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Posts posted by phowell

  1. Wow, this thread. Smh..


    People are really that lacking in common sense... Amazing.... Through this launch I have seen people unable to comprehend the most simple of ideas....


    Not only that.. but the extremely selective memory and misinformation in this thread is like.. massive.


    It. Has. Always. Been. This. Way.


    Even before MMOs.. any subscription service on the planet. You need a valid CC, you pick a plan, you get billed at a regular rate until its cancelled.


    Not. That. Hard.

  2. It was 25k in beta. Now it's 40k. so, to train piloting and buy the speeder, you need 48k.


    Add in your combat training and add another roughly 4k for a total of 52k. Unless you have the CE, in which case, you can subtract the 8k for a total of 44k.


    Which is flippin ridiculous, imo.



    I'm lvl 29, and I have over 100k credits, this is after buying my speeder.


    Yea, slicing. But it will get better once you can sell crafting mats for a decent amount on the GTN

  3. These are all issues that I've seen with companions / trade skills that could/should be fixed.


    1. You cannot summon a companion if your summoned companion is on a job. You have to summon a companion BEFORE or AFTER jobs with your current active companion have been completed before switching your summoned companion.


    2. You cannot look at your companion's gear unless he is summoned and with you. So every time my tank companion is out on a crafting mission, I have to have a pending mission sitting there until he gets back and I can actually check if the item is an upgrade or not.


    3. If you click on a node in combat, a companion will stop attacking a mob and go to collect it, even though nodes can't be collected during combat. Either make it so nodes are collectable in combat (and your character picks your node instead of your companion in these situations), or please make it so nodes are non-interactable during combat (currently they're only non-lootable)


    Any other suggestions?

  4. Think about vanilla wow. 50 gold, was a a full days work back then. Maybe 2 days depending on what you're doing. From what Im seeing at level 19, if you have to spend 50K a pop at level 50, that seems about right.



    if there is no cap and it keeps going up, thats not good. 3 expansions from now we'll be spending 2.5 billion a respec.



    Yes, lets use examples of a game that came out in 2004. The industry hasn't changed or matured at all since then.

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