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Posts posted by FiftHorseman

  1. My highest total damage is 980k in a NC. My DPS was 1250. Don't have a pic sorry, but in any long Voidstar, Civil War or NC I average around 500k as dirty fighting.


    As a Scrapper my highest total damage is 680k, not sure what DPS was.


    It's very easy to get big numbers with dirty fighting, just DOT everything up, then pick one person to burst and the repeat.




    The Death Corps

    The Shadowlands

  2. Perhaps English is not your native language, but a lot of what you are saying not only doesn't make sense in game terms but also doesn't make sense in general.


    What exactly is the ”blind” you are talking about? What does it do to you character?


    In this forum there is a resolve guide, maybe look at that and see if that helps out. Not trying to be a dick, just trying to understand what you are talking about and help.

  3. I am in full WH and have been hit with 6k+ smashes a couple of times. Not saying they are OP, I don't think they are, but it has definitely happened.


    And to people saying L2strafe or just LOS, are you telling me you have never been hit with a smash? You can avoid a lot of them but not all.

  4. Honestly, I wouldn't care about the queue times. It's not like they'd get much longer than they already are on most servers (I spent ~3 hours running quests and such yesterday before the queue finally popped a 6v8 which 2 people dropped from before the match even started).


    It's a "hit" I'd be willing to take just to get into a more refined queue.


    On my server ( about 98% of the time) there is only 2 pre-mades queued, 1 on each server, at a time. So if 1 & 2 were to happen, it would take days to get a pop.

  5. Maybe you missed it was 6v8. Two players were doing nothing = 4v8. L2Read.


    Maybe you missed where I wasn't talking about your post what so ever. I was talking to the people saying ”pre-mades ruin pvp”. L2Read.

  6. I think some of you guys are giving pre-mades to much credit. All it is, is 4 people that decided to queue together. Being in a pre-made does not give you some special pvp power. All it is going to give you is better communication. Even then, when im grouped with my guild, we really don't talk much about the game. Maybe a ”hey, need help on west”, but mostly just talking. Nothing I would not have said in chat already.


    A lot of people say that without the pre-made the players are not that good. So your saying that you are losing because bad players are grouping with other bad players? No. You are losing because they are better than you. And thats how this games works, you lose to the better team.

  7. We will have a commando in our group.


    We will bring him because he is the best on our server and does great damage. Other than that, grav round debuff is a plus for ball carriers, aoe on doors in voidstar and turrets on civil war also can off heal when needed.

  8. Even though im ok with the current system.


    What they should do is when the time expires, put the teams back in the starting area, open the force field and make the game a team deathmatch. Only one death per person, last team standing wins. What do you think?

  9. Will I do not agree that this game requires no skill.


    I think the OP was referring to focus macros and targeting macros, which do make the game more complex. Although im not sure those are possible right now with limited action bars.

  10. Im not sure I get this argument. If both teams have access to the same amount of stuns, then whats the big deal. Obviously not all teams have the same composition, but any given two teams will have the same amount of cc.


    If you think you are losing matches because the other team is stunlocking you to death and there is nothing you can do about it, then im not sure what to tell you.


    The problem most people have is, that they just have no idea when to pop their defensive cd. Most people get all panicky when an operative knocks them down and will immediately blow there cc breaker and start popping CDs. Also a lot of it has to do with putting yourself in bad situations. Maybe you shouldn't hulk smash leap into 7 opponents, maybe you shouldn't be a lone ranger and stray away from your team only to be jumped by an OP and assassin.


    Maybe you do play smart but you still have 3 guys on you, maybe you should try and cc them. Just a thought.

  11. Just trying to get peoples opinion on what they think about being able cleanse roots, snares and stuns.


    Personally, I think healing classes should be able to cleanse all roots and some, not all, snares and stuns.

    I believe there should be a system setup to were certain healers should be able to cleanse certain types of immobilizing affects. (ie; smug healers can cleanse PT snares but not OPs snares and so on)


    I don't know how it should work but BW can come up with something that can be balanced. :rolleyes:


    Also, I dont think it would be a bad idea if dps classes with a cleanse got the ability to cleanse certain snares and roots. But I would imagine some people would complain that there class doesn't have a cleanse and therefore gimped in pvp, so maybe a no on that one.


    Just trying to get some feedback on what you guys think about it. I hear a lot of people complain about the number of cc in this game and figured this would be a good way to resolve some issues. Thanks in advanced for your responses.

  12. One of the few threads on the pvp forums that I can get behind.


    This needs to be fixed ASAP.


    From what I can tell, this occurs more often when a person enters late and doesnt click enter right when it pops. But thats not always the case, sometimes its just random.

  13. You want fighting balanced around rated 8v8 only, without consideration to the average player pugging it up. Not very reasonable or realistic. Not only that, you obviously are lacking for any decent competition because I KNOW the people I play with eat sorcerer/sage healers for lunch because they simply don't allow them to cast.


    I understand why your perspective is skewed because you play an operative against crappy players. I have a sorc, merc, AND operative healer. My operative has way more defense, way less susceptibility to interrupts... at the sacrifice of a little healing bandwidth. HOWEVER, my actual healing throughput is much much high against competent opponents.


    You talk like you know anything about my skill level or the skill level of anyone on my server. To say I must be playing against bad players is a dumb assumption (unless you are on Giradda the Hutt).


    And yes, pvp balance should only be determined by 8v8 premade rated WZs. There are far to many factors to balance if you take into account pugs.

  14. The problem is that a class can't be viable only in premades. Also, there is a huge difference between an operative and sorc healer, and if you were a skilled player, you would realize that. Also, you would know that against any real competition, that sorc healer is going to be worthless due to the competent player on the other team owning him with interrupts.


    This game's pvp should only be balanced around Rated WZs. 8v8 premades.


    On topic, healing is still very needed in WZs. I am a scoundrel healer, full BM with 3 WH pieces, and have not noticed a big increase in TTK. IMO it has increased by a small amount, nothing that cant be overcome. The only real problem i have noticed is when there are multiple Mara's or Powertech's on the same target, but that should be adressed soon according to tbe devs. All other healers in my guild have no problems healing in WZs (commando or sage).


    I have still put up over 400k healing against the best premades on our server, with multiple ppl focusing me down. You just need peels from good teammates and guard. Just like pre 1.2.

  15. Nice video, keep it up.


    Hopefully I get to play you guys whenever cross server WZs come out. Right now I believe we are the best on our server, so it would be nice to play someone who is best on there's.


    Also, see you on GW2 soon.


    Henni -- The Death Smile

    Sawbones Scoundrel

    Giradda the Hutt

  16. Also with the increase in comms per match (getting around 140ish per wz), its not that big of a deal.


    But im with you on the looking foward to reset day. Maybe if the bumped it up a little it would be nice, but if they dont oh well.

  17. Still didn't matter if you had 15 medals and lost, the rewards were screwed up. Mainly the credits and comms, since I was trying to level a new character only through PvP.


    The lack of credits and comms made it impossible to try to keep my character updated on gear.


    Not sure by how much, but BW said they will be raising rewards for WZs in an upcoming patch.


    Hopefully by quite a bit, because I also like to level in WZs.

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