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Posts posted by Prenavo

  1. The OP was making a valid point. This is a point that he shouldn't have to even make though as Bioware is becoming notorious for giving out vague information or none at all. Really, if they would release a little more info on upcoming stuff other than the "we can't say much about this." or "sometime this year." they wouldn't have an issue. Sure, they have said they have plans for Ilum, but what are those plans? Is it going to be something so cool it blows everything out of the water, or is it going to be put on the back burner? What about all of the other issues that people seem to have? I love Bioware, but really they need to be talking to the community a little more. SOE made these mistakes with SWG a long time ago and learned that lesson the hard way. Eventually clamming up is going to bite them on the arse and everyone will suffer for it.

    It's not GW2 that everyone should be afraid of. It's this company and EA they should really worry about. I'd be a lot more excited if I got some info on Ilum. That would make my day, and make me more excited for the future of this game. As it is...there is no eta on pretty much anything.

  2. beta testers I know say otherwise. Although they do say the PvE is meh, if you are playing GW2, you arent there for the PvE.


    also: in before lock

    I tested it and it is somewhat meh at the beginning few levels and seems to ramp up in fun as some of the events are very cool. Also, with the limited amount of time given over the weekend, I don't think we were able to see what happens if an event is failed causing a different event path to happen. It's that kind of variety that I'm looking for in a game. It makes taking your character back or replaying old content with a new character seem less boring (unlike doing all the planets over and over again with only your story quests changing).

    PvP is a blast in wvwvw. If your server uses their brains you can stay on top and strategy actually plays a part in things. I only played two rounds of normal pvp. I'd like to see some different game types there eventually, but from what I played it was fun.

    ANet seems to be able to handle getting bits of content out to the players pretty quickly. In between beta weekends they have added quite a bit of content to the game. If that keeps up along with good community communication they will have a hit on their hands. Alot of people think it will be like Guild Wars 1. Let me say, it isn't like that at all cept maybe the lore and location names.

  3. OP, if you wanna know, I suggest watching some youtube vids on the subject. There are many that are made by people like IGN that have decent video and there are some that are made by people who have been in the beta weekends and give their opinions of the game. I've reserved judgement myself as I've not actually tried the beta weekends at all, but will be in the one starting tommorow.....So far it looks like their communication with the community is top notch.

    As far as what vids to look up on youtube, I'll just recommend ones on crafting, wvwvw, pvp, dynamic events, the gem store (so you can see if it looks like pay to win...which to me it doesn't, but to each their own) and anything about the classes.

    I do love this game, but I can see me spending some time in that one as well.

  4. I've been thinking about your idea. The way I could see this working and not looking like it would just be a change your mind cause you don't like your current class type of thing would be if they were to incorporate the choice completely into not just datacrons, but also into conversations in the main story arcs. This way it could be as if you've been building to it over the course of your characters story. Perhaps you make a decision that makes it so you have to find so many planetary area's on each planet that are related to sith/jedi lore (ruins and stuff), not unlike having to find certain themepark area's from swg before all the big changes. The only problem with it would be the amount of effort Bioware would be willing to put into such a move in the current game state.

    Part of what made that move special in swg was the fact that it was very hard to become a force user back in the day in swg, here you can just make one. This would however, make more sense if they were to make it an addition in a future update/expansion that increases the level cap significantly.

  5. I'm thinking it just wouldn't make that big of an impact in the game among players as if they wanted to be force sensitive, they could just roll a Jedi or Sith. Also consider that with a lvl fifty force user, you've unlocked through legacy the ability for your fifty toon on any other character you make. My BH loves force choke: ) However, my main point remains the same, if I wanted to be a Sith Inquisitor, I wouldn't have rolled my agent. Not trying to slam the idea, just putting what I think out there.
  6. From what I've read, EA is getting a new big cheese. Also from what I've read he is a big proponent of the f2p model. I don't have the links to back this up, but I'm guessing free to play in the not too distant future. I'm going to make a wild guess and say that they are taking a wait and see approach with this as Guild Wars 2 is going to be coming out. I'm positive that if we don't see a 1.4 update soon, this game will be feeling pretty stale by the end of summer for a lot of folks.
  7. All righty. Here it is folks. If your a pug tank, and you've never run a HM op before, you should be up front about it at the very beginning. If your experienced with said op and your NOT the tank, perhaps the inexperienced "noob" needs some advice. If everyone is up front about their experience, takes things slow and everyone is patient and follows directions well, there is no reason not to be able to beat a hm op other than perhaps people being grossly under-geared for said operation. (if you are not sure, have a more experienced person inspect you)

    The key to any raid in any game is simply gear and following directions. If you don't have the gear your toast. If you can't follow directions well, your toast. Simple as that. It may take a couple wipes to get it all down, but if your geared enough and can follow directions well and have a bit of patience you'll have minimal problems. If someone comes in and is an *** hat, boot em.

  8. That perk is good for just about every crafting skill.


    Armormech-Regular non-force armors

    Synthweaver-Force user armor





    The amount of money people will buy augmented items for as opposed to non-augmented is a decent difference. I think it is well worth the money spent on that perk no matter what profession you've chosen.

  9. Well since I have to endure the hutball as a class with no real movement modifiers on a smuggler, no pulls, no leaps, no aoe KBs, no 99% DR to run through fire....


    I propose you make a hutball that negates all of those. An industrial pipe maze with 15m straights.


    I personally hate the stupid WZ since it blatantly is FORCE users paradise. Get to abuse all those movement/damage reduction abilities.


    Anyone else has to set up people to toss the ball too(And this works, and the original OP is correct, this should be fore premades, not pugs to reduce frustration and player angst).


    I don't agree. Smugglers and agents have a very specific set of skills that make them very valuable in Huttball. You have Flashbang for stopping a few of the hord going after the ball carrier. If your a gunslinger there are a couple other little movement impairing toys at your disposal. One great strategy for hutball is to controll the center. Gunslingers are great at helping with this. Everyone has their own talents. Really, some of the spots in the pit are like a snipers paradise.

  10. I'm sorry, but this has got to be the dumbest argument I've ever heard in my life. Everyone with half a brain cell understands either method of calling out location in the CW map. Really, my head is about to pop off just thinking about how lame this whole thing is. Left and right. Snow and Grass. East and West. All the same idea. It really doesn't matter to me as long as the people who need help in one of those areas calls it. I'm sure people will figure it out/
  11. I hate trying to get mandalorian iron. I never have any issues getting investigation materials for my armstech. I think UT should be on par with that. I barely even get any UT missions from my slicer most of the time. Not to mention the fact that people need the UT stuff for more items. Weapons you only need one or two of on a character. If your a cybertech you need not only the armoring, but also the mods for like seven pieces of armor. You'd need enough mando iron to do 14 pieces.
  12. Never had a problem with that. Sometimes friends like to watch em while on alts cause they like to see how their character sounds or reacts. I hate it when people get into such a hurry they feel they need to be rude. As far as groups go, being in a big hurry is also the number one reason for unnecessary deaths in a flashpoint and the same could be said of any dungeon in any mmo. If I got kicked from a group because they were in that big of a hurry over a cut scene, I'd probably be better off not being in that group anyway.
  13. I know that there is a suggestion box area on the forums for this, but this is for my own personal curiosity. I'm wondering what people would like to see in the game and ways you all think would make it a better place to be. Please no trolling or flaming other peoples ideas.

    My ideas as follows:


    1. Player Housing with decoration options.

    2. More reasons to explore than Datacrons and lore objects. Lets have some kind of collectibles (perhaps things that can be turned in for cool items if you find a whole set.

    3. Space pvp that could resemble Battlefront.

    4. Swoop Racing with craftable swoop upgrades.

    5. Paint kits for our swoops, pvp ships and personal speeders

    6. A water planet that you can explore the undersea cities of. (think the Gungan city)


    Those are just my ideas. Would love to see everyone elses.

  14. When SoE decided to do microtransactions with EQ2, everyone thought the sky was falling. That said, when it did finally come out, people found out that it wasn't so bad. As long as they don't put anything other than fluff into the game, I could care less. If this is there plan to letting people add more char slots, I think I'd be a bit unhappy, but I wouldn't have a cow over it either. I think most mmo makers understand that communities don't want a pay to win set up these days.
  15. While I still believe a ton of things in this game need help, I will say that for me personally the server transfers were one of the best things to ever happen to SWTOR. It was very fast for me and my small guild to move over. It didn't even take five minutes to move all six of my characters to the new server. When we did get them moved over, I was amazed at the population of my new home. At one point there were over three-hundred people on the fleet. Our number was never higher than 20 or 30 before. People were calling out LFG's left and right and when I went to pvp I was surprised at how much more balanced the teams felt even when I went in with my lvl 50's. Overall, I'm impressed. I still think some other things need to come very soon to the game, but overall, this was an amazing and needed accomplishment. Very good job Bioware, keep up the good work.


    To let me clarify, when I say balanced teams in pvp, I'm talking about how on my old server you could get into pvp and find that the other side was made up of like four troopers and four healers and vice versa for the imperial side and there snipers/marauders :) Now there seems to be a happy mix.

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