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Posts posted by purewitz

  1. Yes!

    I completely agree with you.


    Remove the freeloaders in "preferred" who think because they pay something at some time they deserve ongoing rights. Delete Preferred completely.


    And severely tighten the restrictions around F2P

    I was being sarcastic, but if Bioware can't run a multi-tiered Freemium business model correctly. They might as well go back to a Pay to Play subscription only business model like World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy 14, or maybe switch a Buy to Play business model like The Elder Scrolls Online or Guild Wars 2 with paid expansions.

  2. Or just stop *********** around and just SUB SUB SUB

    If that's the case, then Bioware should just take SWTOR back to be a full-on all or nothing pay to play game like World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy 14. Star Wars: The Old Republic is a multi-tiered freemium game, it's not even a true free to play game. There is a difference. Free to Play is absolutely free with a cash shop and Freemium is a portion of the game is free, a middle tier for those who have spend money on the game in-cash shop, expansions, or previous subscriber with continued access to what they have paid for with restrictions, and unlimited access subscription with a cash shop. Pay to play is all or nothing, either you sub or you don't play with a cash shop sometimes, and TOR hasn't been pay to play since 2012. So please stop yell, "SUB SUB SUB", because this isn't a pay to play game.

  3. I wonder if this would make everyone happy.


    Give Level 70 Preferred Status Players (Someone who has already paid for the current level cap of level 70 by means of Subscribing.) access to the Galactic Command System, but with a reduction of Command XP gain at either say 50% or 75% less than the current gain rate of CXP that a Subscriber currently gets.


    So pretty much Level 70 Preferred Players would only have access to solo content (Story Chapters and Heroics), Warzones, 4 player group content (Flashpoint and Uprisings) that they already have access to right now and the same restrictions that they already have right now as well, but be able to use the Galactic Command System window, gain CXP at a reduced rate and be able to gain Command Crates as well per Command Rank. So they can participate and progress in end game activities like they did pre-5.0. Which in turn would solve the population decline and give Subscribers more players to queue up with for end game activities that only can be queued for through the Galactic Command System window.


    Also while we're at it, let's bring back Operation Passes as well. Although this time let's make sure they can't be sold on the GTN. Maybe they could be giftable direct purchase codes bought on the website here, that you have to enter on the website here(like other codes we use for 30 day subs and Cantina tour in-game items.). So if someone what's a friend to do a week of Ops with them. They can buy the OPs Pass outside of the game, and give the code to their Level 70 Preferred Satus Player friend outside of the game. So we don't have to go through the problems of the past with OPs Passes being available on the GTN in-game.


    In conclusion I repeatedly said, "Level 70 Preferred Status Players" for a reason. I am referring to those that have at least subbed for one or more months since the release of 5.0 Knights of the Eternal Throne that was released last December 2016. I am not referring to Preferred Status Players who have only spend 5 dollars or more in the Cartel Market. What I am suggesting is only for people who have subbed in the past and have the current level cap of level 70. And going forward what I'm suggesting, should only be available to Preferred Status Players who sub to get the new expansion and new level cap. They should indeed be able to continue to progress in the end game. Even if they unsub, but they should be able to progress with reduced CXP gain rates and with restrictions, and no OPs without a Pass.

  4. Here's an idea...


    Create 8 new level 70 class story's all based around Kashyyyk. 4 for the Republic side and 4 for the Imperial side.


    Make it full class story's too like the old style but for level 70. Include the exploration missions. No CLASSIC STYLE either PLEASE.


    You guys really need to go back to 8 class story missions again.


    That would be awesome, I'd love to have the class stories back.

  5. For those who played Knights of the Old Republic II, Onderon is a planet filled with nostalgia. Of all the planets we had to visit as the Exile I think the Onderon and the Civil War arc was my favourite one and when I think of Old Republic, Onderon is one of the first planets that I identify that era with. It's why I was surprised five years ago when I started the game to not see the iconic planet of Onderon included in the visitable planets or places, which I found a real pity. Still, SWTOR is far from over and with new content on the horizon I think it would be a great idea if the planet of Onderon was still included into the game and perhaps made into a daily zone like we had with Oricon, Ziost and now Iokath, aka overarching story arc and subsequently repeatable content.


    I think the lore of Onderon would provide a great amount of interesting and intriguing opportunities for story as well as daily missions. We could have the beautiful city of Iziz to explore, the dangerous jungles around the city to brave. Perhaps a rebel faction has arisen within the jungle and seeks to finish what Vaklu started, or remnant Zakuulan forces trying to to create an army of jungle beasts. Or we could have traces of the traitor on Onderon and we got there with the Alliance forces to seek to unearth who they are and what they want.


    On top of that, with a renewed interest from the Devs in Strongholds with the new daily zone we could also perhaps get a new stronghold on Onderon. Perhaps an estate in the city of Iziz or outpost in the jungle. It would be a great opportunity to have a stronghold in a great environment.


    I think and hope the return of Onderon would please those who played KOTOR I & II a lot and bring back that feeling of nostalgia when landing upon the new world. I'd very much love to hear the thoughts of the community on this idea!


    I'd rather see Kashyyyk added first before Onderon, but having Onderon at some point with a Beast Riders' story would be cool.

  6. currently I'm subscribing, but.. i have gone from someone who used to subscribe with nearly no breaks (first break of any genuine length I took was after last chapter of KOTFE was released. and here is something that those people who keep talking about some hypothetical "paid $5" player - do not understand.vast, VAST majority of preferred in question are players who have subscribed at some point. usually recently otherwise, they wouldn't be able to hit lvl 70. and more importantly - the people who are hurt the most by preferred inability to participate in end game? are not even preferred. its subscribers who have lost a large chunk of population to play with. back when weekly passes still existed? this chunk of population could still participate, could still add to those queuing up for all kinds of things, or even playing with organized guild groups. now? not so much. I forgot who said it, one of the posters here, who may not even play anymore.


    preferred players ARE content.


    does this mean preferred accounts should get exactly the same acess as subscribers? no. but it does mean that they should have AN acess, to the end game. they could be leveling galactic rating at half the speed of subscribers. they could have lower chance percentage for tier pieces to drop from said crates. their acquisition of fragments/whatever could be slower then that of a subscriber - one for every 2 crates instead of one every crate, lower rewards from pvp, etc. but they need to be allowed to participate. because you cannot force people to subscribe. they won't subscribe, if you make it all or nothing. they will just leave. and then.. you have fewer and fewer people to play with.


    some of you are sooooo stuck trying to justify your subscription costs that you forget about overall health of the game.


    Well said. Glad you're among the many of us that understand the issue and understand what the right resolution to the issue is.

  7. How much is a preferred player paying to play the game? Nothing, right? The last time I checked paying nothing for something was getting that something for FREE, or a FREE RIDE.


    Current content does not necessarily mean ALL content, especially end game.




    BW: "We appreciate that ONE TIME $5 purchase you made. Here is access to the entire game."


    That does not sound like good business practice to me.




    Because those players did not "betray" BW by not financially supporting a game which they want to play (and have access to more of that game) for FREE?





    It seems to me that BW has already made their decision, by setting the levels of access that they did, and leaving those levels as they have been set for years.


    The very definition of Preferred Status Player (As set by BioWare at the time of the free to play conversion) means you have paid money into the game, many Subscribers confuse, don't know, or understand the differences between a Free to Play Player and a Preferred Status Player. There is a big difference between the two. F2P Players have paid nothing into the game and deserve nothing extra than they are given, whereas Preferred Status Players have paid money into the game and deserve what they paid for at the time of their last subscription with restrictions.


    As for the 5 dollar minimum, most Preferred Status Players have paid in way more than just that 5 dollars. Many bought the game at launch or pre-ordered, subbed for at least until the free to play conversion if not longer. Plus many newer and veteran Preferred Status Players buy stuff from the Cartel Market, pay for subs at least when there's a new story expansion or when they can. Yes there are those that only paid their 5 dollars once, but those are the minority. If BioWare is going to continue with a Freemium Tiered Business Model, they need to make sure they are taking care of all their paying customers or just go back to the Pay to Play business model. I'm not saying Preferred Status Players should get the unlimited access that Subscribers gets, but they should get the end game that they paid for with a sub with restrictions.


    I'm done debating, I've expressed my opinion. I'm tired of dealing with ignorant people that don't understand how a Freemium Business Model is supposed to work. I will be reading posts from this thread, but I will not be replying anymore. As I said in a previous post, BioWare needs to do something sooner rather than later and they need to do it quick or the game will never recover from the lowly state it currently is in.

  8. I think this is a moan from paying subscribers, who don't want to pay anymore, and are saying what the reasons for them paying is, in the hope that Bioware add that to the preferred model so the players can stop subbing and still enjoy that part of the game.


    Anyone who thinks that adding more to the preferred model will increase subscriptions is either a lunatic or lying. I don't think I'm alone in saying that I've unlocked pretty much everything with my free CC, so there are very few things left that I need to be subbed for. If enough of them are added to the preferred model, you can kiss my (and probably a good few others) sub goodbye.


    Gaming would probably be considered a luxury. It's not something that you need, it's something that you enjoy. Like all other luxuries, whether it's a Starbucks, a McDonalds or whatever. Stop pretending like free gaming is a right and pay for the bloody thing.


    You missing the point, I'm not talking about a free ride. I'm talking about getting what you paid for, but with restrictions. After your sub lapses. Everything I suggested would still push toward a subscription to relieve said restrictions. If BioWare is going to say, "all you need to do is sub to get all current content and a new level cap". Then they should let players still play that content for what goes along with that level cap with restrictions after their sub runs out. If they feel they can't do that, then they should either go back to full paid expansions for everyone (Preferred can have their end game back, because they paid say 30 bucks for the expansion.) or they should go back to a full pay to play business model.


    The way things have been since the launch of 5.0, has been bleeding this game of players. The game is at all-time low right now, server population wise. BioWare needs to do something sooner than later or fail victim to the mistakes of other MMORPGs of the past that had a short service life. Showing Preferred Status Players that they appreciate what money Preferred Status Players do spend on this game will go a long way and will make some actually sub. Because they will know that BioWare appreciates that they actually spend money on the game.


    Right now Preferred Status Players feel like they have been betrayed by BioWare for locking them out of end game all together and aren't playing, after they hit level 70. Some Subscribers hated the original Galactic Command System, so some have unsubbed and haven't returned yet. The lack of players on the servers are proof of that and also the long queue times as well. BioWare need to make changes to keep the game going. The recent changes to Galactic Command are a step in the direction, but so is bring back level capped Preferred Status Players to the end game with restrictions.


    In the end everyone has opinions on what should happen or should not happen and everyone is entitled to there opinions. People have been sharing their opinions and BioWare needs to collect all those opinions and make a decision sooner than later. I just hope for better or for worse, they make the right decision that will keep the game going for years to come. If not EA should move on and make a new Star Wars MMORPG, before their license runs out. Which is rumored to be 2023.

  9. I agree with the OP. Preferred Status Players are paying customers. They don't spend money all the time, but they pay into the game. Either through the Cartel Market or subbing when there is a new expansion. I personally think that if someone has paid for a month's sub to get the current expansion, to get the current level cap. They should be able to keep everything that goes with that current level cap with restrictions. Like right now Level 70 Preferred Status Players should have restricted access to the Galactic Command System.


    Meaning they should have the restrictions that have always been in place for various end game activities since the beginning of the Free to Play switch. With the addition of lowered Galactic Command XP gained, access to only tier 1 armor sets and weapons, no Disintegrate with crate items, no gear items from crates, can only get Command Tokens from crates to use on the Tier 1 Gear vendors and non-gear items from crates, etc. Only other thing I'd add is story mode only access to Operations and Uprisings with a no boss loot restriction for both and a restriction of only 2 or 3 completed Operations and Uprisings can be done per week.


    I think giving Preferred Status Players a good and fair taste of end game, will bring in more subs ultimately and boost the populations on servers as well.

  10. What about Kashyyyk as a Story/Daily, maybe a FP, planet?

    I would totally enjoy that, especially a story with/about the wookies. :rolleyes:


    I love your suggestion, I've been wanting Kashyyyk since beta. Only thing I'd add is the return of Jakarro The Wookiee as a player companion. I love Bowdaar, but it would be awesome to have a Wookiee companion that can use a Bowcaster. Also maybe Jakarro could be the one to calls us to Kashyyyk as well. Maybe Czerka has returned to try and enslave the Wookiees again and Jakarro is leading a fight against Czerka and calls the Eternal Alliance for aid in the fight against the Czerka invasion. Perhaps Light Side choice would lead this siding with the Wookiees and Dark Side choices would lead to siding with Czerka. Either way have Kashyyyk and see the return of Jakarro would be awesome. I personally think Jakarro should have come back with Lana and Theron. How do you only have only 2/3rds of the Forged Alliance return and not all? Really? What were you thinking, BioWare?

  11. Consular and jedi knight male are both terrible, Can't stand the "soft" jedi knight voice...

    You do know that the male Consular is Nolan North aka Nathan Drake from the Uncharted video game series, among many, many other VA roles and the male Jedi Knight is David Hayter aka Solid Snake from the Metal Gear video game series, among many, many other VA roles. Both voice actors are highly respected in their field, they get work very frequently and have been working for a long, long time. You should IMDB them both sometime and you'll see that they're both doing fine regardless of you thinking that they are terrible.

  12. Wrong point of the thread.

    Nobody should care about that 33rd companion. But chapter locked behind endless subscription? For unlocking that i would sing up.


    That's exactly the point I've been trying to make as well. Missing out on story is the problem, not missing out on a companion. Although in this current scenario, the companion is connected to missing out on the extra story in this case though.

  13. Unless he had a different director than literally every other player-character, who range from at least adequate to brilliant, I don't see how that could be the case. The other possibility is the role called for a type of performance outside the VA's comfort zone or ability, and the director just didn't want to be flexible.


    Before you judge the man on one role, do yourself a favor and do some research and look at this list of the work he has done over the years. The list even includes some audio sound clips of some of his roles. His most famous role is Nathan Drake from the Uncharted video game series. Another highlight of his career (To me at least.) is his portrayal of The Penguin in Batman Arkham Origins. Regardless Nolan North is a veteran voice actor who has done many animated TV shows, movies, and video games.



  14. I wasn't alive when The Lord of the Rings first editions came out, can I get one of them? Or an original Sergeant Pepper's?


    You can still get reprints, reissues, and remasters of both. Which contains the same story and the same music. So you're point is?...

  15. It's a good thing story content isn't being "withheld." As to your point on companions, there are well over 30 companions you can obtain thanks to KOTFE. Losing out of HK-55 isn't that big of a deal as there are plenty of others you can achieve. Unlike Nico, you can't even get HK-55 until you start KOTFE, so having him exclusive to subscribers is hardly unfair. If you really want him that badly, just never progress in the story and you can keep him forever.


    Wow, lol. You're a funny guy, you should do standup.


    The problem is say in months from now, as an example. Say for a newer player HK-55 is destroyed (Never to be rebuilt.), but his friend has HK-55 rebuilt and standing right next to him. Plus the player with HK-55 rebuilt got to see a bonus story with HK-55, where the newer player lost him forever. Is it really fair to have the story that drastically different for two players like that? Especially when the newer player might have not even been playing the game at the time of the promotion period. Something like having story withheld and having say a mount withheld are two totally different things. A lot of people play SWTOR for the story and to miss out on story is a big deal for most. Especially when they are more than will to pay for said story at a later date, knowing about promotional period or not, is besides the point. I hope BioWare learns from this mistake and keeps subscriber rewards just to in-game items.

  16. I think it would only be fair if you would make HK-55 available in cartel market for people who couldn't or weren't subscribed on January 11th 2016 instead of making it seem like a punishment for the people who weren't subscribed.


    I completely agree with you. Although they can't do anything about it now, because it would be false advertisement to change things now for subscriber rewards for Knights of the Fallen Empire. But I will say that promising companions and story mission content as subscriber rewards is just plain wrong. Items, such as crystals, mounts, moddable armor, decorations, etc. are all one thing. We have plenty of all that to buy in the cartel market or earn in the game, so missing out on something such as items is no big deal. But missing out on a companion or story content, is a completely different story. Story content especially should never be withheld from any player that is willing to pay for it.

  17. Hey folks,


    We have been doing a lot of internal playtesting on the Eternal Championship and it is currently not at a level that we believe our players deserve. In keeping with our commitment to offer the highest quality experience possible with our latest expansion, we have decided to delay the launch of the Eternal Championship. We are focusing on overall balance, ensuring each boss fight is challenging, endeavoring to exceed quality expectations, and most of all, making sure it is a fun experience. Please note Bowdaar will also be delayed, but will continue to launch alongside the Eternal Championship.


    To help ensure we deliver on the deeper experience we promised, we have decided to make the Eternal Championship available on our Public Test Server (PTS) prior to releasing it. We are eager to make this feature as high quality as possible and would love to get your feedback as we work to strengthen it. Once we nail down the release schedule we will let you know how to get access on PTS.


    I will provide more information as I have it; our goal is to have more information in the next 4-6 weeks. Thank you.




    I'm sorry to hear that, I've been anxiously waiting for the canon return of Bowdaar. With that said though I understand you want to put out the Eternal Championship when it is ready, but I personally feel I can't pay for another month of TOR until my Smuggler has his buddy Bowdaar back in a canon alert mission. If you guys keep pushing Bowdaar back, I'll just wait until Chapter 16 comes out to sub again. I don't even care that I'll be missing out on Cartel Coins or Subscriber Rewards. I just want my favorite companion back in canon through an alert mission. Of course I would have rather you guys put Bowdaar in a Fallen Empire Chapter. Unless you guys are saving Jakarro for a Fallen Empire Chapter, because I'd love to have him as a companion as well.

  18. It would be awesome if the Windows Store had the Security App. I don't mind using my Android Tablet, but it would be more convenience and easier to just open the Security App in a window on my Windows 10 desktop as I launch the SWTOR Launcher on the same screen. Plus not everyone has an Android or iOS device, but everyone that plays TOR has Windows and Microsoft is pretty much forcing all Windows 7, Vista, and XP users to upgrade to Windows 10 for free.

    So there would be a much higher install base on Windows 10, 8.1 & 8 than there would on Android & iOS devices, if the Security App was available through the Windows Store on Windows 10, 8.1, and 8. Due to Windows 10, 8.1, and 8 being available on more devices (Such as Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, & Smartphones.) than Android and iOS. Android and iOS only cover Tablets and Smartphones. So it would be a no brainer to put the Security App on the Windows Store in Windows 10, 8.1, and 8. So more TOR players can secure their TOR accounts with the Security App on the same desktop, laptop, or even tablet that they are already playing TOR on.

  19. On 12/25/2015, around 9:54 PM, I achieved level 20 with all four Alliance factions, went to the Commander Datapad, got the Cartel Coin achievements and legacy achievements. After getting the four speeders from the vendor, I logged off for the night. Logging in the next day, I checked my Legacy achievements, and noticed Hylo Visz's achievement for reaching rank 20 was "un-achieved." The other 3 factions achievements stayed completed, as well as the achievement for getting all four factions to rank 20.


    I have the same issue, but with Admiral Bey'wan Aygo instead.

  20. Hey folks,


    There are quite a lot of things that will be going on in-game during the month of December. We wanted to share all of them with you so you know when to get in on the action.



    • Dec 8 – Dec 15: Relics of the Gree
    • Dec 8 – Jan 5: Log in for 4th Anniversary Rewards!
    • Dec 15 – Dec 22: The Rakghoul Plague
    • Dec 15 – Jan 5: Life Day
    • Dec 18 – Jan 1: Double XP
    • Dec 22 – Dec 29: Bounty Contract Week

    For Life Day this year we have made a few changes to the rewards. All previously available rewards, including some items previously only available on the Cartel Market, are available for purchase with Snow-Covered Parcels from the Master of Ceremonies on each Faction’s Fleet. Additionally, we have a few new Cartel Market items in honor of Life Day and one of them might be a tank that shoots snowballs, seriously.



    • Dec 8: Relics of the Gree
    • Dec 15: Rakghoul Resurgence
    • Dec 22: Death Mark
    • Dec 29: The Balance of Power

    That is everything coming to you in December. Don’t forget about all of the subscriber rewards you can become eligible for in January as well. Thanks everyone.




    Are we ever going to get a story mission series to go along with Life Day at some point in the lifespan of SWTOR? I'm a Chewbacca, Zaalbar, Freyyer, and Tarfful fan and a Wookiee fan in general and it boggles my mind that we don't have a Wookiee NPC driven story mission series behind Life Day and that we still don't have the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk in the game. I also really hope and pray that we at least get Jakarro as a companion, seeing how we already Lana and Theron back. Jakarro was just as big a part of Forged Alliances and Shadow of Revan as Lana and Theron. In my opinion he should have been back post-chapter 9 with Theron. OK I'm done ranting now, but it would be awesome to see some more love for Wookiees and for Life Day.

  21. I agree with the OP. My main is a Smuggler Scoundrel Ruffian. Yes I have the base scoundrel heal and I don't mind using them in-between fights in a Tactical, but I am a dot spec dps not a healer. If I wanted to be a healer, I would have gone Saw Bones.


    Also I feel for everyone that mentioned having to hold the hand of the rest of their group. No joke, I've actually had to dps, heal, and tank in some post-4.0 Tacticals as a Smuggler Scoundrel Ruffian. Due to the fact the rest of the group wouldn't and there has been times where there was a dps guardian in the group that could have fake tanked as I fake healed.


    Then there are those runs with other players with advance class that you know that have at least base heals, that won't help with healing. Then there are those that don't know what an interrupt or a defense ability is.


    I'm done ranting now. In the end I don't mind a good challenge. I'm currently level 60 (Waiting on next Tuesday to level up to 65.) and have done my share of Hard Modes and Nightmare Modes, but a Tactical should not be as chaotic as they currently are post-4.0.

  22. With all the changes to companions with 4.0, I was thinking why can't Bowdaar The Wookiee use rifles and in particular a Bowcaster. In the original trilogy how iconic is it to see Chewbacca with his Bowcaster and the same could be said about Zaalbar in Knights of the Old Republic 1. Bowdaar is the only Wookiee companion in the game. So why not let him use a Bowcaster, which is after all a traditional Wookiee weapon.
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