW: Think of the content it initially started with. I managed to play Vanilla WoW, and the content was minimal. If you ask me, it has the same content as SW:TOR currently does. A game cannot start off with dozens upon dozens of instances and stunning and cutting edge PvP! Everything may not even be as challenging as you hoped! But that's what the beginning of an MMO is for! When you start playing the released product, the developers and staff want your feedback so they can fix it and make the game into a success! Yes, that's what betas are for, but open and closed betas are only open for so long. Please stop badgering and trolling about how bad this game is for lack of content, and not shun Bioware and LucasArts for the new game and mistakes, but suggest things, go into the suggestion box and help them by just adding ideas to the mix.


    Sincerely, a younger Gamer,



    I'm not a 14 year old gamer. I've been playing games for over twenty years. Yes way back in day with my Atari 2600. I started playing WoW just before the first content patch was released. I've been playing SW:TOR since mid-December. That was all put out there just to give some credentials for what I'm about to say.


    This game is still a baby. Give it some time to grow up. I try not to remember all the whining and moaning WoW went through as it slowly ecked out content, destroyed classes, nerfed constantly to satisfy PvPer's and generally ignored it's player base completely. Blizzard's customer support line was miserable, and it's still not that great. Remember when they tried to make everyone go live ID? That's just one of hundreds of mess-ups, missteps, and just really horrible ideas. SW:TOR hasn't gotten enough time to find it's feet yet, to take it's first few steps. And the haters are already circling like sharks.


    Is the game perfect, no. Is it enjoyable, yes for a while. Will the experience improve, probably. Once they get through the much needed QoL improvements and are able to add more content. I guess what I'm trying to say is, relax, give the game some time to mature. Go play something else for a while if you need to. EA isn't going to pull the plug anytime soon, it would be fiscally irresponsible to do so.


    In a year or so, we can all look at this game and get a real feel for how well it handled putting out new content. We can assess how much it improved, or if it didn't improve at all. Will we see the game we all hoped it would be? I truly hope so.


    Either way, the OP did a nice job creating an intelligent post, there is no reason to ignore him based on his age.

  2. Thank you for that intelligent breakdown of things. I'm currently a little frustrated since I'm 8.7.11 and I missed the cut off for the first wave today by apparently 1 day. Still the amount of rage going on is kinda ridiculous. People making demands, people calling out BW actions as illegal, threatening cancellations, and generally rage/whining that they aren't in yet. It boggles me to think how many people are reacting to events that they told us were going to happen.


    They explained that they were going to stagger invites, did everyone think they were lying? Anyway I hope you get in sooner than later... :)

  3. No the $5 was an early access charge.


    This is a standard in the industry. That $5 charge is a pre-order fee, however, it is not separate from the purchase price of the game. Retail cost of the game (Standard Edition) is $59.99. When you put that $5 dollars down the amount you will pay when you pick up your copy is also subtracted by $5. So that final price will be $54.99 (less the $5 you already paid).

  4. I frankly am quite frustrated with this process. I purchased my game, via the origin/EA store and using my registered account which I will play with, on July 21st. However, I did not read the "fine print" (aka I didn't scroll to the bottom of my pre-order receipt email) so I did not know I had to take the extra step of applying it to my account. After all, I bought the game through my account to begin with.


    The result is I did not know I had to apply it until November 4 when a friend mentioned it to me. So, I essentially paid $5 (pre-order fee beyond the game purchase itself) for the privilege of being frustrated. I emailed Customer Support regarding this including all pertinent details such as order number date and email address it was registered to and basically got a "sorry we're not going to do anything" reply.


    To be blunt, I'm half a step away from demanding a refund on the pre-order fee, and seriously doubt I will ever again pre-order anything from EA/Origin due to their lackluster response to this issue.


    I understand your frustration. However, you didn't pay a fee you, paid a down-payment. That $5 is part of the purchase price, not a separate charge for early access.


    Refunding at this point would be well... pointless.

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