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Posts posted by Tsumedai

  1. I didn't notice the cross-class skills, but if it was in there and I missed it, I just want to say it's a stupid idea and will ruin balance seen as the game wasn't built with it in mind...


    There was something that appeared to be cross-class ability usage; as someone said, a Sith using a flamethrower. But it may be purely cosmetic, replacing an ability's animation with one from another class. We won't know until later.

  2. Some things they choose to talk about, some things they don't. One possibility is that, since they've already stated that SGRs are going to be in the game, they would rather announce new things than talk about something already announced.


    Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure the question about server maintenance times has been asked and answered on the forums before.

  3. That was pretty much the reason I never gave it a second look. :p


    I had the same concerns, among others. But DA2 actually really surprised me. There's a great deal about it that I could complain about, but nothing that really breaks it, and underneath it all there's an amazing game in there.

  4. Unfortunately as David Gaider has, as far as I know, nothing to do with TOR that's really only a quote of interest rather than indication.


    Yeah, he's not part of the TOR development team. His point about BioWare having the actual numbers on the uptake of SGRAs in their other games carries over pretty well, though, IMO.

  5. So you know exactly what Bioware is thinking whenever they make any choice? LOL okay then.


    Also, Stephen Reid, has stated that they recognize the LGBT community is not just a hand full of people but a very large section of their fanbase.


    Probably worth remembering David Gaider's response to a fan's objections to the bisexual romance options in Dragon Age 2:


    The romances in the game are not for "the straight male gamer". They're for everyone. We have a lot of fans, many of whom are neither straight nor male, and they deserve no less attention. We have good numbers, after all, on the number of people who actually used similar sorts of content in DAO and thus don't need to resort to anecdotal evidence to support our idea that their numbers are not insignificant... and that's ignoring the idea that they don't have just as much right to play the kind of game they wish as anyone else. The "rights" of anyone with regards to a game are murky at best, but anyone who takes that stance must apply it equally to both the minority as well as the majority. The majority has no inherent "right" to get more options than anyone else.


    More than that, I would question anyone deciding they speak for "the straight male gamer" just as much as someone claiming they speak for "all RPG fans", "all female fans" or even "all gay fans". You don't. If you wish to express your personal desires, then do so. I have no doubt that any opinion expressed on these forums is shared by many others, but since none of them have elected a spokesperson you're better off not trying to be one. If your attempt is to convince BioWare developers, I can tell you that you do in fact make your opinion less convincing by doing so.


    And if there is any doubt why such an opinion might be met with hostility, it has to do with privilege. You can write it off as "political correctness" if you wish, but the truth is that privilege always lies with the majority. They're so used to being catered to that they see the lack of catering as an imbalance. They don't see anything wrong with having things set up to suit them, what's everyone's fuss all about? That's the way it should be, any everyone else should be used to not getting what they want.


    Full post is here, as well as the post it was made in response to.

  6. Lots of people plan to play characters who are purely Light Side or purely Dark Side, and so won't need the prompts for those choices. Never heard of anyone asking for that sort of toggle.


    And this is the key point that the pro-toggle people need to understand. It doesn't matter how many times you say that you're OK with SGRAs being in the game. It doesn't matter how carefully you construct your proposal to give it the appearance of treating OGRAs and SGRAs equally. Because what matters is that it wasn't until the possiblity of SGRAs was raised that anybody started asking for a toggle at all. The fact that it's same-sex content - and only same-sex content - that provokes this reaction tells us everything we need to know.

  7. I don't want that in my game and I shouldn't be forced just because you do.


    Actually, you should. Because that's how every other piece of content in the game works. People don't like torture? Tough. It's there; deal with it. People don't like attempted genocide? Tough. It's there; deal with it. It's not BioWare's job to hold your hand as you play and hide away any option you don't want to see.

  8. I don't personally think the exclusion of SGRAs from launch was a matter of bigotry on BW:A's behalf. I'm reasonably certain it was a business decision made for reasons other than intentional exclusion for the sake of keeping the game gay-free, so to speak.


    At the risk of going off on a tangent:


    I tend to think the emotional baggage that tends to come with the word 'bigotry' clouds the issue a bit. It's a word that conjures up images of pointy white sheets and the worst inhumanity humanity has to offer. In everyday life, bigotry just isn't like that. It's often subtle and insidious. A lot of bigots are actually really nice, well-meaning people who just happen to hold some very rigid views as to how the world should work.


    Perhaps prejudice is the better term, since it lacks some of the connotations. I'm finding it really hard to see how leaving out SGRAs at launch could be anything other than prejudice; unconcious, unintentional prejudice, maybe. Probably, I'd say, given BioWare's track record. But prejudice nonetheless.

  9. This is a simple request for player choices to be allowed to continue to exist...


    And that's exactly what's going to happen. Nobody is going to be forced to romance an NPC of the same gender as their character. Exactly the same choices that exist now will continue to exist; there will simply be a few more alongside them, on equal footing.

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