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Posts posted by DarknessInLight

  1. Not to bring up a classic Star Wars cliché, but.....


    I have a very bad feeling about this....


    Last time things went down like this, I lost everything I had in game. It was Star Wars Galaxies and when I logged in, EVERYTHING I had was gone and Sony refused to do anything to help me.

  2. Raiders and challenges are not welcome in casual games and 5.0 confirmed this again. Enough said.


    Sadly I have to agree with this. We know that creating a raid takes time, and knowing that 5.0 is going to be a story continuance from KOTFE to KOTET tell us that there will NOT be a new raid until at least 2018 if at all. For many of us, that's the dealbreaker that EA should have been afraid of. Many of us have been waiting over 2 years for a new raid or flashpoint, with nothing to show for it. All we have is a single player game with microtransactions available from the Cartel Market. Eric Musco, we have been patient. VERY patient. Unfortunately, we are coming to a breaking point here. I know I am not alone when I say that my subscription is on the line and depends on what happens with 5.0. We cannot wait another year for something that should have been obvious from day one.

  3. People consider it "not following canon", because it ignores most of the crap from EU.


    Actually, it goes beyond the EU as far as it "not following canon". The biggest issues with the movie actually comes from direct contradiction with the previous six films' canon. Here is a prime example:


    Jedi Training in the Force. In TFA, we are shown young girl named Rey who, as far as we can tell has had:


    - NO training in the Force and on the use of it.

    - NO training in the Jedi Saber Arts and no formal Saber training.


    Rey is strapped into that chair onboard the First Order's Superweapon and she magically is able to use the Force to apply a Jedi Mind Trick to the Stormtrooper formerly known as James Bond. No training. She just wills it to happen.


    Canon in conflict 1: In The Empire Strikes Back, Yoda has to teach Luke how to use the Force to lift a minor stone, which he does. He tries to concentrate. Tries feel the Force around him. Tries to bridge the connections between himself and the Living Force. Despite the minor training, Luke cannot lift his X-wing out of the bog, claiming that it was "too big". How can Luke have such issues with the use of the Force, but Rey doesn't? See, something doesn't add up here.


    Canon in conflict 2: In Attack of the Clones, during the speeder chase of Zam Wesell, Obi Wan makes a point of telling his Padawan Learner, Anakin Skywalker, that "if he practiced his saber technique as well as his wit, he would rival Master Yoda as a swordsman". In TFA, Rey just pulls Anakin's saber out of the snow with the Force and beats a trained, albeit limited, Force Sensitive with training in the Jedi saber arts. Oh, and yes, I am aware that Kylo Ren had a wound from Chewie's Crossbow but that leads me to my third canon conflict. How is Rey capable of just picking up a lightsaber(which for the longest time was considered a weapon that was just as dangerous to the user as it is to the one its pointed at) and defeating Kylo Ren in a duel?


    Canon in conflict 3: In The Force Awakens, after the death of Han Solo at the hands of his son, Kylo Ren takes a bolt from Chewbacca's Crossbow to the ribs, which results in an open wound. It has been surmised that THIS is why, when he duels Rey in the snow, he loses the fight. Again, the existing films contradict this. In The Empire Strikes Back, Vader is dueling his son in the Industrial Heart of Cloud City on Bespin. Vader backs him onto a bridge and continues to try to overwhelm his son. He makes a mistake and Luke lands a clean lightsaber wound to Vader's shoulder/upper arm, which cause the Sith Lord to scream in pain, go berserk and cut his son's saber hand off, ending the duel. If Vader can take a deep, glancing saber cut from his son, then Kylo Ren should have been able to take the shoulder blow Finn landed on him and the wound from Chewbacca prior to engaging with Rey.


    These are just 3 examples of the canon not being followed for continuity between the movies.

  4. Sorry to knit-pick, but for the sake of Star Wars discussion (I just saw the film several days ago), I'll offer my take on point 3...


    Kylo's injury prior to the duel should be taken into account, as it may have been a detriment to his combat ability (in his handling of lightsaber combat). Personally, I thought it did, even though it seemed that he was trying to draw power through pain during the fight with Finn, to compensate. Aside from that, my interpretation is this... Since Kylo ultimately tried to convince Rey to learn the ways of the force from him, I don't believe he actually wanted to outright kill her from the beginning at all, rather subdue this raw talent for a potential ally to his side.


    Let's also not forget that Rey demonstrated prior familiarity with melee combat on Jakku, beating odds that put her at a serious disadvantage. Her 'attunement' to the force magnified this skill, one could argue. Faced with this kind of opposition, I saw Kylo overwhelmed with surprise at the 180° shift at the end, more than anything. If his intent was truly to kill Rey, I believe he would have done so before her moment of clarity with the force, with only his injury slowing him down.


    If we're gonna take Kylo Ren's injury into account, that it somehow weakened him to the point where he couldn't fight what amounts to a novice in the Jedi Saber Arts, then I'm calling bulls*** on it and there is canonized evidence to suggest otherwise. Saying that she was able to beat those goons on Jakku with a metal staff isn't the same thing as fighting a trained, yet likely amateur(I will give you the point on Kylo Ren being partially trained) Force User armed with a lightsaber. You're comparing Apples and Oranges here. Case in point: Obi Wan and Anakin fighting General Grievous' Magnaguards armed with energy staffs in Revenge of the Sith. Those droids were programmed to use those staffs expertly and viciously and yet Kenobi is able to defeat them with relative ease, as is Skywalker. Now, droids vs. sentients may not be a solid argument, but you have to think that an average person would have been killed by those Magnaguards in a similar situation.


    When Luke was dueling Vader on Cloud City in Empire, he got in a lucky, glancing blow on Vader's shoulder, one that was powerful enough to make the Lord of the Sith scream in pain. Vader then went berserk and removed Skywalker's saber hand. See what I mean? I can't buy the bowcaster bolt to the ribs "cop-out" for why Rey, an untrained user in lightsaber combat, can just suddenly defeat Kylo Ren, even if wounded, because of the Bespin duel between Father and Son. In Attack of the Clones, it is hinted through the dialogue between Obi Wan and Anakin that saber technique and skill is an important part of wielding a lightsaber, so we can infer that Jedi are trained in use of their sabers.


    Even Finn had some rudimentary saber training, possibly a part of his "conditioning" within the First Order.

    Rey's combat with the saber was clumsy. You can see it in the film. She is lunging and swinging and then dodging and running, whereas Finn stood his ground and actually dueled Kylo Ren, until Ren was hit in the shoulder. He then gave himself fully over to the Dark Side and ended that fight quickly. Speaking of which, there is only one possible way that Rey could have suddenly found the strength she needed to crush him the way she did: She must have embraced the Dark Side of the Force. It explains her sudden strength and brute force to defeat Ren. Watch her after she knocked him down. The look on her face. The Dark Side was there. In the novel I believe she even hears voices telling her to finish him quickly. We all know what happens when someone starts down the Dark Path.....

  5. As per the title, please make Hard-mode Flashpoint GF Queue 65 ONLY. Sub 65 tanks DO NOT have the defense nor the hp to tank HM Flash points. If you want to waste the time of your friends then manually do the HM yourself by walking in the door. As that is all you are doing, wasting other people's time.


    You DO realize that simply being level 65 does NOT qualify you as ready for HM FP's, right?


    You need GEAR and SKILL in order to survive. I have seen a level 65 tank with 208 gear out-tank another one geared with 216 and 220 pieces, so skill is a HUGE part. Also, at level 65, depending on the tank, stacking Defense is a BAD IDEA.

  6. As I was watching "The Force Awakens", I felt as though the magic had vanished.


    The magic has vanished. So many "fans" have bought into the hype of the Disney machine that they didn't see what you did. I liked TFA. I felt it was a good Disney film. I felt was a lackluster and mediocre Star Wars film, barely beating out Attack of the Clones and Return of the Jedi, which I hold as the worst of the 6 older films. Yes, I see Phantom Menace as slightly better than The Force Awakens, and you can poke fun at me and judge me all you want, but at least Phantom Menace had an original story, characters that were believable(Darth Maul was bad-***) and a story that didn't try to do too much, too fast.


    The Original Star Wars Trilogy was a magical set of movies that took place in a galaxy far far away that was set in a war. They were emotionally charged films with a sense of wonder and mysticism. They pulled you in and for two hours, you forgot about the world outside of that theater house you were in. The films had personality and heart. They were dark, dirty and full of personal, emotionally charged relationships between the primary characters. They had a magical feeling.


    The Prequels are heavily misunderstood and underappreciated. They brought us into the time before the Galactic Empire. Before the Original Trilogy. The time that Obi Wan Kenobi referred to as a "civilized age". There was no dirty, dark places. The galaxy was a much cleaner and far grander place during the time of the Republic, which is why the scope of these films was different and CGI became almost a practical necessity. The Prequels just could NOT have been made using practical physical effects. Many people dislike them because of the scripts(which were not that great. I can certainly agree on that fact), but the films themselves were original stories(despite the fact that everyone pretty much knows how the ending was going to play out) that had heart and had captured the essence of Star Wars. These films felt like Star Wars. The difference was that they were set in an earlier time, so naturally they had to be somewhat different. The choreographed lightsaber fights were a necessity since in this trilogy we seen Jedi and Sith at their full potential vs. the weak old men, half human cyborgs and young, inexperienced Jedi students of the Original films.


    The Force Awakens, however, did not have the magic of Star Wars. Yes, for many of you the nostalgia factor was way up there, but this film was simply nothing more than Disney providing "lip service" to those "fans" who believed that Lucas ruined their beloved franchise with the Prequels. This film was devoid of the magic that made Star Wars fun and entertaining. Even the John Williams soundtrack for The Force Awakens felt detached. The Prequels built upon and enhanced the magic of the original films, while building upon their legacy. Whether or not you enjoyed them is not relevant. They are canon. TFA was a reboot of A New Hope with a few different twists in it to make you feel as though it was new. This film was full of plot holes(some glaring and others not so much).There was nothing original and in some ways, this film has single-handedly ignored and destroyed established canon in the first six films.

  7. Do you stand still or just move away from the party member and bonetrasher?


    As far as i know after the pin down next comes the claw if you stand still youll get it and die 1 shot, is that right or wrong?


    Some guides say you have to move, some player say you have to stand still...



    Also, I've been told you need to stand most of fight under behind him, not in front, yes if he targets you, you need to take it but, is there a way to know if he is targetting you? target of target but how can you tell?


    For HM raid bosses, EVERYONE needs to consider the following:


    - Everyone should be at level 65 as there is NO BOLSTER in HM Operations.

    - Everyone should be geared and augmented properly for your class and spec, also because, again, there is NO BOLSTER in HM Operations. Failure to follow this rule can lead to wipes because usually the team doesn't have the DPS to beat the enrage timer on the bosses.

    - Everyone needs to learn mechanics. If you cannot be bothered to learn mechanics, you don't need to run HM ops. That's what SM ops are for.

    - Everyone needs to learn a rotation for each toon they have to maximize their output numbers in Threat, Damage and Heals.

    - Everyone should have Target of Target activated on their HUD.

    - Tanks should be putting Guards on the top two aggro hogs in the group. Pulling the first group of trash should give you an idea who that will be.


    Now, onto the Bonetrasher fight:


    1. This boss cannot be taunted by the Tanks. It will randomly aggro on someone. Just allow it to approach and pop Defensive Cooldowns(if applicable)as it hits you IF you are the target of the boss. Eat the damage. Your healers should be able to keep anyone up in this fight, provided everyone is geared properly. If not, the Healers are either not geared properly, have a bad rotation or do not understand their spec/class.


    2. Try to keep the boss in the center of the room as much as possible. His knockback can send you into the acid around the room, which will kill you.


    3. The aggroed player should try to stand in front of the boss when he approaches you so as to not spread damage raid wide with his cleave. When he pounds you into the ground, you should be able to use your stun-breaker to wake up from that and move. You should also be able to pop your Defensive Cooldown ability(everyone has something that can do this). Try to keep your raid group behind the boss. Tanks can stand with you in front and take some damage with their Cooldowns.


    4. When Karagga throws down one of his Gamorrean soldiers for Bonethrasher to eat, it is imperative that it die as quickly as possible because if the boss eats him, he gains a buff that causes more damage and takes less incoming damage, which does nothing more but prolong the fight.


    That's pretty much the fight. Just rinse and repeat.

  8. You're suggesting a person can not learn with out a teacher. This is not true


    It's not? Tell me, then, if it's not true, why the concern,

    haste and necessity of finding Luke Skywalker in The Force Awakens?! They need him to train, or teach, the next generation of Jedi Knights, don't they? I thought that was the whole point to the resistance needing the map?



    It occurs to me that without a teacher, there will be no Jedi, or is the very story in the new movie contradicting itself?

  9. Knowledge and understanding do not require Training. Knowledge and understanding can easily explain all of that, in addition to potential Ren isnt exactly "well trained" either. She only achieves what she does what Maas said, which was guidance, or training if you will. So technically she recieved very small training along with listening to those old stories and watching Ren use it all giving her knowledge, Understanding and a form of training through visual example.


    the Force itself is still a mystical energy field and requires training and knowledge and understanding to use


    If training is a form of learning, and knowledge and understanding come from learning, doesn't that make training/learning required?


    Also, your previous statement makes it sound like you're flip-flopping now. She received training? From who? She's never met Luke Skywalker until the end of the film.

  10. Their point is there is a difference between "achieved power" and "potential power" Midichlorians measures a persons connection/ their "potential" it does not measure what they actually achieved. Midichlorians ARE NOT the force they are what allows some one to feel the force, the Force itself is still a mystical energy field and requires training and knowledge and understanding to use. You want to talk the prequels, good, then dont cherry pick

    https://youtu.be/9DI8kkR9G0Q?t=103 "Darth vader will become more powerful then either of us" The use of the word WILL instead of the word IS tells you right there, that as many midichlorians as Anakin has, he has yet to realize his full strength and as of yet is STILL not as powerful as Sidious or Yoda, but he can BECOME stronger, he just hasnt yet. These lists DO NOT cover what some ones potential is, it covers what they achieved.


    I didn't want to have to use this, but......


    CREATURE: Not far. Yoda not far. Patience. Soon you will be with him. Rootleaf, I cook. Why wish you

    become Jedi? Hmm?


    LUKE: Mostly because of my father, I guess.


    CREATURE: Ah.....your father. Powerful Jedi was he. Powerful Jedi, mmm.


    Okay. It's no longer potential. Yoda admitted Anakin's strength in the Force.


    the Force itself is still a mystical energy field and requires training and knowledge and understanding to use.


    Okay. Now I'm really confused. The Force requires training and knowledge and understanding to use? Did I get that right? If I did, maybe you can help me with something. If what you said is true, how could Rey have used the Force to do Jedi Mind Tricks on that hapless Stormtrooper? How could she have withstood Kylo Ren's attempts to read her mind? How could she have won that duel at the end of the film? She still hasn't been trained in the Force. That was alluded to early on the film when she thinks Luke Skywalker and the Jedi were mythical.

  11. LOL with this logic baby Anakin is the most powerful force user and he can kill Yoda :D


    I wonder really, how old are you?


    With this logic I believe I am correct. Why wouldn't Anakin be the most powerful Force user of his time(especially given his connection to the Force, which is measured by his midichlorian count)?


    If anyone sounds immature, it is you. It sounds to me like you wish to ignore the Prequels, which is impossible since THEY ARE CANON. Sure, you can pretend that they don't exist, which is childish, but at some point in this sequel trilogy, Disney WILL have to bring elements from the Prequels into the films.


    Case in Point: If Luke Skywalker engages Leader Snoke in saber combat in a later episode, which may be coming, it will be similar to the choreographed, stylized combat from the Prequels. If Snoke is who everyone seems to think he is, both he and Skywalker are Masters of the Force and the fight will be similar to the Yoda vs. Darth Sidious duel from Revenge of the Sith.


    In fact, I foresee a dual duel(lol) in the classic Star Wars style that switches back and forth between Luke vs. Snoke and Rey vs. Kylo Ren in Episode IX with "Battle of the Heroes" or "Duel of the Fates" as the score during this scene.

  12. Potential and the most powerful are not the same thing.


    QUI-GON takes the blood

    stained chip and inserts it into the comlink, then calls OBI-WAN.


    QUI-GON : Obi-Wan?

    OBI-WAN : Yes, Master.

    QUI-GON : I need an analysis of this blood sample I'm sending you.

    OBI-WAN : Wait a minute...


    OBI-WAN activates the analysis program


    QUI-GON : I need a midi-chlorian count.

    OBI-WAN : The readings are off the chart. Over twenty thousand. Even Master Yoda doesn't have a midi-chlorian count that high!

    QUI-GON : No Jedi has.

    OBI-WAN : What does it mean?

    QUI-GON : I'm not sure.


    Master Yoda is the most powerful Jedi of the order, or was until this point. This scene shows concern on the part of Qui Gon Jinn as no Jedi has ever measured a blood to midichlorian level as high as Anakin's in the Order's history.


    It's not potential. It's scientific fact, proven by the midichlorians.


    Even Darth Sidious knew how powerful Anakin was/would be.


    DARTH SIDIOUS: You cannot stop me. Darth Vader will become more powerful than either of us.

    YODA: Faith in your new apprentice, misplaced may be. As is your faith in the Dark Side of the Force.

  13. There's nothing about that in the canon. Can you provide your source?


    Well, Anakin Skywalker IS the most powerful Jedi in the timeline we are talking about. The Midichlorians, like them are not, are canonized via the Prequels. Because his midichlorian count was higher than any other Jedi in the order, including Yoda, that makes him the most powerful Jedi in the universe at that time.


    Source: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.


    Take *all* the information about the fight as it was shown in the movie and tell me how "trained" he was.


    Well, we know that he was a student at Skywalker's first Jedi Academy. At some point, he fell and slaughtered everything in there. We don't know at what point in the intervening years Ben Solo's training took place, but he was trained by Skywalker in the Jedi arts. It stands to reason that he is(or at least was) somewhat skilled in saber combat. Lightsabers are supposed to be clumsy weapons in the hands of those untrained in their use, which would explain why Finn can use one. Apparently the First Order trains their troops in the proper use of them.


    I know the EU isnt canon any longer, but Kyle Katarn received Lightsaber training while at the Imperial Academy. That is part of the reason he was able to defeat, Yun, Gorc, Pic, Sariss, Boc and Jerec in his quest to protect the Valley of the Jedi on Ruusan. He outdueled them.


    Whoa. I just had another thought unrelated to our conversation. :p

  15. And if Rey was going up against Vader, he would have defeated her an a hot minute - she wasn't, she was going up against an injured Kylo Ren.


    EDIT: And how did you reach the conclusion that Luke was trained for two years before Bespin?


    I was including the time that Luke and Obi Wan spent on the Falcon and the time intervening between A New Hope and Empire plus the time spent on Dagobah with Master Yoda. Speaking of which, given the speculated time that it took the Falcon to reach Bespin from Hoth at sublight speed, I would guess that Luke spent at least 6 months training with Yoda on Dagobah.

  16. And if Rey was going up against Vader, he would have defeated her an a hot minute - she wasn't, she was going up against an injured Kylo Ren.


    Which should have made Kylo Ren even MORE dangerous. Remember that when Luke sliced into Lord Vader's shoulder, he screamed in pain and then when berserk, eventually cutting off Luke's hand. It still doesn't show an sound explanation for Rey being able to defeat Kylo Ren in saber combat, since it is clear he is trained(he built that weapon himself)

  17. Ren's training was uncomplete, he was holding back and he was shot by a bolt that normally killed others while sending them flying 20ft, which instead of killing him, it kept him bleeding out.


    Incomplete yes, but powerful enough to use Force Stasis, something I would guess takes years to get good at. Rey, on the other hand, had no formal training, yet could use Jedi Mind Tricks and wield her Grandfather's lightsaber as if she had been doing it all her life, when thousands of Padawan learners before her had to undergo a strict training regimen to even pick up a saber, including her father and grandfather.

  18. Anakin, totally untrained, was powerful enough in the force to do what no other human could do and pilot a pod racer.


    You're right, a human flying a pod racer required the Force.


    Qui-Gon: You must have Jedi reflexes if you race Pods.


    Dueling a Force Sensitive with a Lightsaber requires training in the Jedi arts. Remember that Luke was no match for Vader on Bespin. Also remember that Anakin's Midichlorian count was over 20,000. Not even Master Yoda had a count that high. He was NOT your typical Force Sensitive. I am curious, though, as to what Darth Sidious' midichlorian count would have been had he been tested.

  19. My top five list(in reverse order) of the Most Powerful Force Users in the Galaxy:


    5. Obi Wan Kenobi

    The premier swordsman and diplomat of the Jedi Order, Obi Wan Kenobi was one of the Order's finest Padawan learners, and as Qui Gon Jinn noted, a much wiser man than he was. He defeated Darth Maul, gave Darth Tyrannus a run for his credits and killed General Grievous in his lifetime. He did become a great Jedi Knight and more. He became a hero of the Order and the Republic. It's a shame his Padawan fell to the Dark Side, through no fault of his own, however.


    4. Yoda

    The Grand Master of the Old Jedi Order deserves a spot in my top 5. He trained Jedi for 800 years of his life and was the lifeblood of the Order for that time. His defeat at the hands of Lord Sidious had to be humiliating and humbling at the same time. Still.....anyone who can lift a X wing fighter out of a swamp with one hand gets my vote!


    3. Mace Windu

    Perhaps there was something more to him than his Purple Lightsaber led us to believe. This is the guy who confronted Darth Sidious and defeated him in saber combat. Too bad that punk Anakin Skywalker had to ruin things.....


    2. Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker

    The Force was indeed powerful with Sidious' final apprentice. Whether he was Force choking an Admiral via holoconference for failing him for the last time or cutting his son's hand off in a fit of rage, Lord Vader was the physical embodiment of the Force itself.


    1. Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine

    The moment that cemented this for me was NOT his duel with Yoda. It was the moment Mace Windu and the Jedi "Dream Team" attempted to arrest him. When he screamed and flip/twisted in mid air to close the distance between himself and the Jedi, that was some kind of Force Stun, because Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin didn't really move until just before he killed them. Kit Fisto woke out of it, but it was too late, which sent Mace Windu into a totally defensive mode until he turned the fight to his favor in Palpatine's office. He was the master of the Dark Side, and it showed.

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