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Posts posted by dshoop

  1. I wanted to know if the next expansion that raises the level cap, if it will be expected that you have not done Ziost yet. Both Rise of the Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan seemed designed for a character to not have done Illum or the Revan prequel dungeon set. I understand that this is a question that will probably not be answered. TL: DR Will it be worth doing Ziost now if it means GRINDING later to reach level cap after the next level increasing expansion?
  2. i think they should seperate the servers, allow those of us who want to play subscription get to choose between a f2p server and a subscription server while f2p players are obviously on f2p servers, that way subscribers don't have to put up with the idiots that join f2p games and ruin it for the rest of us.
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