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Posts posted by Behn

  1. My sub is up in March. CE with 2 month sub.


    Good ridance to this game and it's community. It will take over a year to make this game a persistant, living breathing world unless of course they love their stale, static game.


    Wasted a year of my 'life' for this game (beta) and after feedback being tossed out and disregarded I just dont want to be part of the circus that is EA/the devs.


    QFT! I am dragging my self to play this game because I begged my friends/guildmates to switch to this game. :(

  2. Yes. Enjoy your hour+ queue's for the next 2 months till' they decide enough is enough on the QQ'ing and add cross server queueing, which will allow for more QQ'ing.


    Our que time at 50 swiftsure server empire side is still the same takes like 3-5 mins.

  3. Open beta and the 1st 2 weeks starting Dec 13th 10/10.


    Since I dinged 50 and saw the end game got all champ gear and 3/5 columni doing daiies rating went down to 7/10.


    Then still no news about the high res texture, update on chat bubble or all the basic MMO stuff that must be there and most importantly bioware atleast showing that they care, rating went down to 2/10. Cancelled and will resub till they fix the game. :(

  4. thats the intention. I will not pay for shoddy development and incompetent qa processes. Thus i won't be "helping" bioware finance this hot mess any further.


    Beta didn't cost me anything but time and thus i did not care what bugs i ran into, i reported them and moved on. Apparently all that data was more or less ignored in favor of the reports of the in house testing group and friends and family testing groups, both of which have apparently turned out to be horridly deficient at recognizing the difference in texture lod between one beta build and another and did not key up that issue internally as something they needed to fix before release because its a video game, and thus visuals are important.


    My collectors edition and my wifes cost me 300 dollars, and we're looking at 30 more dollars paid out to ea/bw come the 19th of this month. And somewhere between the art department and build deployment theres not one person that can tell the community manager what a nearly two month old problem is and why its still occurring. I'm already pissed off they've got me back on the "grind tokens for welfare epics so you can grind dungeons for non-welfare epics" train that i jumped off of in wow a few months after wotlk came out, if my welfare epics that i hate grinding for look like crap too, well then i'm just a little bit angrier and i don't see what throwing my money into supporting this title does other than say i'm basically a sheep that'll pay for anything with a star wars label on it regardless of its quality (or lack thereof).


    I don't have the pc hardware i have to play swtor and have it be nearly the same pixelated low rez mess that kotor (without independent patches) is on the same machine today.


    qft! ;)

  5. Can someone explain to me why chat bubbles are needed? I honestly don't get it, the only game I played with them where they thematically fit was Champions Online. They were Warhammer and infuriating.


    In an actual convo, I have subtitles turned on. In random overworld chatting, I personally could care less which NPC is saying what flavor text. With other PC's, I'm using Vent.


    Help me get this. Maybe I'm not seeing it.


    If we explain it to you, you still wont get it like all those chat bubble haters and will just end up bad.

  6. I want to use it as a last name for a different character. However, said future character will be made in the future. At this point, I see no reason to make a permanent choice now. What if I come up with something better later?


    We need non-unique last names. I should not have to wait til lvl 30+ to find out "Oh, the name I've been planning out is impossible" nor should I have to find a last name that goes with multiple first names. It's completely idiotic. I do not understand how this mess ever made it to live servers. Biowares makes alot of stupid decisions, but for the love of god this takes the cake. It is bar none the dumbest move I have ever seen in a MMO.


    Then go play something else? BB and QQ there. :rolleyes:

  7. Ragnarok online :D feels livelier than this game to be honest. But im still giving bioware a chance maybe until D3 wll come out. Currently I am loving the story of this game and the pvp but the world truly feels empty even at my full server. 100 per shard is not enough IMO its like half of the people I raid with during vanilla. :(
  8. Please, chat bubbles are pointless. Go tell all those people role-playing in other games without chat bubbles that they are doing it wrong. The only crime around here is all the childish whining. Fire someone because SWTOR does not have annoying chat bubbles? Grow up.


    As a tank I really need chatboxes because so far after tanking alot of flashpoints and yelling in the chat box on what mob to FocusFire the DPS's can not see what I am saying because they are focused on the screen. Then after wiping they usually say sorry did not see. It is also good for PVP I dont think I need to explain this.


    Chatbox will help alot with these problems.

  9. So after watching conversation after conversation I've noticed that the textures are far-superior to the no conversation graphics, why is that? Apparently (don't quote me), Bioware said they did this so low-end computer users could have a "better experience". However, after exploring Kaas City I found this.




    It's completely out of place, way to high quality for the graphics they are giving us? If there is a higher-res packet or a way to make our textures better quality why are you not letting us? All I want is a response, I'm not mad or anything, just curious.


    That pic is a great example of texture resolution for the ignorant people out there that confuses texture res with graphics and saying graphics is fine etc. Look at the poster with its high res texture and the background wall with its muddy blurry low res texture. My BH armor has that muddy blurry texture and looks like s**t.

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