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Posts posted by Wombatninja

  1. An RPG like Skyrim or Fallout would be amazing. But Unlikely.



    Three Factions: Republic, Empire, Hutt/Criminal Leaders.


    You can be a Force User, and you can join the Empire or the Rep and become a Jedi. Just like you can be a wizard and join the Greybeards or the Brotherhood of Darkness.


    Planets/Locations: DK, Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa and, a war-torn planet.


    When you travel from one planet to another, you can get interrupted by Pirates or Empire(If your Republic) Or Republic(If your Empire).




    ^ My little Fantasy.




    ...HELL YES... my buddy and i have debated this game creation for a while now.....and i believe it would generate a great game....

  2. I play a 50sage atm with a decent amount of pvp gear (10.04% pvp bonus) and the only time i've exceeded 500k is if I'm using a lot of my aoe heal... when fighting over the central node in alderaan or trying keep up someone taking the door whilst stunning attackers its a good time to drop


    other than those instances I usually hit around 250k-350k per game if I'm productive....

  3. I was hoping that someone would site something from the book 'Shatterpoint'....


    I'm not sure about juyo, but mace did create and use the vaapad lightsaber system that apparently even yoda could not master....This did bring him very close to the darkside as everytime he used it he had to hold back.


    Also if no one in this thread has read Shatterpoint it's probably one of the best Star Wars novels imo...

  4. this is a feature that I wish was updated/fixed as well, also i wish they would look into the option of turning of the 'smart' camera....so that it doesn't always snap back to the centered 3rd person view....
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