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Posts posted by LordVaako

  1. Don't know why you're having trouble with that, I have over 600 Lorridian gemstones. My problem is the corusca gems. As far as the other mission types, try sending your companions on the gift missions then keep checking the board before the mission ends, the new ones proc early to replace the ones you sent them on. Then abort the gift 1 and send them out on the gem mission. Works much of the time.
  2. If the Group Finder is implemented it must have cross-server option at least. To those who believe this destroys the "community" should know they are in fact mistaken.


    As it stands now, numbers on all but a few servers, even during peak times, are somewhat low. I rarely see triple digit populations on any world, even the space stations, on either server I play on. For a while I was doing flashpoint runs fairly often, say 2-6 a day, but recently that ability has all but vanished. This has caused fewer and fewer people to even log on during non-raid nights and in my guild that has lead to some people just disappearing. The result is, we went from clearing at least 8 man hard mode EV each weeks and sometimes 16 man during January/February, to not even being able to get an 8 man reg EV come March. People weren't g-quitting, they just weren't on as much.


    My point is, A cross-server LFG helps the community by giving more players consistent access to group content. Sure you're going to have the jerks who are cruel and rude, but for the most part the groups are fine. The only real problem I can see is ninja-looters. The fix for that is a simple one that several MMOs have employed, restrict who can need for an item. This means a Sith Juggernaut cannot roll need on a cunning based piece of armor for his companion, but he could still roll greed. In the end, if the LFG tool isn't cross server, its usefulness will be limited and will be scarcely more useful than the current LFG system in-game.

  3. What is really sad is that a friend and I from the US made characters on an Aussie server because they actually have more people on during their non-peak than we do during peak. It is pathetic. The problem Bio-ware has with the idea of server merge or closing servers is that it is seen as a weakness, or a failure of the game. Only games that are declining in membership close down servers. This is a catch-22 though because if they don't do something about server population numbers, the game will stall.


    A great example of this was the US guild I was in. We were regularly doing hard mode EV 8 and working on a 16 man core group when fewer and fewer people seemed to be logging in. Without endgame that requires more than a single night to finish, it left people with very little to do for the rest of the week. Those of us who PVP'd would queue up, but those queues grew too long without cross-server warzones and running hard mode flashpoints was also very difficult. I had great difficulty just finding a group to do my daily hard mode and I was a tank and I did it with my friend and he was healing.


    My point is consolidating the servers is not the only thing that will fix these issues, endgame needs some work, like a raid with more than 5 bosses that can be done in 1 3 hour session. cross server pvp would help too, and some people might flay me for this cross server LFG for instances would help a ton as well.

  4. What is really sad is that a friend and I from the US made characters on an Aussie server because they actually have more people on during their non-peak than we do during peak. It is pathetic. The problem Bio-ware has with the idea of server merge or closing servers is that it is seen as a weakness, or a failure of the game. Only games that are declining in membership close down servers. This is a catch-22 though because if they don't do something about server population numbers, the game will stall.


    A great example of this was the US guild I was in. We were regularly doing hard mode EV 8 and working on a 16 man core group when fewer and fewer people seemed to be logging in. Without endgame that requires more than a single night to finish, it left people with very little to do for the rest of the week. Those of us who PVP'd would queue up, but those queues grew too long without cross-server warzones and running hard mode flashpoints was also very difficult. I had great difficulty just finding a group to do my daily hard mode and I was a tank and I did it with my friend and he was healing.


    My point is consolidating the servers is not the only thing that will fix these issues, endgame needs some work, like a raid with more than 5 bosses that can be done in 1 3 hour session. cross server pvp would help too, and some people might flay me for this cross server LFG for instances would help a ton as well.

  5. I love how they claim it is "scheduled maintenance" when there was absolutely no forewarning on this site or twitter. They need to get the word out sooner to players. I was in an instance when the message came up trying to get my daily hard mode done. We were only 1 boss in. We rushed through but were unable to finish before the shutdown...
  6. For me it isn't the thought of adding more time sinks to the game but the fact that since Balmorra my level progression has put me as much as 6 levels above the content I should be doing for my class story. I am forced to simply ignore most of the quests in such zones just to get myself in the right bracket and I couldn't even do that until I finished my class quests on Voss. now I'm on Corellia and I feel like I am in the right zone for my level for the first time since Drommund Kass, and I'm 49.


    What this does is eliminate the content of the planets, all the zone quests and even the bonus series which would be a great way to spend your time. Instead it feels like it caters too much to power leveling, which is pretty sad in a "story based" mmo.

  7. Yea, this is a must. I play a juggernaut in full immortal tree so tanking is not an issue, but when I get "Healers" in my flashpoint runs, they are really using their dps specs and claiming they are healers. The actual healing trees have significant bonuses to their abilities that the dps spec can't even approach. Dual Spec will largely fix this, and I wouldn't mind questing with a vengeance build so I can see what the dps juggernaut can do.
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