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Posts posted by TheOnlyHope

  1. For the amount of flaws this game has suffered (good areas outweigh them though in my opinion) that people tend to complain about...at least Bioware hasn't done anything like this:





    Even if you are a day 1 player you are now instantly given 1000 day status. Tons of people have been banned on the Star Trek Online forums for obvious reasons. Pretty much Cryptic just sold former (as in this is over) Vetern Rewards to people; in a sense..self-gold-selling.



    At least TOR doesn't do this...something to think about when one believes this MMO is bad.


    As someone who came from Perfect World International?

    I know EXACTLY how you feel.


    Nobody has the right to complain about BioWare. PWE has probably the worst track record of keeping their playerbases content than any other MMORPG company in history. They choke the life out of every single game they have made thus far, slowly, and painfully. I played PWI since beta. I look back on it now, and I can't help but be pretty depressed about how far down the toilet things are.


    So until BioWare does something that blatantly looks like this:



    No. Not really going to complain.

  2. Graphics: Solid 10

    Sound and effects: 10

    Interaction: 7.5

    (I say this entirely off the fact that, imo even with all four skillbars, there is not nearly enough space.)


    Video interaction: 8

    Class Stories: 9.5

    (I wish they would actually continue after 50, but a level cap raise will hopefully fix this.)


    Character Customization: 6.5

    (Needs to be more choice, particularly for certain races, imo.)

    Community in game: 8

    (I play US Harbinger. We're a nice lot.)


    Community out of game: 6.5

    (imo, people complain much too much, and compare this to WoW. Heads up--the kids from Harbinger don't care.)


    Connection Smoothness: 2 (since 1.4, but before that, it was an 8.)


    Overall: 7.5


    I believe this game will go far.

  3. I get so tired of people complaining every single update.


    At least this publisher decides to update the game at all. I've been in MMORPG's where the company swears up and down for new content, and when it does finally come out, it's full of holes, highly exploitable glitches, and packed full of excuses as to why. (They once blamed China's different gaming culture. lolnope.)


    Compared to all the stuff I've seen happen in the past, BioWare and EA have done a brilliant job here, considering how young this game is, and what they had to work with.


    People who complain and throw tantrums every time there's an update, or EA doesn't release something they said would come out "LATER" (which means, later and not "in the next patch",) need to keep it to themselves, or just uninstall the game and leave. I'm glad there's a blacklisting funciton, because all the moaning and whining just drags down the mood in general and makes the game less fun to play.


    I do personally believe it's more the fault of the players than the company.

  4. I'm sorry, but I don't seem to have much of an issue at all with healing OR dealing damage. It sure seems like a perfectly good waste of a Sage if you're just going to quit after one update.




    My future skill tree will be nothing magnificent. I'm a very balanced, jack of all trades, master of none build, which I prefer. I heal well enough in Flashpoints and Heroics to where people don't whine about being inches from death. I can't complain too much about the 1.2 update, honestly--and I think the people carrying on about it simply haven't adjusted to it.


    Will I be able to heal as nicely as people going pure Seer? Not really--but heals are heals--nice or not, without them, you're going to fall flat on your face. I'm not bothered at all by it--eventually they'll let us level past 50, and I'll have more points to spend on that sort of thing.


    Before skillpoints were reset, I was a mostly Seer build. But I decided to balance myself out (it's the way of the Jedi to bring balance to the force...lol...) this time around. I'm level 40, about halfway through Belsavis's main storyline, and have yet to run into trouble with elites and bosses. I can still tank large groups of enemies with Cedrax just as well now as I could before 1.2. (I <3 u forcequake...)


    It doesn't compute for me how carrying on about something you can adjust to can be considered constructive. Most people who makes MMORPG's, especially pay to play, are very reasonable. Talk to them in a polite tone with reasonable fixes to problems the majority has, and you'll see progress. Rant about unsubscribing, shout and whine, and generally QQ about things, and they will see you as immature.


    We're Consulars. We're supposed to be negotiators. Let's act like it, especially in important situations like this.

  5. Newsflash: Caster classes usually wear robes. It doesn't matter which MMO you're playing. You will always have "magic classes" men and women, who wear 'dresses'.


    We're healers, therefore, we count as casters. Therefore, we wear robes. Our job isn't to look pretty, our job is to make sure everybody else doesn't roll over and die.



    Oh look, a dress.


    Ah, another dress.


    More dresses.



    Consulars have always worn robes like this. If you have an issue, take it up with George Lucas. I personally don't care if it looks goofy. I like to think that this is the same gear as past Consulars have worn, and it's what is worn by Consulars in the movie. (With Qui Gon Jin being one of the few acceptations, along with Master Yoda, who could also be considered a Consular.)

    To me, wearing the traditional garb is an honor...maybe that's just me.


    Also, if I'm picky and whiny, and don't wear the armor, I will be mauled by anything that so much as looks at me. I would much rather look silly by my own account than die every two and a half minutes because I'm being a baby and want to wear crappy gear that looks pretty.


    Secondly--No, Telekenetic Throw is not the most exciting move in the world, but what were you expecting? I don't care if it's pretty--if it kills whatever is trying to murder my face, what does it being pretty have to do with anything? It could throw confetti for all I care, if it's killing something, what's to complain about?


    Do I agree that it's pretty like the Empire's skills? Of course not. Am I going to complain? Not at all.


    It seems silly to complain about robes or skills being nice to look at when there are way more important things about our class to be solved.

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