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Posts posted by Xclusive

  1. As I said, the highest I have seen post 1.2 are from a Sorceror and Rage Juggernaughts respectively in the 950k range, just shy of 1million like that screenshot. The highest I have seen from a Marauder is 800k. And indeed Rage Juggernaughts in my experience tend to outdamage sentinels by 15% or so in Voidstars.


    There is a certain element of randomness to the whole thing, but its pretty easy to see that in a pure theorycrafting world the rage specs will always outdamage the Watchman tree assuming you group people together like lemmings and have tons of healers present.


    Anyway, all this to say that damage logs don't mean anything!


    Well said Ebon!

  2. I love how these pics start out by highlighting the awesome unbalanced power of ... the Rage Juggernaut.


    LOL. Basically, the Mara/Sent myth has gotten so ridiculous that you can blame anything on these classes.


    Exactly. They can't even tell the difference between the 2, yet call them selves "good pvpers". I don't even know why I still read these forums.

  3. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=450942


    600K is the lower range of what I'm talking about. I said 600-800k. As I said, any class I think can reasonably do 500k, maybe slightly more. But few are going to reach 800K consistently. I've posted several screenshots of various Sentinels/Marauders doing 700-800k + damage. One guy repeatedly.


    Find me one Sorc post 1.2 who has exceeded 800K and I will shut up.


    What more do you want, guy above me posted a sage hitting 930k, powertechs over 700k. And the highest dps in your OP were from a Jugg not a mara...

  4. Are you one of those people who look for one flaw in someone's argument in order to dismiss the whole premise? Logical reasoning fail...


    BTW I am at work and rushed the copy and pasting. Half of the ones with protection are simply repeats. Attention to detail fail.


    I'm calling you out. I noticed the repeats as well. You just want to overexagerate the damage that a sent/mara can do, and you sir, have failed. I too can grab screen shots, post 1.2, of just about every class topping 600k damage. You were only looking for Knight/warrior screen shots, so that is all you found.

  5. Oh, great, another thread QQing about mara/sent. I was just saying to myself 'You know, 54387620 threads about this **** just isn't enough...'


    It is getting old. I have seen every class do well in warzones and top charts. I have 7 republic toons, everything but a sage, and i have topped damage charts on each class.

  6. These screenshots are from two servers only.


    Note the screenshots of clusters of Marauder/Sentinels in the top 5 damange overall. Also note the massive gap between the #1 damage dealt and the remainder.


    These are also mostly post-1.2 only to account for recent nerfs/buffs.






















    Can you even tell the difference between a Sentinel/Maurader and a Jugernaut/Guardian? Half of your Screen Shots are of Juggs/guardians... Know how i know? They have protection... Fail.

  7. Why do people keep trying to turn this game into something it isn't?


    It's an RPG. RPGs operate on a carrot on a stick achievement mentality and the promise of continual advancement. If you don't like it, don't play RPGs. Stop trying to turn this into a console game. I like earning substantive benefits by succeeding in PvP. I side with the non-Marxists on this one.




    Gearing your toon at endgame is mainly what I love most about MMO's.

    I don't get the best gear so i can faceroll noobs.. I like the challenge of getting kit out with BiS gear/mods.

    It only takes maybe a month or 2 to get fully geared, then everyone your skill level should be at the same gear level as you. Thats when the real fun begins, being fully geared pvping agianst fully geared oposition.


    I don't want a FPS, i don't want streetfighter, I want an MMO, im playing and paying for an MMO. Games that you seek are already available, go play those.

  8. Here is how to World PvP.


    1. Get a group together.

    2. Find some enemy lowbies and kill them and camp their corpses.

    3. They call high level friends and guild members or get on their high level characters.

    4. They fight back

    5. World PvP ensues.


    Ganking, spawn camping, and unfair, unbalanced fights is what World PvP is all about. If you don't like those things then you don't like World PvP and what you should really be asking for is some kind of RvR implementation.


    ^ Winner


    That is exactly what world pvp is to me! I wish there were more people that understood this. Back in the day, if someone was camping your boys, EVERYONE came to help. These days, people see it as, well there is no reward, why should I go help this guy thats getting camped. I guess the mentality of the community needs to somehow change. Maybe I'm just old school, but if one of my guildies are getting camped, im omw!

  9. Don't get me wrong, sure it could be better.


    I for one think they should blow up these fleets and put ground bases...


    But that isn't the case, atleast not now, I'm just sugesting to work with what we do have. I would love to see more people put together there own content.


    keep posting your ideas.

  10. I see alot of people wanting/wishing for world PvP. Saying, OMG BW fix world pvp, do this do that...


    Here is a new idea, organize an event yourself! Coordinate with the oposite faction, or go camp them until their guild gets off there ***. Guild up, group up and go terrorize the other faction.


    Remember all the old great MMO's? SWG, there wasn't a REWARD for PVP, people did it because it was fun. Go make some world pvp, and stop ************ for BW to do it for you. On fatman we have world pvp events quite often, and its fun! A nice break between warzoning.

  11. I'm sorry, but if you're doing that well with sentinel, that says more about your opponents unfortunately.


    come on, that guarded by the force ability lasts 5-6 seconds and takes half of your health--HALF!!! The inviso-ability is just as useless, but at least it got me out of a scrape or two when I was able to jump off a cliff without them seeing, otherwise you reappear within range for them to stomp you all over again. I use pacify often, but it doesn't help us in AoE situations with a bunch of stuns or getting stabbed in the back--which is what PVP in this game is all about.


    As for DoTs, you don't get much help there at all if you go up the combat tree...ironic huh? "COMBAT" is the least useful tree for....you guessed it--COMBAT. My biggest problem with this class isn't so much the abilities or it's "squishiness", I just wish it were faster so I could do more damage before dying. I feel like our animations are waaay too slow...that, and we don't have enough interrupts--I'm not a big AoE or cc fanatic, and don't really care for DoTs which is why I skipped the Watchmen tree. I think if they gave us more interrupts, we'd be contenders. As it is, I have force jump(range limitations), stasis(long cd), a 6 second AoE stun(long cd) and force kick(not too long cd)...I think all of those will interrupt casts/channel abilities--seems like a lot but you'll still be looking for another one before you die. In PVP I practice hit and run--see if there's anyone I can help finish off, but rarely will I take on someone with full health.


    I was thinking about increasing alacrity on my sentinel to see if it would do anything for speed, but fear the cost it would take from strength/endurance.


    I do that well on my sentinel also, and my opponents aren't bad.


    Not enough interupts?? You listed them all your self... thats a ton of interupts, that combined with all of our defensive cooldowns... we are the best 1v1 class in the game hands down. The only class that I have trouble with is a well played sniper/gunslinger.


    Gaurded by the force... just about the best ability we have, its awesome! Use it when you are really low and about to go down, that way you aren't taking that much HP from yourself, I'm watchman so i usually pop Zen right after, then stack the burns to help heal me back up, plus pop a med pack, you'll have a good bit of HP once the 6 secs are up. By that time either your healer has arrived, or you have finished off your opponents...


    I will admit, I did struggle with my sentinel at first. It takes alot of playing / practice to get good, but once you memorize all your skills and keybinds, you're a fricking god on the battlefield.


    I have also started leveling a gaurdian, he is lvl 38 now, and I love it too. I do find, at least at this level, that my sentinel has a little more survivability... but my gaurdian isn't a push over by any means. I usually finish off with the most medals in a wz, usually 10-12 every game. My sentinel usually only gets 9 tops.


    All in all i think you would have fun with either, they both are very fun and very rewarding once you learn them.

  12. I suggest you go back and read my post again. I'm not talking about polish. I'm talking about basic game features that should have been present at launch, that they are now scrambling to patch in. For example guild banks and a movable UI, to only name a few. So my original position holds.


    If SWTOR wishes to compete with other MMO's, it must do so on the other MMO's terms. As I said, Bioware's leadership should have known this. Even Bioware's Zeschuk agrees with that, "It [World of Warcraft] is a touchstone. It has established standards, it's established how you play an MMO. Every MMO that comes out, I play and look at it. And if they break any of the WoW rules, in my book that's pretty dumb." Unfortunately they did a very poor job of copying it. By Zeschuk's own logic, Bioware's developers are pretty dumb.




    You, are clueless.

  13. 1. Force Leap has a cool-down.

    2. I'm routinely stunned and killed at range before I can get off a single Force Leap.

    3. Even if I can get into range initially with Force Leap, my opponents can continue attacking while moving away, while some of my abilities require that I remain stationery to use them, so I can't stay in melee range.

    4. Given the above three points, do you still really contend that melee DPS shouldn't be higher than ranged DPS?


    Dude, do you use saber ward, rebuke, trancendance? Gaurded by the force even... you should not be killed by ranged before you can get to them... if you are, then your going after a group, wich is not wise for any spec... Use a little more team work maybe. Sentinel is awesome once you learn it. It does take a while to master though.


    Once you force leap onto someone, if they are ranged, drop your 50% slow on them, They can't kite you I promise you, use force camo to gain ground, or even transcendence.


    And *** are you talking about you have to stay stationary?? Force stasis should only be used as an interrupt, or if you have a healer to buy you some time if someone is dpsing you down. Master strike can pretty much be taken off your bindings. Only time I use it is if a noob is sitting still letting you whale on him.


    Use your defensive cd's man. It is hard as hell to kill me. Usually takes a group of people. Granted I am level 50 now with Full Champ minus my main hand and boots, but even before then I was very hard to kill. Don't run into a group of people alone, no class can survive that inevitable death.


    No excuses, no buts... there has been good advice given to you here on this thread, use it.

  14. /Signed


    Tired of unfounded QQ about class balance whenever someone gets steamrollered by a far better player in a warzone.


    Every class I've played has been able to hold it's own in warzones, even at low levels when lacking a lot of abilities - it just takes modifying your tactics to suit, avoiding direct confrontations until you have your main defensive abilities.


    All seems to be surprisingly well balanced to me. I prescribe a large dose of Lrn2play.


    I couldn't have said it better myself, I have a 29 Sentinel, and a 28 Shadow atm. You have to adjust how you play to what your class specializes in!

  15. Before WoW people used to PvP for fun and the thrill of fighting another player rather than AI.


    Looking for "rewards" from PvP is silly and you have the option to queue for 3 different PvP modes with rewards if that's all you care about.


    What you're asking for is already in game. World PvP is just for fun. Why should you be rewarded for ganking someone?



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