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Posts posted by chaoticzero

  1. Going to spell this out for the derps who think the "elite raiders" are just mindlessly qq'ing.


    Most people who raid typically have pvp champ or t1 weapons since we don't get to decide who gets what in normal mode raids (somewhat silly but fine.) Since loot cant be distrubuted it equals out to hefty dose of luck on who gets an upgrade for currently the best wep in the game being columi.


    Now we shouldn't have to farm needlessly to grind out 16 weapons and most of the time it goes to someone who already has the columi weapons. For people who have columi you are being silly sit down shut up and be patient till it's fixed the people who should honestly be upset are the guilds stuck in tionese weapons because they aren't "lucky" enough to get an upgrade.


    Lastly the people with t1 wep's are doing most of the raging because they have a token which would be a considerable upgrade over their current t1 not some marginal 1% going from columi ---> rakata.

  2. Half of the problem with aoe threat is the dps attacking 15 different targets and expecting the jugg to hold them all it's not done.


    Sins/PT's have a better snap aoe aggro gain where jugg's smash and aoe taunt are minimal at best.


    I typically don't have too much trouble holding adds in nightmare/hard OP's being the only tank for most of it just have dps hold off i use TS, smash, intimidating roar, smash again and probably sweeping strikes. if they start to pull away use chilling scream.


    Some of this lack of better aoe threat is on the dev's the other half is the players.

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