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Posts posted by RuneClaw

  1. Hummm thx for the answer

    So, mission skills are pretty useless below lvl 50 and most ppl should go slicing as they lvl up?


    I am sure you would like the ability to craft some rare and powerful gear to help you on your way to level 50, or just to sell it and make money. If so, Missions would be a good options.


    In the end, it is all about how you want to play. If you skip the Missions Skills, you can get money and unique blueprints from Slicing and make money that way.

    But if you go Underworld Trading, you will be able to make a lot of credits selling the materials to the rest of us.




    I'm glad to help. This way I do still serve the TOR universe while waiting to play it myself :)

    But it is CompassRose that you should really thank, as it was his spreadsheet that I used.

  2. My dilemma is this. I want cybertech and for it I need scavenging and Underworld Trading. I also want slicing for the credits and the cybertech drops I am supposed to be able to get from it.


    I was thinking of not taking cybertech until 25 and I have my speeder, then I could drop slicing. I could also not take UT until 25 and drop slicing for it. However I may need sclicing after 25 for better cybertech drops.


    What is the best strategy?


    *copied from a post I did earlier in the IA forum*


    As far as I can tell, no materials are Bind on Pickup, so you will be able to buy what you need. The only real question is what the prices will be for some of it.



    The user CompassRose posted a very good Spreadsheet listing all crew skills and what materials they need. He also listed what crew skill is required for each material AND a list of how much of each you will need of it to max a crafting skill.


    Based on that list, there are 39 materials that Cybertech uses. You get 12 of them from Underworld Trading, 23 from Scavenging and 4 were listed as possible Raid (Operations) loot.


    And as I am checking that list right now, it looks like you do not NEED Underworld Trading to max your skills. You can max it out by just using materials from Scavenging. Sure, you will not be able to craft all the stuff and upgrades on the way there, but for the special things that you desire, you can just buy it.



    So I would say go Slicing, get some money and buy the UT materials you need. Once I get into the game I think I will go the same path, Cyber, Scavenging and Slicing and see how all that works.



    Check out the Spreadsheet yourself:


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