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Posts posted by Henkan

  1. Also here is a few AP tips, taking Sonic rebounder utility will grant a reflect chance on the attacker while using Sonic missle. Also; if you time your energy shield just right you can dodge a ambush or a big hit. For Kolto use at 40% so when you get down to 30 you kite and los.


    Sonic Round protects all friendly targets in its area of impact, excluding you, granting Sonic Rebounder, which reflects the next direct, single-target attack back at the attacker.


    Still a decent utility, but doesnt really help PT's with surviveability.


    Also are you sure you're not confusing Reactive Shield with the Warrior's Saber Ward? Since Reative shield only reduces damage and doesnt give any defense chance, so it shouldnt be able to "dodge"?

  2. I don't think it's so much not enough people queing for mids, but that the timer to pop an arena is way too low. I was getting arena's popping inside of 5 minutes when I tried going mids while running a new alt through the class story. If they're popping every 5 minutes, then there are a reasonably high number of people in the que.


    The problem is that I (and similar-minded players) don't like arena's and just stop queing when they are all that pop. Which means the number of people in que will keep getting smaller as those who hope for a warzone to pop only get arenas.


    I also predict that you will end up with an increasing percentage of deathmatchers to objective players as new players who try out pvp will only stick with it if they like the deathmatch arenas. Objective minded players will give up on swtor pvp as the lowbie/midbie experience is all deathmatch, all the time.


    I agree, I would rather sit a few minutes more and get warzones instead of arenas (doesnt matter if its low/mid/high level pvp) cause alot of times "reg" arenas are just a very boring experience, like 2 healers on one team or 4 randoms vs full premade and it just sucks.

    I queue regs to get warzones, not arenas and I think especially in low/mid level PvP that arenas should be removed from rotation.

  3. IF you get Arenas it pretty much just means that there arent enough players in that bracket, and I know arenas suck while leveling cause they giver pretty bad exp, but atleast it make finishing the dailies go faster.
  4. Not really sure about all the features on this map but sometimes it feels like ball carriers just randomly explode (I think it might be when they try to use grapple or something like that?).


    And also a thing I have encountered is that I get the ball from killing the ball carrier (atleast on my screen) I run forward only to realise I didnt actually get the ball the enemy has it, it has happend to me like 2 or 3 times and I have no idea whats going on.


    Another thing is that I have noticed alot of people running the wrong way with the ball, I think it might have something to do with the arrows pointing towards each of the goal line. But those arrows dont make any sense to me since they are redundant unless they where only pointing to the side that YOU are actually suppose to go, and not just pointing towards both goals confusing new players.

  5. I am sorry to say myself and Ilililili (Tpal) have decided that Republic of Sweden will have to forfeit from the tournament.


    We are having problem getting the players that we want to be aviable to play more than like 1 day a week, and we feel that us being in the tournament will just be annoying for the teams that are serious about this tournament.


    I am sorry for this inconvenience and hope that the tournament may go on and be a success for the sake of the PvP community.


    I hope that RoS will continue to play Ranked atleast and that we will see you in game.


    Feel free to whisper me (Rowsie) or Tpal (Ilililili) about any info and if you dont want us to queue Ranked when there are tournament games going on.


    ~ Rowsie

  6. Updated all Legacy names for RoS;


    Ilililili J'AAN (Tpal) CP


    Gavon LOGHAN

    Kalimaa INDYANOOL

    Sjöstrand SJÖSTRAND (Manniiz)

    Hawkai STARSTRIDERR (Cortexotrip)

    Artrax COLLATERAL (V'arg, Caru'zel)

    Jeenge SKY

    Elvann SKYSTRIDER (Brando'n)

    Speedyheadshot STARFOX (Venjx)

    Bom'shiva XENOMORPH

    Scyn SCATTERSUN (Kokpunkten)

    Dixie REELE



  7. DAY 1 (to be held between 1 to 4 March)


    Coral vs Ace = Monday 4th March 2000 CET

    Tatoo Inn vs Vitruvians = Sunday 3rd March 1930 CET ? not confirm from Vitruvians

    Harbinger vs Impulse = Sunday 3rd March March 2100 CET

    Republic's Wrath vs Devils Dice = Sunday 3rd March 1900 CET

    MVP vs Republic of Sweden = Saturday 2nd March 2000 CET ? not conf from ROS

    ? = not confirmed


    I dont really know why you would plan a tournament game to be played on a Saturday, we (RoS) never have 8 ranked players on Fridays or Saturdays....


    I have asked the GM of MVP if the match could be played tomorrow Sunday or Monday (Which would be the best time for us since we play ranked on Mondays normaly), waiting for a response.

  8. Lets see if I can put u in since most probably we start on Sunday 3rd.


    U need 15 players (alts included max) and please make a list similar to myn or Coral.


    If no Team has objection for me u can be in, although a bit late.


    Yea, sorry for the late enrty. We have just gotten our ranked team going since.. last week. And as I said we have a problem with when our players can play so we weren't even sure if we would have signed up.


    But hopefully we will be able to to get a team together and play with the ammount of players we have.

  9. Republic of Sweden is interested in joining the league.


    Lineup (Some Legacy names missing but are coming):


    Ilililili J'AAN (Tpal) CP


    Gavon LOGHAN

    Kalimaa INDYANOOL

    Sjöstrand SJÖSTRAND (Manniiz)

    Hawkai STARSTRIDERR (Cortexotrip)

    Artrax COLLATERAL (V'arg, Caru'zel)

    Jeenge SKY

    Elvann SKYSTRIDER (Brando'n)

    Speedyheadshot STARFOX (Venjx)

    Bom'shiva XENOMORPH

    Scyn SCATTERSUN (Kokpunkten)

    Dixie REELE


    We might have limited days that we can play on... but hopefully we will solve this problem.


    [inb4 last place..]

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