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Posts posted by Sojorn

  1. Yes Ladies and Gentlemen you too can benefit from my years of training and experience for the low low cost of free ninety nine. If you want to up your win percentage against and with these people please keep reading.


    First a Premade is four people, in either a tank/heals/2dps configuration or a heals/3 dps configuration. Next we must break down these two groups into their subclasses.


    (1) Numberfarmus Maximus, these players have very good eyesight, they look for clumps of people when said clump is found they will most definitely attack in a "patterned" approach. To deal with these groups...spread out...., don't all clump up, and for the love of god do not expect these players to click anything blue or glowie in a warzone, except ranked reward flags, also please refrain from telling them how "bad" they are when you loose the warzone, Numberfarmus Maximus doesn't care if they loose, but next warzone when you are on the other team, they will remember your kind remarks, some go as far as to put players on their friends list so they can be reminded how "bad" they are, and will continue to farm said players.


    How to beat Numberfarmus Maximus, play the obj's but send enough people to keep the beasts killing and farming those numbers. If your team goes to the pylon and sits, Numberfarmus Maxiumus' keen eyesight will see the clump of people and begin calculating all the numbers they can farm. Then after they have killed said players, one of their team mates not in the premade will take your node.


    (2) Tryhardus Objectivus this is our second category to the premade, this premade will be at every pylon, every huttball, every blue glowie thing all the time. The Tryhardus Objectivus is drawn to the glowies like moths to a flame. The way to deal with the Tryhardus Objectivus premades are to go where the tank/heals aren't, unless you have the latent Numberfarmus gene if so go to town on them, and take your node, if six of you can't kill a tank healer combo, especially now a days, maybe it's you and not them.....



    (3) Don'tgiveacrapamus Rex, this premade is four dps, they usually don't care if they win or loose they just enjoy being together and giving each other crap. Didn't want to incur their wraith by leaving them out.


    To win with a premade it's simple, keep the premade together, guard the nodes, peel for their healer, do the little things they aren't going to do. To win against the premade, keep throwing enough bodies to them to satisfy their number farm or feel like they gotta stay at the objective. But I don't want to do that, then you don't want to win, keep playing your way, it's your subscription play how you want.


    Oh wait there is another way also, make friends, when you see someone in a warzone and you like what they are doing put em on your friends list, ask them to group up. Oh but I don't want to do that I am a solo player!!!! Then fine be a solo player, I'm sure that one of these days they will make you a warzone that you can go into and be all alone by yourself with endless blue glowies to click and you can farm numbers on the warzone dummies in there if that's your cup of tea.


    and now you know and knowing is half the battle..... G.I. SOJO!!!!!!!!


    In all seriousness, I'm old I get it, I'll be 50 this year, don't like change, don't like most new people, but premades in pvp aren't going anywhere. Meet some people, don't have to get in discord or anything, just que up with people that you enjoy playing with, however the warzone turns out, if your playing with people you enjoy playing with and being around the losses aren't so bad and the wins are even better. If you don't want to do this play how you want, it's your sub, but crying about it on the forums isn't going to change anything. If your a totally "solo" player realize the limitations to that, you don't do hard mode operations solo do you? there is always "solo" ranked for the "solo" player. So why is it that there is a a category of pvp named "solo". OMG I just solved your all's problem with the premades, just que solo ranked from now on. See problem solved. Your welcome


    As always love in Christ




    Greeting Combatants!

    Season 14 has come to a glorious conclusion! Giradda is very pleased with the performances and has graciously awarded gifts to distinguish the entertaining efforts in the Ranked Warzone Arenas of those who qualify! Enjoy your rewards if you were strong enough to earn them, show them off to all those weaker than you but remember to pay homage to Giradda by participating in Season 16 for even greater rewards and glory! Now get in there and go berserk!

    -Baron Deathmark


    That is from the top of the leaderboards....... First of all I haven't recieved any of these "gifts", secondly I guess season 15 is already out the window cause they want you to play season 16...... Jesus please get with the program bioware..


    Love in Christ


  3. Just so I’m clear about 7.0….


    (1) five more levels in the game to level 80, approximately let’s just say 3 hours of story for estimations sake.

    (2) the removal of iconic abilities, and passives that have been in the game since launch.

    (3) the inability to obtain gear without individual armorings, mods, and enhancements. Outside of master mode operations.

    (4) the addition of no new abilities

    (5) having to complete the gearing process multiple times within one expansion


    But…..I can level a new vanguard using a sniper rifle……


    Sorry but the negatives out way the positives in this one for me. I’m out


    Best wishes to those that stay


  4. I think it would be a great idea if Bioware would make past season ranked rewards in collections, with the release of replica weapons and armor and such. I think when the replica is released the originals should be opened up in collections for those that have them.




  5. Ok in my opinion, since when you do that it makes what you say the gospel truth, I actually believed that a post with the words Oooga Booga would tip you all off as to the parody of what is actually happening in the game. I forgot that the elite forum warriors, god forbid anyone challenge them, would get all bent out of shape and blow it completely out of context.


    I would dare to say, in my opinion, that I have set more nodes than many people on this forum. Way back on Ajunta Pall I was sitting nodes, when a certain person that has already posted in this thread was running with us pub side in Regulators, on their sentinel, I was sitting on the nodes, while they were bragging about their numbers from the “fight in mid”. I’d also dare to say I’ve scored more huttball goals than the majority of the “objective players” in this thread in my swtor time. I’ve been there done that and continue to do so.


    So in my opinion, once again that makes it truth, some of y’all need to calm down and realize this for the parody that it is. I could care less if you play objectives or you number hunt. I think you should be allowed to play the game however you want, but everyone else should as well.


    So in short, this is a parody and a joke about warzones, get over it.


    Love in Christ


  6. In response to all the complaining and griping about objectives and people not doing them in peeveepee, I hereby decree the following:


    In Civil War warzones those who wish not to participate in objectives, please proceed immediately under mid at the beginning of the match. Anyone wishing to participate in objectives, please proceed to the nearest node and prepare to be bored out of your skull for the remainder of the match.


    In Novare Coast warzones those who wish not to participate in objectives, proceed to the little island just south of mid where the tent is at the beginning of the match. Anyone wishing to participate in objectives please refer to the placement in Civil war.


    In Yavin Ruins please refer to to Civil War.


    In Void Star obj players please proceed directly to your assigned door, Non-obj players please proceed to the break in the fencing and prepare to beat each other's brains out.


    In Vandin, please just leave period, like seriously.


    In Queshball, please proceed to the middle layer in the middle of the map and beat each other's brains out, if playing obj's please go ahead and usual, just don't cry and complain when you get roll bugged or leap to someone that isn't there cause the desync is so bad.


    In Odessan, obj players please proceed as usual, non obj players please go to the little ledge just south of the northern most node.


    Huttball, obj players proceed as you wish, non obj players please exit to the right side frogdog, left side rotworms area in mid.


    In Hypergate, obj players please proceed as you wish, non obj players please report to mid and just stay there beating each other's brains out.


    As a reminder, obj players who manage to stray into these designated areas are subject to being treated as non obj players. Non obj players who manage to stray into the areas listed for obj players will be ridiculed and made fun of.


    Anyone found in violation of the above treaty is subject to Oooga Booga.

  7. 11/14/2019 patch did nothing to fix warmongerer, the it will show off cooldown but will remain unusable until force charge just feels like being used again, sometimes even longer than the full 15 seconds. Please fix and actually fix it this time.
  8. @ Eric


    Whom do we speak to in regards to a refund of tech fragments, mk-11, credits to remove mods from The Right Price set? It was not listed as one that had a tool tip bug, and was purchased with that in mind. Kinda mind boggling with everything else going on in this game with some of the other classes that of course PT set bonus was of such high importance that it called for this.





  9. Shield tech at the moment is fine, the worse thing about them at the moment is what internal/elemental damage can do to it, and the fact that they are shield based which isn’t that great for pvp much better is pve.


    Plasma, well to be honest I think they screwed that spec up when they did the pass and changed the trees, way back when assault/pyro were the burst specs, tactics/ap were the dot specs. The problem in my opinion here is that they took the best from pyro/assault and just put it into what we know as ap/pyro today and then just put what was left over into pyro which always struggled with ammo management in the beginning and the merge of the two trees into what we have today made it worse. I’d go back in a heart beat to playing pyro/assault the way it was when the game came out if the other classes and specs were all balanced equally.


    But again it’s a mid range dot spec with little to no defensive cooldowns, see hatred assassin, same boat except they have an anti tunnel ability. It suffers from the same fundamental problem as ap/tactics not enough staying power in the current pvp world. By the time they get good dots up and going they are dead and they have to come back from the cloaner and start the whole process again. Where as other dot spread classes have more surviviability and can just refresh dots with their mechanic.


    Just my thoughts



  10. Today , 11:22 AM | #4


    If you're going to come to the forums complaining about your class/subclass, you need to substantiate those complaints with something more valid than your opinion, which in this case is very anecdotal and subjective to your PvP performance.


    I will attempt to put this more into the format you seem to want. In the beginning of the game vanguard/powertech was a 30 meter class. As such the class had ranged cool downs, two, shield and kolto. Since that time we have been moved more into a 10 meter class, however the class still has the defensives of well to be honest not even a ranged class or a melee class. Mostly this was because of our ability and I’ll use powertech abilities in this scenario to stack, thermal detonator, sticky grenade, and Cell burst with rockets off the global cool down into a very short “burst phase”.


    Slowly but surely they have adjusted the class away from this first putting rockets on a internal cool down, second we were one of the first to loose the 30 percent crit surge buff to abilities, then they removed sticky grenade completely, allowing us to only stack two of the original abilities into the same “burst phase”. However they have failed to give the class well any identity now, the removal of the damage resistance while stunned just means we get tunneled through shield now instead of having a probability of survival. We are the last class without an anti tunnel ability. The failure here is two fold, first they left us with the defensives of what a totally ranged class should have and the addition of new abilities to other classes without considering the effect on others particularly vanguard/powertech.


    This is a perfect example of why “balancing within classes only” is a horrible design. Vanguard/powertech used to be the first kill because of the damage we can put out. Now we are the first kill because it’s just easy to do and fast.


    I’ve played vanguard/powertech since launch, on every level there is to play one on. I have one at command rank 300 in fact it was my first command rank 300 toon. It was in hopes that the class would get re-evaluated at some point and fixed however that just isn’t happening. The class was marketed as the front line fighter when the game came out what would the classification be now. Mid ranged cannon fodder? A soldier who’s weapon can’t fire a rail shot or high impact bolt past 10 meters? That infantry guy that launches heavy ordinance but only 10 meters in front of him?


    I am curious as to what actually the developers think the class is about now.


    I hope this was a more detailed post as you requested.



  11. A small update to this post.


    While gearing up other toons, I have taken a few excess coms and put some gear on my pt/van. With the current imbalance with certain characters dps it has made little difference. Running with a tank/heals I have found that I can work my butt off in a warzone for maybe third place on the boards. On the bright side the tank and heals I run with have had some excellent numbers 6.1 mil prot, and 10k hps lol. I'll let you all guess who the tank was guarding and who the dps were tunneling while the healer did their job.......


    The update here is gear doesn't help our situation, our lack of dcd's for a "10 meter" class, which really fury mara and rage jug are in that category, it isn't even close. The "numbers pass" the developers are doing right now will make no difference in "class balance", our only hope here is that when they finally get around to utilities, we actually get something decent, besides something in just about every tier that we have to take for hydraulic overrides which they nerfed the cool down on........ I am eyeing that heal on shield... they can keep the 70 percent kolto, that's a 3 minute cooldown, that heal on shield would be juicy, but it would still only leave us with the shield and "snicker" kolto as dcds. The defense on aoe taunt is useless and should be made back to resist like it was before mara's got it on obfuscate........


    I just wanted to come back and update what I had found with the class, which is not much has changed. Hopefully it will get better, or maybe that's just wishful thinking.


    Anyone else decided to play dps van/pt? What's your thoughts?

  12. Ladies and Gentlemen,


    Since the release of 5.0 I have tried many different talent set ups and strategies for PVP and all I can say is UGHHH!!


    The devs have stated in the preview that 4.0 van/pts where in a good spot and very versatile, and they were right, however when you update classes and continually neglect/nerf others it does create a very wide gap that as of right now I will say can't be over come.


    Going back to the beginning of the game van/pt was a 30 meter class our trade off was we had the defensives of a ranged class. Basically two, reactive shield and kolto overload. The devs have continuously moved us to a more melee class, which is fine however we only have the same cool downs we did when we were a 30 meter class. Which was again fine with the amount of damage and pressure we could put out. In 5.0 I currently have resorted to pillar humping and fringe fighting. The front line class we once were is gone my friends.


    I find myself using hold the line trying to run for los instead of chasing people down, with all the movement that other classes have and other abilities I believe we are an antique relic that can safely be hung up on the wall. We are the only class left in the game outside of snipers, which are a ranged class with a class based cc immunity mechanic, that has no anti tunneling ability. If you have stepped foot in a 4v4 you have undoubtably recognized this. For the last two expansions Van/PT are the focus for any team, we get tunneled over any other class. And before anyone says it yes even over a sniper/slinger or a merc/commando.


    My Vanguard was my first toon, my first Elite Warlord, and a ton of fun even through the fiasco of 2.0, but this is the worst I can ever remember the class being.


    To those of you I have had the pleasure of pvping with and against on Ajunta Pall, Bastion, PoT5 and Ebon Hawk I salute you. I will be retiring from Vanguard/PT the class just holds no place for me anymore moved closer and closer to melee but keeping the current defenses is a direction I do not agree with or wish to see the class go.


    To those of you sticking with the class I wish you nothing but success and prosperity.



  13. I have a question, sojo who would you rather impregnate? Galvic? stringcheese?(aka bibi) or Hollyhox?

    Also please write reason with your choice....

    Thank you


    Great question


    My preference would be Galvic the thought of a Galvic Sojo Hybrid is down right scarry, on second thought that would be the anti Christ, I would probably go with Stringcheese the idea of a vanguard that can heal to full would be amazing.


    Hope your stitches heal up soon



  14. Dear Sojo,


    I am an avid poacher and I was wondering, where might I find the largest safari beasts to hunt? I was told to seek large mammals in the plains of Ebon Hawk, but I know not in what regions to find these beasts? Please, I seek your wisdom.


    --Werko the Poacher


    This is an excellent question Werko, when stalking the primitive beasts of the wilds you must go to the imperial fleet. Be warned however they become vicious when wounded and will try and take stuff from you.


    Hope this helps, Love in Christ



  15. Since it is the time of year for giving I thought I would allow others to ask me questions and impart my knowledge to anyone that has any questions they want answered.


    1st Question Who is Sojo Answer A lone man on a dewback on fleet.


    actually I'm old and funny so please feel free to ask me any questions regarding swtor or other areas of life.


    Please take this with a grain of salt, I'm trying to liven things up around here...

  16. The scene opens with a clear blue sky and pans down to a podium where you see a Sith Juggernaut, and he says:


    Greetings and Salutations my name is Stranglar, most of you all know me from my trolling of the PeeVeePee channel on the imperial fleet, but today I would like to take a moment and speak to you about a growing concern to all people that elect to PeeVeePee. "Steps down from Podium, where a small boy is standing", Will you tassel my hair Lord Wraith, Sure kid, "Force choke" kids hair stands on end and we move on.


    No, I'm not here today to address the growing jawa population, and it's threat to overwhelm the galaxy as we know it, but mark my words, soon a fleet of them will wipe out the imperials and the republic just sayin. Today I want to speak to you all about Imperial side PeeVeePee.


    At the moment Imperial side PeeVeePee is to say the least "struggling". We have had an abundance of server transfers and rerolls and I would like to welcome you all to the server. However most of these have been republic, the numbers on pub fleet and imp fleet are askew by a lot most of the hours of the day. PeeVeePee pops on pub side are incredibly fast, and a lot of times are pub on pub. I have set in imp que for 20 minutes since the influx of people without a pop, which saddens me. Now don't get me wrong I enjoy playing PeeVeePee in fact it's all I do in the game, both sides of the fence, I have mirror classes of each toon I roll. but it's extremely frustrating at times with some of the stuff going on in Imps PeeVeePee.


    Imperial's need more healers in PeeVeePee, to start with, the pubs seem to have two to three a match, "not over exaggerating either on this one" while we have none to maybe 1, The Pub PeeVeePee guilds are well coordinated and it's a pleasure to sit on a node sometimes and follow target of target of people as to how some of you all work. Imp target of target is more like you never see the same name twice or a target marker on anyone's target if you know what I mean.


    While I am excited for all the new arrivals and server transfers, I would like to suggest that the imperial's need some players too. It's not as much fun killing people in PeeVeePee of the same faction imo.


    As always any time spent in consideration of this matter is greatly appreciated should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at your convenience.


    Stranglar, Seje, Sojo, Manglar, Saedist, Sojorn, Sylops, Syjy and the list goes on and on....

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