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Posts posted by Tharzon

  1. There are only 2 PVP EST servers left, what do you need to monitor exactly? both servers are dead with only 2 possible destinations. Just Transfer us already and cut the BS.


    No kidding. This has been beyond poorly implemented.


    Like no group finder at launch, no combat logging for launch, lack of customizable UI, bug-ridden end-game, no guild banks, a lackluster guild interface, and so on and so on.


    You get one shot at this and they've shot themselves in the foot every damn time.

  2. Nothing for Space Slug either and that means were probably going to have to wait until next week.


    IMO, that means this service along with a vast majority of the game outside the basic leveling experience weren't ready for prime time.


    3 live patches to get guild banks, group finder, combat logging, transfer, etc not to mention the rash of bugs in a vast majority of the end-game content.


    I can't tell if its simply a lack of understanding of mmo's or what.

  3. We're finally 4/4 in Denova. I'll say this, we were a middle of the pack WoW guild. The kinds that killed 25m Lich King in normal at about 15% buff but stalled around Putricide/Lich King in 25m Heroic.


    We were able to beat each encounter within a few tries each including I think 4 tries on Kephess. IMO, that means the story mode content is well tuned. Its on par with Hardmode EV/KP and maybe just a smidge tougher. I would hope they wait a bit before they nerf the content. The patch isn't even a month old!


    Honestly, if you've done any WoW raiding since WOTLK on, none of the mechanics should be new. Maybe the puzzle boss but the new part is the easiest part of that fight. It still boils down to killing streaming adds and occasional burst dps phases on larger, quick-enrage adds with a final phase boss with a threat reset. Standard fare.


    Enjoy the challenge. If it were too easy, those "leaving" over difficulty would leave anyway in a few weeks claiming "nothing to do BW!" MMO players are impossible to please.

  4. I think a deep immortal Juggernaut is fine for tanking. I don't have threat issues unless a merc goes nuts in the first 10s or so of the fight and I feel my defensive cooldowns along with the Rakata stims from Biochem and trinkets put me in a position to have far superior survivability when crap hits the fan.


    We have amazing battlefield mobility also.


    Would I love a bit more aoe threat? Of course. I long felt Force Scream seemed more suited to an AoE component, but I agree we're probably just not meant for that.


    I think if I could have 1 wish list item it'd be Force Pull from Beta. That said, I can see how that might be considered OP especially in PVP.


    I certainly wouldn't want Crushing Blow to have a cleave attached since its a hard hitting ST ability and using it around CC would become a nuisance.

  5. I am not sure that the Vengeance hybrid has less mitigation. The build I think that's most appropriate is this which is a 17 Immortal/22 Vengeance/2 Rage build.


    You lose 4% shield and 4% elemental and internal damage reduction along with 5s additional endure pain.


    You gain 4% overall damage reduction (Deafening Defense), a 15% damage reduction cooldown with Enraged Defense + the small amount of healing assuming you use taunts wisely every 45s, and Unstoppable which is 20% damage reduction on force leap.


    Taunt is our primary "threat" weapon now. Rage generation may be hampered due to missing Sweeping Fury and instant Force Choke, but that's about it.


    I do NOT like the build and don't like how it plays at all. But it does appear to be superior on paper even without leaping around to make Unstoppable proc.


    For deep Immortal, I've looked at two builds 31/8/2 and 31/3/7.


    The first build is probably an overly obvious build. You could debate Battle Cry vs. Thrown Gauntlet from a utility perspective vs rage cost. The second build reminds me of having Blood Tap as a Death Knight in WoW. A 10% heal every 1.5 mins is nothing to sneeze at. You take Payback in rage which makes Unleash heal you for 10% maximum health and then take Unleashed in Immortal to reduce the CD by 30s. I'm an idiot. Forgot Unleash requires you to actually be movement impaired to hit. You can't just burn it. Data I saw in another thread indicated that Ravage did a LOT of threat so that makes Ravager appealing from a threat perspective.

  6. Huddle was just 4% HP. (actually, you're right - forgot about applying portion of intercede to you also - I don't think that damage reduction got as much play in the discussion as Unstoppable...could be wrong though) The 20% damage reduction tied to Unstoppable and occuring after a force charge is STILL there.


    Combined with Deafening Defense which basically gives you a 15% damage reduction cooldown every 45s provided you're prepared to taunt right back assuming you don't have a high enough threat lead as it is makes the Hybrid arguably better than previous. You traded 4% HP for a lot more control over damage taken.


    Personally, I hate the way the hybrid plays, but I cannot deny that its probably better than deep Immortal (my personal playstyle I prefer).

  7. I am really torn on this between 3-D space battles and Capital ship battles, but beyond that a close second are AT-AT battles and the like. Pod racing? Distant fourth.




    I posted this in the suggestion section but I'd like to repost it here.


    Basically I'd love to see a Guild vs. Guild warzone where our capital ships battle and each guild vies to invade the other guild's capital ship via a drop ship. The first guild to take over the other ship wins. Obviously, the capital ship wouldn't be permanently lost. I'd set this to be either an 8 or 16m warzone to target the two types of guilds out there.


    Bonus points if you can come up with a "map editor" for capital ships where you can "re-arrange" within limits the path in your ship to prevent overall familiarity but that'd be some major development resources.


    That said dual running Voidstar-like objectives where the guild can decide how many to send on defense vs. offense would still be AMAZING and make the "guild" even more awesome. I could see additional guild vs guild warzones coming about too.

  8. In WoW's heyday of TBC, less than 1% of all players (I think, willing to admit I'm off a bit but I know it was under 5%) saw the end of Sunwell. They provided a decent approach to gearing using heroic badges that kept the casual daily player in epics that were good and roughly a tier behind raid gear.


    I find it disingenuous to say no players like to raid. Why would devs waste time on the content if someone didn't like raiding? I happen to enjoy it.

  9. ^ I didn't read all of that, but what I skimmed seemed to indicate we should load solo gear with presence, which isn't a bad compromise.


    Same base ilvl with more presence at a subtraction of the secondary stats or main stat. Good compromise.



    Sort of off-topic, but 4 freaking raid modes. I'm tired of that crap. I was tired of it in WoW too. 1 size and I would concede two difficulties. But seriously, lose one of the sizes (preferably 8m)

  10. Gear in MMOs is both a tool and a trophy.


    If you didn't achieve something, you shouldn't have a trophy. If you aren't going to try to do the task, then you don't need the tool for the task.


    I'm ok with some grindable good gear for dailies, but make it a tier or two below raid gear.


    Then again, I'm chafed by 8m and 16m and further Hm and Nim dropping the same gear. I'm getting too old for this crappy entitlement culture. Get off my lawn and such.

  11. Sure, within the niche it is, it's a nice size community. But, as I hope you understand, doesn't hold a candle to WoW and EJ.


    End game progression that people care about? Really? Where? Where are the progression tracking sites, where are the world rankings? No one cares about raid progression here because it ISN'T THAT KIND OF GAME. Theorycrafting can exist, but it's a dead end.


    If you want to spend your time decrypting stuff that BioWare wants to keep hidden, for a game that clearly has it's design goals elsewhere, have at it.


    It became clear yesterday that the Legacy system is their progression. Enjoy.


    You just lost a reader...

  12. It comes from WoW, where all taunt did was put you at the top of the agro table.


    You are the tank, you should already be at the top of the agro table...if you can't keep agro, then you have "already failed". And yes, taunting would put you back up at the top...but that doesn't solve the root problem (somehow you dropped below someone else on threat). Basically in most fights, taunt was a fix to a problem that should never happen.


    If someone else pulled and has agro (and isn't a hunter using misdirect), then they are stupid and should be allowed to die.


    Barring tank swaps, agro resets, etc...there was no reason for a competent tank to ever taunt in WoW...


    This game is different, apparently here all a good tank has to do is taunt every 15 seconds...


    Pretty much what this guy said. I tanked from TBC through the first Tier and a half of Cataclysm and I NEVER taunted unless a tank switch was involved or some dps fatfingered a button before the fight started. Granted, they boosted tank threat a LOT in Cata, but in the other xpacs it was still not a huge huge deal unless you played a Paladin in TBC and the boss didn't hit you enough for the old Holy Shield.


    Taunts were "emergency buttons" used for things like adds or stuff like that. Maybe some AE trash that got away etc.

  13. I read up to halfway through the quote from bioware saying: "We do realize it is useful to figure out what is being done wrong. But we don't want to people to be able to go out and judge you."


    This is so stupid because competitive anything requires judging, if you want to be the first at something or the best at something then you need to take the best and reject the worst to help you get there.


    I am sick of the entire world starting to think that it is bad to 'lose' and then going out of their way to make sure everyone has a happy little time. No losers = no winners, it does not mean everyone is a winner, its means everything is boring because competition and judgement drive adventure and excitement.


    And I'm not even a Hardcore raider, I am casual at best.


    I gotta concur. I am a casual, 3 night a week raider and only partway through nightmare mostly due to attendance issues from IRL responsibilities.


    Bioware is basically removing any ability to approach the game analytically. For the most part we can gauge how folks are doing damage wise based on the enrage timers, adds dying, etc. The big issue for us is the "*** just hit me" problems that we have and will continue to run into. As a sometimes raid leader, I need the ability to quickly peruse a log that covers EVERYONE to address that. This is even more paramount if you're in a more casual guild with friends that need a little extra help. Yeah, I may know what's hitting me but maybe Bob my Buddy doesn't see it right away and needs some help and convincing.


    At the very least, full combat logs must make it in and we MUST have the ability to judge.


    As for Mods making the game easier? DBM and that's it. The vast majority of the mods simply overcame shoddy UI design or allowed UI customization that garnered no true benefits (well, I guess "fixing" bad UI is an advantage, but still). Good players don't need DBM like mods if they have a combat log. Hell, we've had our BH dps time Karagga's adds based on the CDs of Death from Above (I think they rotated spawns between them). See? A makeshift DBM!


    EQ had DBM in a way too - it was some nerd with a stopwatch on vent or teamspeak. We don't need DBM though...we need logs.

  14. Since Guild Capital ships are in the pipeline, I'd like to suggest a pvp scenario that would capitalize (hah) on them in a very unique way:


    I want guild capital ships and I want to have a repeatable "warzone" where we invade each other's capital ship. Say a 24 or 16 man guild vs guild warzone where half defend, half invade. First to the end wins. Essentially its a concurrent voidstar.


    Bonus points if we can get some design capability like a "map editor" to redesign our capital ship within limitations so that each unique "invasion" requires "on your toes" thinking or even advanced scouting. Put a 6 month cooldown on ship remodels. Jesus. That would be cool as hell.


    Ultimately, I realize that cross-server pvp and etc are higher priority, but seriously...think outside the box. Realize what would be just "cool as hell" and do it.

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