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Posts posted by Excalaber

  1. I posted something like this in a response to another 1.1 topic on the public test forums...but i'm interested in what the community thinks of this idea moving forward. Especially the people who will be upset over the imbalance in Ilum that is said to take place.




    Have "Teams" that get automatically created when you zone in. Bear with me here. You will never have a mix of Reb / Imps here. Just work as follows:


    In Ilum:

    16 Rebels

    57 Imperials


    The first 20 imps who join are Team Alpha.

    The 16 Rebels who join are all Team Beta.

    The next 20 imps who join are Team Charlie.

    The last 17 imps who join are Team Delta.


    So, you have 16 vs 17 vs 20 vs 20. The only downside here is that you have to be prepared to realize that you may be fighting members of your own faction in world PvP. I don't see this as too much of a problem personally.


    You can then scale on a team by team basis what the rewards are. So if Team Charlie owns the main objective, they can receive the bonus only. None of the other imps get that bonus.



  2. I feel a need to introduce people to EQ hell levels. 2 hours to level is a grind? And, the horror! Someday, it might be 4 or 5?


    Yeah. Try replacing the hours with days of /played time.


    Oh GOD hell levels. 5 hours per BUBBLE (20% of level) if you died 0 times and had a full group the whole time. So, 25 hours of a full and capable group with no wipes.


    This doesnt count druids/wizzies quad kiting of course :)

  3. How people are getting to 50 so fast? It's pretty simple. Have no real life or responsibilities. The people who are 50 most likely have no responsibility or live a sheltered life. Nothing wrong with that I suppose. I was like that when I was a kid playing UO and EQ. However as I grew up, things changed of course and I realized how much damage that can do to you.


    P.S. I lucked out...my college dorm didn't allow the ports to go through and I was too lazy to go the whole proxy route. Whereas you have other people who never picked up responsibility in their life and ended up having issues with "real life social behavior".


    P.S. - I hope that answers your question.

  4. Ok to all the people here saying roll "need" for your companions...COME ON! We understand you need to equip your companions....but so does every single other player in the entire game with multiple companions! If EVERYONE rolled need for their companions then EVERY item that drops will get full "Needs" rolled no matter what.


    It's absolutely not correct. You should only roll need if your current playable PC character (not NPC) can use it. I don't understand the new breed of gamers. In EQ, if you even /roll'd on something for an alt when someone could use it...you were ignored and blacklisted as much as possible throughout your guild and word of mouth would spread.

  5. I was really really annoyed by this as I found a blue schematic and thought I'd be selling mounts all weekend. I made another post about this and it seems like a LOT of people agree they should just make it BoE. It doesn't really hurt much.


    Bioware, any response on this? I can't find my thread at the moment since search is disabled and the "find all threads by excalaber" isn't working :)

  6. I took up Cybertech because I thought it would be awesome to craft mounts and sell them. Through slicing, I found a blue speeder schematic. I was so happy to find it that I immediately started looking at the ingredients. After gathering some, I realized it was Bind on Pickup. Really? Can we get confirmation if it's POSSIBLE bioware might change this? I mean, there is a mount section in the AH right? Until then, making the speeder is pointless as I already have the pre-order mount.


    Thanks in advance.


    P.S. - Search feature is down otherwise I would have looked for a relevant thread.

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