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Posts posted by Silvercell

  1. Does anyone know if this armor set works with the xp boosts that you can buy? I only have the first 3 pieces at the moment and I want to use them with the major or minor experience boosts that I buy to stack xp gain to 50%.


    Is this possible?


    (Slightly off topic I know)

  2. I thought it was ridiculously short, to be honest. I enjoyed it far more than Chapter 10 though.


    As an aside, I dislike their use of Chapters, I feel they should have used Episodes. The vanilla game had chapters 1-3, so starting over at a new chapter 1 with the same character annoys me ... but that is just me.


    Me too, it was much nicer playthrough than chapter ten. Howver I'm not so keen on the two companions they decided to bring back as love interests in chapters 10 and 11. I mean Krazy Kaliyo and Cat man, every time my trooper had to kiss him I cringed, fur in mouth anyone?


    I only played the trooper story once because of that creepy romance (if they had kids would they be called kittens?) and also because my troopers deep man voice (shepherd) just never appealed. No disrespect to anyone who loved that story though.

    If it was up to me I might have brought back the bounty hunter team or the smuggler team as they were pretty popular companions generally.


    But I did like the whole feel of this chapter and I preferred the shorter length. :)

  3. Slightly off topic but does anyone know if there is more than one romance scene (the commitment one)? Since agreeing to pursue a romance with Theron and playing him with gifts I haven't had any further chats or romance scenes with him.


    Is it a matter of raising his approval or just waiting for more story content to be released?


    (ps ...so glad my sith warrior could have a chance at another romance as she just could never forgive Quinn for his betrayal)

  4. 2 wrongs don't make a right...but three lefts do...


    Just because you learned your lesson the same way, doesn't mean it's ok. The GTN is an issue that Bioware is ignoring for whatever freaking reason - there is NO REASON it should list fractional currency - NONE! They'd rather someone like the lady above leave the game over the frustration she just experienced, than to ban the kid who cheated her...of course the kid who cheated her is probably already banned for using the chair exploit, so...


    I understand people need to be more careful...but that doesn't mean she wasn't ****ed over.


    Thank you Tux, I appreciate your support. :) Some people are not very nice here.

  5. I know most people are sick of this topic but I need to vent so if you are reading this topic and don't want to hear my complaints stop reading now.


    I just lost over 3 million credits that I have been saving up for ages crafting stuff. I have no doubt the player that I accidently bought the material off is having a great laugh at the idiot that has just made him 3 million richer.


    I am absolutely upset. I have been looking forward to unlocking some of my first legacy perks and was trying to get to ten million so I could do this, that seems a very long way off now.


    What this type of 'fun' will do is discourage honest ordinary players like me from bothering making the effort. I feel as if I was robbed and don't want to be in a place where the attitude is...tough luck, get over it. To me this is a crime, I have spent many long hours building my character and her crafting level to the point I could make and sell nice items for a reasonable price.


    I was so excited to see my balance going up and now ...all gone. :(

  6. I hate this event too. Seriously THE MOST DISGUSTING EVENT ever!!!


    What annoys me even more that than the awful sounds of people vomiting coughing and spewing anytime I am on the fleet is the fact that there is an achievement for infecting people!


    An achievement for following, harassing and annoying people!!!


    To avoid being infected we have to go and buy the vaccine (1000 credits)! I think at least make the vaccine free if we have to put up with the folk who enjoy doing this type of thing.


    Its just beyond eww!!

  7. I really, really appreciate the chance to finish levelling my characters and to start a new character and experience the story only all the way through to level cap.


    Best idea ever! The stories are so wonderful and I'm thrilled I can replay them all again without having to do the side quests!


    Many many thanks for this! :) :) :)

  8. Just a suggestion from someone who loves the stories and has played all 8 storylines to completion and near completion in most cases. I would love to come back but man the same old quests are boring and tedious and extremely grindy to say the least! Tonight I spent nearly 45 minutes to do two 5 minutes cut scenes because of long travel through tricky areas. I have not so much time to spare that I am happy with something like this. I would like to see people being able to fast travel whenever and wherever they like.

    Dyes and armours unlocked account wide, new hairstyles and better female dresses, jackets, boots etc (not too revealing as the dancers outfits are nor too nunnish as the robes and dresses are) available in cash shop.

    I would also like to see an unlock (in cash shop if necessary) that enables players to just play the main quests, if they so desire. I would happily just level up characters doing main quests and a bit of crafting or the odd flashpoint or flying quest. I have been there and done that in the game now and want to experience the stories and everything again but not the huge hard struggle to level.

    Mmos don't have to be grindy and hard to be fun. Look at GW2, its a great wee game, a lot of fun, lots of lovely rewards and the only thing its missing is the story that SWTOR has and the companions that are so lovable.

  9. Oh in my mind the most romantic was Torian, I was so pleasantly surprised by him! (Swoon!!)

    I even liked his vanilla appearance which suited his shy boy personality really well. I loved when he spoke Mandalorian to my BH lady. I did think the flirt options for her were totally cringe worthy though.


    Next would be Corso, he's such a cutie country boy! Cool accent too!


    I did like (BARELY) the consular romance option, he's beautiful looking and sweet but maybe a little weird for my tastes hehe.


    Oghren from DAO is one of the romance options and I JUST COULD NOT GET PAST HIS VOICE, I could see Andronikos Revel but I could only hear Oghren. :)


    I had the same voice trouble with my Trooper, I just couldn't get past the Commander Shepherd voice. (Im really not keen on her voice)


    The one I COULDNT romance and I would love to romance was the very interesting and sexy Zenith! He was scrummy!!

  10. Just wanted to say to the development team that I am enjoying some of the recent changes made since I last played SWTOR. I am loving the new hairstyles, (well mostly the long hairstyle.) I have already used it with two of my characters. The makeover salon on the fleet is a welcome sight, thanks so much!!!


    Making a character and then seeing the character in motion can give you second thoughts on many decisions made. I was so glad to get rid of the very bad tan choice and the weird lips that I have previously been putting up with.


    I would DEFINITELY love to see more long and girly hairstyles added and I personally don't mind paying to unlock these. Hair colours too, if the engine can support a more detailed palette. (Check out GW2 hairstyles and colours)


    Another great improvement is the dyes, while I haven't used them yet as my new character is still young and poor, I am looking forward to making and buying them. Yay choices!!!


    I am hoping that maybe your armour designer could facilitate more robe designs? I know people like keeping with the 'ambient' of star wars but I do miss having girly looking gear.


    I have to be honest; once the novelty of the great story lines wear off, the aesthetics are greatly important to me as a player. I really love character customisation in an mmo.


    I really like having the little pet but would like to be able to name him/her and interact with it in some way, the idea that the pet could have some use or function really appeals to me also. This is another item Id be happy to buy in the item shop :)


    That's all for now. Thank you for reading! :D

  11. After a year or so, the only thing I stilled liked about the time I spent in Aion was the way my character looked in her armor. As a female gamer, I do spend a lot of time on my character creation, and find armor and hair selection in this game a bit lacking. My smuggler could look so much better. OH and anyone ever notice (how can you help but notice!) in tight medium armor pants , our girls look like they have a "package". :(



    Yes that's absolutely one of the first things I noticed about one my characters, then after I spotted that telling 'bulge' I found it hard to take my eyes from it in every cutscene, Eww!



    Also I agree with you about Aion, gameplay, crafting etc isnt that great, but I loved the romantic and feminine styles of the armours, espeically the mage skirts and tops. Thats the only reason I go back to play sometimes. :)

  12. I really agree with you OP. I am always complaining to my husband about the horrible armour in Biowares games, unfortunately they do some things really well but other things terribly.


    At least they take into account their female customers. Some game companies make rpgs with only one choice of sex, male!


    I love the armours/bodies/hairs/makeup of Aion and Guild Wars and many other of the MMO's out there. In fact MOST mmo's have barbershops standard, not just for us ladies but loads of males like to change their looks too.


    Anyway I wish Bioware would hire some awesome designers and get their armours, hair and make-up sorted, they really are substandard and very basic looking. A child could have designed them. I think for an mmo this is an area that they really need to focus on.


    Just my opinion cause Im tired of my characters looking so gammy.

  13. I like being able to change outfits colours (but would be good to be able to do this with companions armours too) and also I like being able to use speeder in spaceports, thank goodness!!


    I like the way I can change the size of my task bars and other stuff on the screen, thats a great idea.


    I love having the buff from my other characters, nice!!


    Legacy is hugely disappointing in that some of the fun stuff, like ship conveniences and droid things cost huge amounts of money, I had NO idea that to unlock other species it would cost so much game money, it doesnt seem fair to me. How is this possible?


    I have never come close to having huge sums of credits in my bank so will never be able to use those legacy features, really disappointed.


    Was hoping for a barbershop or some way of changing my charaters looks as I get so bored with same makeup and hairstyle/colour but can wait for that a little longer I guess.


    Oh and my trooper seems to be working right at last, she kicks butt now! Yay! ;):p:):rolleyes:

  14. How about let them get the fps issues and bugs fixed first. Then worry about fluff later.


    I disagree :)


    Fix those issues but pay someone else to also give us nicer outfits and our beauty salon cause for me its just as annoying as some bugs having to play with a character once I get fed up with her hairstyle or eye colour, it really annoys me. Besides I think they make enough money from us to do both at once! :)

  15. Yes I was really surprised as many single player games have now implemented some type of in game mirror to adjust ones appearance. In DA2 they did this so I had assumed that Bioware would for sure have thought of that feature for an mmo. I think mmo's need the option to adjust characters appearance even more than sp games! In my opion that is. :)
  16. Thank you for your support Silvercell. :) And to answer your questions. When I mention in my original post that Tharan Cedrax just gives you a teaser, I meant that he only gives you a one night stand. I know, that's sad. Personality-wise, Tharan is an incredibly interesting character. He is an ambitious scientist who loves to have his fun, and has the mystique Bond air about him. Luxury and technology are his favorite things. He does have a quirk, but I won't spoil that for you. ;)


    The only romance option for female Consulars is Lieutenant Iresso.


    Also, since I noticed that you are interested in the subject of companions, I suggest you visit this website. http://www.swtorface.com/p/jedi-consular-companion-list.html This website has a companion list for all classes, and it mentions a bit of official backstory on them, their crew skill specialties, their likes and dislikes, and the gift preferences. Hopefully, this will help have a good head start on them. :)


    Thanks for the link Nynuwe- that page IS excellent, very useful and an interesting read too! Oh I am very excited to carry on levelling my consular Jedi now, I will be able to have a brief flirt with one companion;Theran and then there is the cute soldier boy to look forward to? He comes at Hoth?


    Is that chapter 2?


    I have levelled the smuggler to mid chapter two and the romance with is nice with Corso, he's very boyish and sweet.


    A very intersting thread this!

  17. Maybe once they add new character creation options due to Legacy levels. I can foresee more than one thread of people demanding to be able to "mod" their old characters because of some of the new options.

    Yes I think that may be the case! I'll just keep adding my voice to theirs! :D

  18. I for one totally support you Nynwe! Storyline is the main and only reason I preordered this game (and why I will continue to pay for it over the coming months) The romances and personal stories of my companions are inherant to my enjoyment of this game over other mmos out there.


    I love the fact that Bioware have taken the time and effort to enhance the storyline with romanceable companions-honestly what other mmo developer has ever bothered! Its fantastic!


    So I am very very interested in which characters are romanceable and which are not. I was hoping to romance Zenith with my newly made consular- so this isnt possible? Boohoo!


    Old Theran looks like such a fuddy duddy! I'll be getting him a facelift asap as moustaches are not my thing! Is he at least a sweetie pie? What planet do you meet him on? He is the only consular romance option?


    Anyway good post Nynwe and I totally support your views! Up with romance!! :D

  19. Hello I would like to request a Beauty Salon or Hairdressers where we can change our look, hair colour etc. I was thinking maybe on the fleet? Or in the main cities or towns or even better... a nice mirror dressing room space in our spaceship!


    Swoon! Would be so lovely!


    Thank you! :)

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