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Posts posted by Yojiro

  1. The title says it all - I am looking for a pug to do a couple of group ranked pvp matches to get the silly crystals and who knows more. The idea is to try to win but I am not very bothered if we lose, to be honest.


    I'm an MM slinger with 2018 exp and starting on the Dark Reaver stuff.


    If anyone's insterested, answer here or whisper/mail Tholric in game.


    Thanks in advance

  2. Far too few to make a name for yourself and I have actually had team mates demand I leave match before round 1 even starts. They would rather risk a match 3 v 4 then go in with a full DR augmented dps mando / merc.


    I have seen this happen with a couple of Snipers/Slingers too. It's actually what put me off of Ranked this Season. I can (moderately) deal with class balance issues, but this kind of attitude from a PUG puts me off.

  3. I have just one question about transfering away from ELO and to X nr of matches played........what`s ur inceptive to stop ppl from being afk or not giving a damn at all(like queuing naked just to die faster and end faster to then requeue) since both wins and losses count the same?


    So what's the difference between that and the wintrading/trolling/queuesynching/queuedodging that's going on?


    ITT: I had no idea the PVP crowd were actually Pirates of the Caribbean IN SPACE! :rolleyes:

  4. Two days ago I ran KDY with a tank that couldn't hold aggro and a healer that had no clue how to lower threat. Can't blame that on 12xXP Incidentally they were both in their 50s.


    I am not saying there aren't bad players already. There are and they will always exist. And while I agree that good players will adapt easily to the new class after awhile and will blend seamlessly back into the fray, those bad players will be worse and will make for worse PUG experiences. They will affect Regular PVP, solo Ranked PVP (the latter being the catastrophe we all know it already is), Group Finder, etc, etc.


    Maybe I am just showing too little faith in the community, or I am just tired of seeing 60's who already have no idea of what they're doing and am letting that affect me. Meh.

  5. And as I stated waaayyyy back on page 4 or 5 (lol).... a lot of players (myself included) couldn't play their class after grinding up the hard way. We had to rely on good guildmates, reading forums, or understanding fellow players to help us learn our class. This was my first MMO as far as traditional tank/dps/heal roles. I had NO CLUE how to play my class in a HM Op, and PvE story missions did little to train that.


    A unknowledgeable player will still be pretty bad after hitting level 55 if all they have done is PvE story/planet missions.


    Well said.....Yojiro


    Bottom line.... a player, to be good at HM or OPs has to do some homework (for gearing), and also have some good coaching by someone to understand the intricacies of his/her new class. I did get pretty good at my assassin tank (good enough to be my guilds off tank and main tank if our main was out)...but when I went to play my Pyromech Bounty hunter I had to learn a lot all over again (gearing, rotation...etc) PvE didn't teach me that....I did.


    I guess that varies from player to player. I tend to get a pretty good feel of the class as I level up, or so I believe anyway: usually the rotations I use aren't far off from the optimal, the gearing is as I'd imagine etc etc after I check the internet and talk with more experienced class players. Please note I am not gloating - I guess it's just the best way for me to learn the class. This, I will admit, may skew my views on this particular issue :o.


    And even though I agree that the internet and other, more experienced players helping out with their knowledge is a wonderful help that will minimize the shock that is the speed leveling under the 12x XP regime, I am pretty sure not all players will bother doing that. And those players will have even less experience with their class than they previously had - they will suck even more, causing the endgame group impact aforementioned.

  6. And all those forum threads made by people wanting free gear, and people describing how 12XP affected FP's and OP's never happened? Are you going to accuse them of being untruthful for some ulterior motive?


    You may have had a positive experience with the 12XP, but not everyone did.


    I believe this is the bottom line of this discussion.

  7. I think he is and I think you are being irrational.


    First, most people asking for this are asking for it to be a LEGACY perk (meaning it's not the players first character). One character is all it takes to get the basics of SWTOR...this game's not nearly as complex as you are making it out to be.


    Second, you're talking about group issues...even if he grinds his character 1-60 on every mission, there's a VERY good chance that a player will NEVER group from 1-60. This changes nothing.


    Finally, I actually believe 12xXP made me a better player on my Microwave Merc because I out leveled all my gear and my companion was in whatever crap Treek comes in. Because I was so under geared, I absolutely HAD to play better!


    Bottom line - 12xXP didn't have anything but a positive impact on the game.


    I don't believe any of us (you included) are being irrational - at the most I would say you are showing far more... trust? I guess, in the community than we are (Hell, far more than I am anyway).


    And to clarify a bit, in my post I am mostly talking about endgame grouping that relies on players knowing their characters and their skill sets from the inside out. This, however, does not validate the fact that there are many, MANY "traditional" 60's out there that have no clue of what they are doing. As for complexity, I am (almost) sure you'll agree with me that the Sniper class and, for example, the Assassin class are worlds apart - the game is not as dumb as you are making it out to be either ;).


    Regarding the 12xp as a legacy perk unlock - I am inclined to think the idea less aggressive if it's instated like that, but there's something telling me that EA would want to capitalize on this and make it accessible via CM unlock, regardless of what Eric says... It's just too much of a temptation for them to resist.


    As for it making you a better player, that is your opinion and, considering what you said, that would put far more pressure on you as a player. But I am pretty sure most players would have the mods at the ready for every possible orange gear upgrade so that they steamroll through everything, just in case their outleveling the quests wouldn't carry them on their own.


    In the end, you can colour me skeptical, at the best.

  8. OMG lol! Your false dramatization about how bad this was is complete and absolute bull.


    12xXP was great for the game, bad players remained bad players and people got their gear like they always did.


    Only nosy people with no life care how anyone reached 60...it's absolutely a non-factor...seriously, why the hell do you care HOW someone reaches 60?! It's a freaking game...enjoy it!!! If that means a new 60 to play with, great!!! If that means leveling up the original way, go for it!


    12x Xp = 3/4 days, at the most, for anyone with a decent amount of time to level a 60. That means players will not have as much knowledge of their classes as it is recommended: which will impact their performance in endgame PVP/PVE group situations (Except of course if they are playing a class that they have already "mastered"), causing the group performance to drop overall, etc etc....


    I don't think he's being nosy at all. He's just showing a (very, imo) possible outcome of the impact of speed leveling characters in endgame group content.

  9. LOL, That little fur ball cracks me up. But she can get on my nerves SOMETIMES, and when that happens. I simply turn the VOLUME DOWN. :eek: WOW can you believe it? Its just that easy to stop the insanity....... :D


    BW/EA has Approved this Public Service Message..........


    You gotta remember that it's hard for some MMO players to use the volume knob because they get uncomfortable with anything that has knobs on them :cool:

  10. HK: "Master is confused. *uses Assasinate* I can only see one."


    Strong Mobs? What's that?


    Though one must remember HK is the lazy option. Correct use of Defensive CD's, CC and interrupts along with decent gear for yourself (with your companion taking the leftovers you find here and there) will make things far, far smoother.

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