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Posts posted by avinknight

  1. I havent played TOR in a week because I rage quit after a run through Kaon.



    My history:

    I'm a long time wow raid tank. Stopped playing after all those years just after cata. Rolled my powertech for tanking in tor.



    My experience:

    Me and my guild group (we are all newish 50's, geared in all 50 lvl gear) decided to do Kaon because none of us had completed it. It started off fine until we got to the first real rakghoul infested areas. At this point, and for the rest of the run, I had a very difficult time. Here were some of my reasons:

    1) Every pull I would be chain knocked down and sent flying. Mobs would be all over my DPS and healer and I could never really get them all back after that. Seemed like every time I would be close I would get knocked down or stunned and loose em again. This was probably the most frustrating thing about the run. Very un fun.

    2) My healer (BH) would constantly get mobs on him. Guard didnt help much as I seemed to get knocked away from him all the time.

    3) Mobs were all over the place, between me and my guildies getting knocked to all ends of the room, I could never get them all close enough to use my aoe taunt or aoe dmg in order to re-gain aggro.

    4) Basically, I felt like I was never really on-top of threat, taunts always on cooldown, and could never really catch up.



    My question:

    Is this typical of TOR flashpoints/ops? Should I learn to deal with it or is Kaon really poorly made content? Honestly, either answer scares me a little. If I need to deal with it and its pretty par for the course, then I am probably done with tanking in TOR (no thanks). If this instance is just really poorly designed then that scares me because it's their newest content and are they moving in this direction or was this just soooooooo poorly tested that they never realized how frustrating it is?


    Anyway, I'm worried about tanking in TOR. Any thoughts or advise would be helpful.


    Thanks Peeps!

  2. Do not, under any circumstances take any other crewskill than BIOCHEM. You will in a extremely effective way make yourself a worse version of the player that you COULD have been.


    Second: Play sorc/sage. If you are not doing this, chances are you will reach 50 and think; "Why am I not one of those insanely tanky, high utility and wacky burst sorcs/sages?"


    Not a word from BW if this is the way they made it, or if they intend to change it somehow.


    The game I bought was NOT: Star Wars Biochem Sorcerers of the Old Republic.


    bitter much?

  3. More than anything else facing the launch of this new MMO is the fact that these queues are likely to scare off potential customers.


    Die-hards (like myself) will continue to wait and deal with the queues. But, you know who WONT be waiting? My friends that arent die-hards. My friends who are gamers, wowers, mmo-ers, who are interested, but not already SOLD on SWTOR. The queues become one MASSIVE reason for my new friends to NOT play SWTOR.


    When my friends leave.... eventually the die-hards like myself will too.


    My $0.02.

  4. Feels pretty heroic to me! I love the flexibility and options I have.


    I am the envy of everyone else each time that I lead with a death from above. I would sympathize more with your complaint if you were talking about the other tanks not being as heroic as the BH. :p

  5. @Rockjaw Some servers are apparently already full. What will be done about that? Will the server capacity raise when you let in more people?


    Stephen Reid@Rockjaw

    @eltoroguaco That, and more servers.

    10:17 AM, Dec 13th via TweetDeck



    OTOH we have been burned by SR before...


    I know! That SR! He is always trying to deceive us by giving us quick responses and information right from the devs! How dare he!!!! He should respond FAR less and give us no real answers at all like most of the other games out on the market! Then we will be happy.



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