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Posts posted by Arillion

  1. WoW only did the free month thing because the servers were down...


    *Looks at servers*


    Yep, still up.


    I believe he may be referencing FFXIV which released in a similarly buggy and unfinished state, though my understanding is it was even worse off. Early adopters of that game were given free access to the servers up until recently

  2. I was just rereading the press release from Bioware, and I noticed a couple of choice quotes:



    Fan reaction has been extremely positive


    We're going to work together closely with our community in the weeks, months and years ahead, continually serving our audience


    Star Wars: The Old Republic stands as one of the greatest and most ambitious achievements in video game history


    BioWare and LucasArts have released an unparalleled artistic achievement, always putting fans and product quality first.



    Anyone know where they are getting these impressions from?

  3. I suspect it's more to do with people getting tired of everyone coming to the forums to grandstand about quitting the game. If you're going to quit, do so; don't stand there dramatically shouting "I quit!"


    If you want BioWare to know why you're quitting, tell them. Don't tell us, we don't care.


    If people do not care they should avoid bumping the topics.


    Also, with the number of unsubs going around I really doubt they will take the time to read any of them at all. I wonder if they read anything, considering that before the game was released when I sent them a ticket this was what I got:



    I am Protocol Droid M0 T0, human cyborg relations.


    Thank you for contacting Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Support.


    We would like to thank you for having taken the time to help us test our game!Due to the large volume of contacts we have received over the past week, we are unfortunately unable to respond to your individual contact at this time.

  4. It is the "with me or against me" attitude.


    I also once read a very convincing argument that suggested that hardcore MMORPG players uniquely take offense when someone does not like their game because it is similar to someone saying they do not approve of their lifestyle. I guess when you are dedicating the majority of your free time towards something someone else does not feel is worthwhile, it can cause angryface.

  5. Not even going to bother quoting that...but I find it funny when people try to reconcile with themselves when they post the wall of shame "why-i-quit-your-game-cause-i-think-you-suck" post.


    Honestly, you have some pretty harsh criticisms for a company who has never made an MMO before. Add to that the game hasn't even been out in retail space for three months.

    If you are that closed minded to allowing things to improve over time, more power to you. I would be very surprised if you hadn't posted similar threads on all of the other major MMOs out there, but yet wouldn't hesitate to come to their defense completely forgetting the fact that most of them had worse launches...


    I would say it is more closed-minded to continue paying them more and more money while you wait for what you were told you would receive with your initial purchase. I am sure this person and many others, including myself, would resub if the developers were actually going to fix the myriad of problems. Right now there are too many issues being ignored while they pat themselves on the back and say "Star Wars: The Old Republic stands as one of the greatest and most ambitious achievements in video game history."

  6. What is most astounding to me about this game is not the bugs, which are to be expected in a new MMORPG, but rather the terrible decisions made during development. How can anybody think removing graphics options and forcing the game to look terrible is a good idea? Even the ORIGINAL Everquest had better textures than this:



  7. Valid criticisms, please stay. Haters..get out and don't let the door hit you.


    Logically, it would stand to reason that the whiners, complainers, doomsayers, and trolls will all disappear after tomorrow.


    But we all know that isn't going to happen. People would rather spend $15 a month and complain on a message board about a game they profess to hate and claim that it sucks, rather than doing what a rational, logical person would do, and that is: simply move on with your life.


    They complain because they hope what looks like it could end up being a good game can get pulled out from behind the terrible dev decisions. It is worth a shot.

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