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Posts posted by Jedyh

  1. yay a good response :)


    For some reason I forgot about AS and SF..... which is easily gunna tick for more dmg than 5 mins of auto attacking.... why didnt I think of that... lolol


    That alone will solve my problem. lol funny thing is I was DPS speced and farmed my healing gear as DPS... then as soon as I respecced forgot about all those dmg abilities I used to use.....

  2. lol@some of these replies.


    you get no choice in this fight but to DPS. Each member of the raid gets a boss they need to solo, this is the fight.


    The problem is as a Sawbones spec your dmg is ****. I am finding that our sage kills his mob alot quicker than I do, hence my post here to see if other sawbones healers are having the same issue in nightmare mode.


    I also like that someone who obviously hasnt raided in this game is trying to call me out when we are downing bosses in nightmare, that is lol.


    Anyways thanks for the few useful replies, and thanks to the guy who made an arse of himself, it was funny.


    The the person who asked about how im finding aoe healing, well in hardmode droid I heal half the raid through the rocket salvo thing, and keep everyone alive, though it does tend to cost all my energy, then I just hot the tank and DS for regen and im back at full in no time ready for the next AOE.

  3. So on council last night I died, havent really had this issue in normals or hards. The boss was at like 4% so a few people just hit it once and it died so not a huge biggy but still.... our sage cruises it through, and kills alot quicker than me.


    Question to all the other sawbones out there is this:


    Do you find that sages kill their mob alot quicker than you do?

    What rotations do you use?

    I find that I can have all my hots ticking, and still can only get in an attack or 2 before having to then use a cast time heal, which slows down my dps alot.


    I was basically interrupting when I could, using my shield when I Could, and using evasion (which doesnt seem to work) when I could to try to mean I didnt have to stop and heal so much.


    How is everyone else finding it? Do other healers have a higher DPS output that us? Cause that is what I am finding.


    For what its worth I have basically solo healed all of normal (other than puzzle) and solo healed most or hard mode, cause our sage just dpsers when I am cruising and I just ask for help when needed, so I dont feel as though my healing sucks, just my dmg output in that fight.

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