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Posts posted by Iamrock

  1. So you're telling me that I need to grind 570 tokens just to get 1 weapon of tier 3 ?!?!?!

    That's 114 warzones JUST FOR A ********** WEAPON!!!?!? and that's only if I win them ALL.

    Are you crazy? Seriously answer me bw, are you guys crazy? Which one of you came up with this brilliant idea? Do you know that half my friends quit the game just now?

    You gave us all these command tokens and we can't use them BECAUSE WE HAVE TO PLAY A MILLION WARZONES!

    Is it your life's goal to ruin this game? Cause that's what you've been doing for years!

    Thanks a bunch!

  2. Hey guys,


    I'm sure you know the C.R.E.D.D. system in the game Star-that-is-not-tame :rolleyes: (wasn't sure if I'm allowed to say the actual name here :D ). Do you have plans to add something like that to swtor? It's an awesome way to sell subscription and make more money.


    To anyone who doesn't know what CREDD is: it's a token that players buy for real money and sell in game. The token extends your subscription by XX days and is a perfect way for people who don't want to spend real money to be subscribed with in-game currency. The company doesn't lose anything from this since all tokens are paid.

  3. it's not only the namplates. Since 3.0 I have notice that whenever I change targets all the buffs and debuffs get "refreshed". Their icons twinkle for a sec. It's like the game rechecks all buffs and debuffs on all players every time I click on someone new to heal. The worst is when I target myself. My own buffs/debuffs flash for a sec and "refresh" and I get a 1-2 sec screen freeze. This happens EVERY time and is nearly impossible to play as healer in big fights.
  4. Receiving transmission at D5-Mantis personal starship.


    Mysterious voice ::

    Can anyone read me? This is an emergency!


    Mako ::

    We read you loud and clear.


    Mysterious voice ::

    I am contacting you to inform you about the single biggest threat to the planet of Alderaan. You see, there is something out there that threatens our very existence. I'm talking of course about Manbearpig.


    Bounty Hunter ::



    Mysterious voice ::

    It is a creature which roams Alderaan alone... It is half man, half bear and half pig. Some people say that Manbearpig isn't real.... well I'm here to tell you now, Manbearpig is very real and he most certainly exists. I'm serial. Manbearpig doesn't care who you are or what you've done. Manbearpig simply wants to get you. I'm SUPER serial! But have no fear because I am here to save you! And some day when the world is rid of Manbearpig, everyone will say "Thank you Al Gore, you're super awesome"!


    Mako ::

    Is this guy crazy?


    Mysterious voice ::

    Our only hope to kill Manbearpig is to construct a giant battle station with a giant laser beam to DESTROY Alderaan!


    Bounty Hunter ::

    Destroy Alderaan?


    Mysterious voice ::

    Destroy Alderaan! That is our only hope to kill Manbearpig! I'm super duper serial! I will begin drawing the blueprints right away. Manbearpig shall be no more! EXCELSIOR!


    Transmission end.

  5. Every time I hear Treek talk, I want to kill myself. The very idea that I may hear that annoying sound stops me even from sending her on missions. The whole companion is a failure in my eyes... for example: I am a super dark sadistic sith lord with powers to bend the fabric of the world and I get a smelly annoying little bear in my ship.... I already had a smelly annoying big hairy oaf (broonmark). I wish there was a delete button. I'd pay credits just to get rid of those two half-wits. It seems treek was introduced to oppose the epicness of hk-51 with newfound lameness...


    ok enough hate for today. :cool: deal with it

  6. Dear Bioware,


    PLEASE make the debuffs that I put on my targets LARGER or distinguishable in a similar way. It is impossible to follow when my dots apply/expire when there are several other people putting the same dots on my target. This is a thing so basic that it should have been there on launch.


    This should be made for ops frames too. When I heal with my operative I cannot see who has hots and who doesn't since mostly I see class buffs in the ops frames... do something about it please.



  7. Greetings cartel market people! I have an idea that will make everyone a little bit happier.


    You know how there are certain items that are bound to legacy and that allow us to use one set on all characters? The problem is I like for example the Series 917 set and it is NOT bound to legacy which means that I have to either choose to use it and grind another set for my alt, or choose a bound to legacy set I don't like just to save myself the time of grinding.


    So here is what I propose:

    Make a token sold in the cartel market that turns an item permanently into a bound to legacy item.


    You get more money from selling these tokens and those of us who use legacy sets finally get to look the way we like without restrictions.

  8. The credit sink that is forced upon us is quite the bonerkill and frankly is what stops me from buying anything different from what I currently have. The augmentation system also prevents people from augmenting the 1st tier pvp set because they know they will lose the item buying the 2nd tier (obroan requires conqueror)


    A small solution to the outfit problem is to make a 2nd set of slots for vanity items that override the items you wear as your set without reducing stats, making it extremely easy to change looks.

    This however does not solve the problem with the previously stated augments and pvpers will still suffer.


    Another solution is to make adding and removing of mods and adding augment slots A LOT cheaper and removing the credit sink from this and adding it to something else that won't mess up the items.


    I am aware that credit sinks are a must for a game like this and I fully support them but this feels like the wrong place to charge credits.

  9. The problem is there aren't enough people to have fast ques if they separate arenas from warzones. They have chosen (imho) the fast and worse way to solve this and made it impossible to select what you want.


    I have an idea which I think will improve the situation and solve all problems.

    Here are the steps:

    1. Separate the queue for unranked warzones and unranked warzone arenas. Let players decide if they want to play objective based or deathmatch based pvp. Make everyone happy.

    2. Make the daily quest require 2 arena games played (win counts for 1) and 2 warzone games played (win counts for 2)

    3. Add another quest reward to the existing ones - a PvP Pack that drops additional commendations and has a chance to drop a special pvp token.

    4. Create a vendor that sells EMPTY Orange items of all previous pvp sets (centurion, champion, battlemaster, etc.). Every orange empty item will require a certain amount of tokens.


    These additions will offer all new players the chance to get their hands on any set design from previous patches (something people have asked for) and will still keep both queues alive, offering more tempting rewards for completing the quest. If the Classic sets are not enough of a temptation to get people doing the daily quest, you can add some cool newly designed speeders only available to pvpers, thus tempting pve players to try out pvp.


    The whole idea is not to squeeze tight the relatively small pvp player base and force them to do something they don't like, but to expand your rewards and attract more people to join queues and feel good about it.

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