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Posts posted by Suromir

  1. I log in to patcher/launcher and it goes to initilaizing...but then I get error message saying an unexpected error has occurred and to try again.


    then shortly after closing launcher/patcher I get another error message that I've never seen before that says unable to connect to external UI....


    any help is appreciated.

  2. The force is not strong with this one. Why pull up a 4 year old post. That is not only dead but no longer relavent.

    The post was originally made when the game first went live. Because Imps could only use red or purple crystals if I recall. They were asking BW to not keep that. And they didn't.


    So let this post be reburied.


    So you want the post buried again...by bumping it up with your own post? brilliant...absolutely brilliant.


    (and no I don't care either way, so my "bumping" is irrelevant to me and my point)

  3. I'll never understand you people.


    Server transfer's were dirt cheap for a LONG time....you could move 4-5 toons a month on your cc grant alone.


    then we got warning it was going off sale....very soon after that, due to crying, they put transfers BACK on sale for a bit, and extended it even.


    You decided for whatever reason not to move, now you're crying about the pop....and want BioWare to "fix" a problem YOU made by not taking advantage of cheap moves.


    I'm sure you'll just say I'm tossing you a "red herring" like you keep saying about anyone that says something you don't like, but whatever. The fault is with YOU not BioWare...and they absolutely should not do what you propose.

  4. Even if there wasn't level sync, Coruscant WB was never soloable because of one hit mechanics.


    not true. Many solo'd him before level sync. you just had to know what you were doing as it had an attack that did more damage the closer to someone else you were (even your companion) that could one-shot even a max-level character no matter the gear.


    But he was, in fact, able to be solo'd before level-sync.

  5. You forgot that the rewards are random and you're more likely to end up with pieces of armor that you don't want on that particular character and will therefore spend CC's to unlock the full set AFTER you try and purchase the remaining items (which all took cc's at some point to get on the GTN)


    then there's the other items....agents getting lightsabers and the like...useless stuff to them that you'll need/want to unlock to have it be used by someone that can use it (sans a companion, but that's a crap reward by itself.)


    While I agree with you that it's a B.S. cc money grab, most of your points are twisted to fit your point and not entirely accurate. And, as above, you left some things out (which I did too)


    The binding the rewards to the character that completed the tier is asinine...bind it fine..but make it legacy bound so you can, I dunno, send it to a character THAT CAN USE IT.

  6. ok cool I trust you. I got bored and had a scary though. lol..


    You shouldn't, as what he says isn't true. Disney may not own SWTOR but they DO own the Star Wars license. If they don't renew that license with EA at the end, then EA will HAVE to shut down SWTOR...as at that point it would be copyright lawsuit territory.


    Don't always listen to the first person that responds..esp since this guy is clueless to how licensing works.


    And who knows if they will. Though it is likely if EA ends up making Disney a ton of money.

  7. I kept getting an error when I was trying last night. Tried a few times and then waited. about hour or so later tried again and got that same message....it may have counted those errors as failed attempts and temp locked you out...either way it's a problem on their end, not ours. But hey if BioWare doesn't want our money...fine by me.
  8. Hey folks,


    I just wanted to pop into the thread and confirm that the Heroic Mission Rewards were reduced. This wasn't intended to be a "stealth change," but it was missed from the patch notes and we apologize for that. We are working on getting it added to the notes soon.


    Sorry for any confusion.




    How dumb do you think we are? This kind of thing happens too often (stealth changes) for anyone with half-a-brain to believe it wasn't intentional.

  9. Y'know I'm very vocal about the things I think they've done wrong and continue to do wrong. But the combination of factors is seriously making me consider finally ending my sub after being here since beta.


    Really Bio? And nice how you don't bother to even mention it in patch notes....That's not slimy at all.


    The bs spin on the "new event" in reality being nothing actually new, cm pack price increase, removing the armor vendors on fleet with the legacy stuff they added not long ago....and now finally this.....I think I may be done.


    I'll wait to see if they say something about it..like if it's temporary or they revert it back...but I'm sick and tired of seeing BioWare nerf crap that makes people reasonable money (and I do mean reasonable, not excessive) and other bs decisions is the final straw I think.


    Just more proof that not only is BioWare Austin, BioWare in name-only...but also that they have no business running an MMO....

  10. i mean come on why is anyone spending money on cm any more. just use in game credits. the credits spammers are awash in the game. its easy to earn credits. strop feeding the money beast called EA/BW.


    Because, genius, SOMEONE still had to buy those crates to contains those items you're spending in-game credits on.....In other words it changes nothing.


    Only way to really do anything is to not buy CM stuff AT ALL (using any means, in game or not) and then hope that enough people follow suit to actually effect change.

  11. That's the biggest problem with this entire event though...it's nothing NEW! Everything involved in this event has been here from the start of the game...this isn't an "event" any more than breathing is an Olympic "event"...it's busy work. It's a scavenger hunt. It's pretend content...it's a terrible sign for this game tbh. It shows just how pathetic development is now...it's non-existent.


    And something those thinking and wanting new FP's/OP's should seriously think and be worried about....if they can't even make content for a "new event" then how can you think they'll ever put in the time/effort for "new" OPs/FP's....I don't see them coming for a very long time, if at all after seeing what this hyped "new event" entails....nothing but old content...

  12. {Just like you can with real dye, you can just suck it back out the clothing and apply it to something else.}


    I love this. Always hilarious to see how little thought trolls put into a post. These "cause you can do ***** IRL right?" sarcasm posts are really stupid. We're playing in another galaxy where you can die and come right back, travel distances in seconds that would take us billions of years, shoot lightning out of our butts, etc, etc ,etc...but you don't think arguing "real world" logic on something isn't completely and utterly stupid? okay then....

  13. Non combat classes were a nice little twist. It added an entire socialization to the game that was unique and special. After all isn't that what MMOs are supposed to do?


    Yeah because there was so much socializing with a toon running a non-stop script in a cantina....They had potential, I'll give you that, but those glasses are still coloring your vision....

  14. I wish they would introduce player bounties. :D


    Yeah because they would matter so much when people can just hide in the pve zones. Or do you also wish to grieve other players by requesting BioWare FORCE anyone on a bounty to be flagged pvp anywhere? Yeah that wouldn't get exploited...or is that what you're wishing for?

  15. The only reason SWG shutdown was because of swtor launching, and they didn't wan't competing MMO's so they didn't renew the lic. At its peak SWG had 500K subs by the launch of JTL, and back during that time was considered great success for an mmo. The game suffered only from 3 things: Poor management decisions, not enough content at launch, slow response to bug/balance fixes.


    The game however carried on despite all the bad stuff that happened to it, and it still remained profitable pretty much to the end. So how about you take off your negativity glasses, and realize that SWG was a ground breaking MMO with features still untouched by today's MMO's. We should be so lucky if there were ever a version 2. In fact, if you were around then, you would know that everyone thought swtor was going to be an even better version of SWG, but boy was everyone wrong.


    Wrong, SWG shut down because they didn't or couldn't renew the license..


    and no it wasn't a ground breaking MMO. If it was, it would have been more successful and the NGE and CU would have NEVER HAPPENED


    again take off those glasses...and just because YOU loved it doesn't mean your opinion of it is right. Everything I stated is almost a fact, proven by SWG's history, lost subs, and final shutdown..Nice try but thanks for playing.

  16. I guess you missed where SWG wasn't doing even as good as SWTOR before the CU/NGE....and bleed subs. SWG was buggy and janky...and had a lot of problems long before CU/NGE....only part of it I miss is JtLS.


    No you can't have your SWG back because it was pretty terrible and the playerbase showed that by leaving in droves. Cities were ghost towns and the worlds, while large, were mostly barren.


    I swear you SWG fanatics need to seriously remove those rose colored glasses....There's a reason SWG got shutdown (beyond Sony losing the license.) Let it rest where it should.

  17. Wish I could say it's good to see I'm not the only one that feels this way. As some of you have said, I get that people have different tastes, but I just can't see how some can see it as "great" much less on par with older BioWare storylines (SW or not) when it's really just bare-bones and seems to have not been planned out much at all since each chapter after 9 doesn't even feel much like it has anything to do with Arcann save a name drop.
  18. Because this first batch is just terrible. Chptr's 1-9 were good and flowed well together and felt connected.


    10+ feels complately disjointed and like it has almost nothing to do with taking on Arcann at all..just a bunch of side missions.


    Your relying too much on tell not show....Arcann shows up in a cutscene or two, growls, says he's going to destroy you over and over..and that's it.


    You're loading screen text talks about him clamping down, tightening his fist, etc....but, again...we don't actually SEE any of this...we just go on another recruitment mission against something Arcann owns, and that's it.


    I love the WAY you're telling the stories now (camera movements, etc) but the story itself is just a jumbled mess and Arcann is like a sickly poodle yapping at you in a cutscene and that's it.


    I really hope in season 2 you better plan the missions and get some flow going, because season 1 has been pretty amateurish at best in regards to storyline itself. It's like you didn't plan anything past chptr 1-9 and have been making up each chapter as you go, by itself...

  19. My mains name (this is not my "main" name) I've been using for just over 25 years now....I came up with it for the old Marvel Superheroes RPG PnP gameset. Couldn't think of a name and me and a buddy were thumbing through some old Marvel Universe mags that showed characters from A-Z to see if a name there could give me an idea.


    I came across that idiot character Sauron, a half-man half-flying dinosaur....thing....named Sauron (as said) This was long before I knew, much less read, anything about LotR. I took that name, dropped the A and it became Suron. It wasn't till I started playing EQ1 and someone told me (and reference LotR) that I ever knew anything about it.


    Still been using Suron as my mains name for, again, over 25 years now. My forum name, ironically, was made up for LotR:Online...I loved Boromir from the LotR movies so I just mashed Suron and Boromir into Suromir. So unintentionally the two names were both derived from characters from LotR...well Suromir was intentional, but Suron wasn't and I didn't even find out the connection till years later.

  20. Supposedly the fall of Arcan anyway. And yes it's dumb. KotFE has been the worst put together storyline I've experienced....after chptr 1-9 it just falls apart into disjointed side quests where you are told about possible recruit(s) then go "help" possible recruit(s) then have possible recruit(s) join you....thrown in are one or two cutscenes with Arcan growling about how awesome he is and how he's going to destroy you....and that's it.


    I swear they're making it up as they go instead of having it already planned out. Vitiate is made a big deal about being in your head....but then he arbitrarily decides to just leave...it's like Bio wasn't sure what to do with that....no real buildup to facing Arcan other than detached side-missions and the occasional cutscene of him growling.


    It's sad really.

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