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Posts posted by Foegle

  1. This game rocks! Returning player after being off for over a year, maybe 2. Looking for a smaller guild Republic Side, not 500 members who never talk but just look great on number. A large guild is fine as long as it is not about the high numbers, but more intimate. I'm usually on several times a week, depending on work and family and I like getting to know my online team well, seeing and talking with the normal active players etc.... I have been off for a bit and have a lot of catching up to do. I intend on rolling a new char to get me started again. I currently have a 65 Knight, who was a raiding tank back in the day, a 65 trooper, also tank, a 55ish smuggler, and a 46 counselor, not even sure what the maxed out level is anymore lol. I enjoy doing whatever, flashpoints, storyline, pvp, raiding, role playing, new character progression...as long as I'm playing with the guild I don't really care what I'm doing. I enjoy playing specific class roles in a group and it doesn't matter what you need. I prefer tank, but totally willing to learn and better play a healer or dps...whatever... Anyway, hope I can be a good fit for some guild out there.... :rak_03:
  2. I have been loyal and supportive this entire time. Purchasing 2 collectors additions and 3 regular additions for friends and family from the beginning. I per-registered, beta tested, have been involved and supportive. I have to say, these waiting times are ridiculous. 45 minutes for a father of a 3 year old is going to make me have to decide rather or not to stick with this game. The almost $500 investment is holding me here in hopes that this issue will be resolved. I would make new chars on one of the newer less populated servers, but my wife doesn't want to restart from scratch because of this. What really upsets me, is my server which as a 45 min waiting time right now, tomorrow morning will read standard or light, inviting new comers to start new chars thus adding to the problem. So when the forum says you are working to resolve the issue and I see the issue getting worse, I get very upset. Is there anyway to allow us to move our current chars to new servers so we can get on and actually play in the evening when we are available?
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