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Posts posted by MrMichael

  1. Figured I'd add my name here too...


    This bug has been consistently happening to me for a Loooong time. Everytime I switch instances of planets to join a group I lose my targeting arrow. As a tank that is extremely annoying and difficult to find what the heck it is I'm actually targeting. Ground circle still present but hard to see from many angles, and or large sized targets.

  2. Hey I'm Brik, on team Goldy, didn't know the tournament was happening right now when Channeled asked me to go, and I'll be out of town for it. I found a replacement though, and the first team has already agreed to fight Channeled and Coldfussion (scoundrel) as my replacement IF THAT IS OK. they are fighting tonight and recording it, so if it's got admin's blessing then team Goldy is now Channeled (shadow) and Coldfussion (scoundrel)



    Thanks man, hope you understand.

  3. Funny thing that you go out of your way to say that stuff about him Hell, as you had to go OUT OF YOUR WAY to get me on Vent so you didn't feel guilty booting him from your guild. I heard your side, and I heard his side, and you both had very good reasons for doing what you did. You even said yourself you defended him and only booted him to appease your guildmates, as he was no longer subscribed at the time, and they all were, and it just made sense to keep those still around happy.


    Channeled is no thief, and lets face it, how many raids did your guild go on after he left? How many did you complete? I'm guessing none. I thought you were a better person than this man, then to stab someone in the back for just using stuff in guild bank that had been collecting dust and wait for anyone else to use. Not his fault that his father cut off his account days after he decided to use the items from the bank.


    Channeled is a good person, and a great player, he doesn't steal. If you call using items from a guild bank stealing, then guild banks are useless. The 30 stabs is a GROSS exageration as is the robbing of "2" banks.


    Whatever man, keep rollin like that and you're just going to burn yourself.


    Props to Channeled, you're an awesome player, just wish you could hang with me more. See you in game man.

  4. Agreed. I've made numerous posts and bug reports and Bioware does NOTHING. No wonder they had to go F2P.


    That statement right there is why I rarely waste my time with reporting bugs. I don't want to feel like I'm wasting my time. As often as most of them happen I have to assume that they are already aware of everything I run into. They just choose not to work on it. Or worse, they have no freakin idea HOW to fix it.

  5. So I've been subscriber since prelaunch, and now I have my wife on a F2P account, and am realizing some of the restrictions. The biggest thing that stands out to me is WHY some of the restrictions are there. For example, I can't do a direct trade to my wife's character but I CAN mail her stuff. WHY? It makes no sense at all. An aspect of convenience I imagine, but honestly it is more inconvenient to the subscriber trying to help out a F2P person then it is for the F2P person you are trying to coax into buying.


    Another thing I don't understand the reason for... WHY do you have a bind timer on cartel items at all? If you want me to be able to sell something on the GTN or trade it to someone at all, then why make me wait a day, or even an hour, or even 5 mins for that matter? Either make it bound, or don't. I get the timers on raid drop items... sure that's a no brainer. I do NOT understand the timers on something I get from a cartel chest that only I have access to open, and no one can "ninja" from.


    My feedback in summary, think about the things you actually do. And ask yourself if it makes even a tiny bit of sense. If it takes anyone a second to figure it out, then maybe whoever thought up the restrcition in the first place, should give the community an explaination on the forums as soon as it is delivered in a patch to us.


    Great game, I do love it. However still a lot of bugs, and more importantly, RECURRING bugs. Bugs that were supposed to have been fixed ages ago, keep coming back up. And a lot of things that just don't make any sense at all.

  6. This is because Firebrand is being DPS'd down faster than Stormcaller. Before the shield phase, Stormcaller may cast Double Destruction. If Fire hits his life threshold first, the shield phase will start while Storm is doing DD. This causes the first lightning pillar to fall on your tank while he's standing on Storm. This also delays the shield on Storm's side, which can be a problem in HM.


    We fixed / worked around this issue by making sure Storm was ~5% ahead at the start. Basically, you always want Storm's life to be the trigger for the shield phase.


    This makes a lot of sense, as lastnight we were having the exact same problem and the one factor I noticed is it happened when I was positioned to get the DD cast on my soakers... and the spike dropped down where I was and killed my soakers. So the encounter is trying to enter phase 2 while stormcaller is stuck casting DD.

  7. We had this happen to us what we found is that we need to slow our damage one of the tanks is hiting 80% when stormcaller is casting DD, as a result the probe kitting phase is starting while DD is being cast hence the reason why the probe is landing on the tank tanking stormcrawler. When we slowed our DPS at 85% it seemed to fix the problem.


    Appearantly we're talking about two different bugs, as I am quoting this guy from page one. This is the problem my guild was having lastnight. Stormcaller would get off a second DD just around the same time they would enter phase 2 and be needing to run for the shield. The result would be, Stormcaller would continue to cast DD, I (being the tank) would position myself behind the DD soakers but a lightning probe would drop on me at the same time. I would still be standing on stormcaller, and we would not have officially entered the kiting phase aka shielding phase, as the bosses hadn't channeled defensive measures, and the shields didn't drop, but that ONE lightning pole WOULD drop right on top of me, which sadly would also be right on top of the 2 DD soakers, and they would die right away. I am sure it is a timing thing in this case, and our DPS either needs to slow down or speed up to get the DD phase casted and over with BEFORE officially entering the defensive measures phase.

  8. DarthTexas: Can you give some insight to the numbers behind crafting? What is the baseline crit chance for crafting? How does companion affection affect crit chance? Exactly how much of a boost is +1 or +5 critical chance in crafting? Having the Reverse Engineer % chance is a nice step in removing some of the unknowns in crafting; now we just need the numbers on the creation side to be less ambiguous.


    Patrick Malott (Systems Designer): The baseline crit chance for crafting is dependent on the difficulty of the crafting action relative to your current crafting skill level. The difficulty is color coded in the crafting GUI.


    Orange Difficulty: 10%


    Yellow, Green, and Gray Difficulty: 15%


    Companion Affection scales Crew Skill chance up to +5% at maximum affection.


    A Companion Trait critical chance bonus of +1 or +5 is a percentage. Example: The Imperial Agent companion character Kaliyo grants a +2 bonus to Underworld Trading Critical. This is +2% bonus.


    Using Kaliyo at maximum affection as an example, if she ran a green difficulty Underworld Trading mission for you, she would have a 22% chance to score a mission critical success.


    Based on what I quoted above from the Q and A I should assume that my Elara Dorn with 10,000 affection would have a better than a 1 in 15 chance at critting (getting an aug slotted) lvl 49 blue implant? And yet I just tried 15 of them, and got zero aug slots. And it is by far not the first example of this. My friend is experiencing the same trying to get augment slotted upgradeable armor made. So my guess here is that Bioware continues to state that things are a certain way, when in fact they are not at all. The loot system taking into account group makeup for example. They stated it was in, it is not. Not working as programed more likely. I could care less at the moment about added content. I think people who pace themselves and just enjoy the game would not hit dead ends with game content. HOWEVER I DO wish that the game developers would actually make CERTAIN that something is in game AND is working... BEFORE they say it is INGAME and WORKING... am I right? I love the game, I think it has some AMAZING things that separate it from any other MMO out there, but if I were to pick ONE thing that Bioware fails miserably at, it is programing, NOT creativity.

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