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Posts posted by ImInTheWorld

  1. Its clear the ranked scene on Bastion is **** because every week we get a post on POT5 forums of someone from Bastion trying to poach teams over there. You don't see anyone on POT5 going to the Bastion forums trying to convince people to come to POT5. In all honestly right now is the best time its ever been for Ranked play. It is very obvious that Bastion is desperate and needs team to come over there. Have fun with your 30 min que waits, while we enjoy or insta pops.
  2. Some of you guys might remember me from the PTS when all the top rated pvp guilds were doing ranked there. My name was JCDevil . . . I played a sniper. I think bodies will remember me. Anyways as you guys know server transfers are coming soon and I'am most likely coming to yalls server. My question is what is your recruitment process for new members?
  3. So I know for myself and probly others the game is getting a bit boring. There for I came up with some player created content that I made up. Maybe the other guilds could use this as a template and change a few things around. Just a good old fashioned Scavenger Hunt, not a new concept but modified for swtor. This is just for fun so don't get butt hurt and turn this into something bigger then it is. Unicorns will be trying it out for the first time tonight all drunk as hell. If it works well and isn't to much work to verify achievements then I might make a public version and have each team put a certain amount of credits in the "pot" and the wining team wins it all. Some of these achievements are specific to our guild so just imagine your guild doing this and just changing a name here or there.


    Welcome to the First Annual Guild Scavenger Hunt created by Devil. Lets go over the rules!


    1.Teams can not be more then 4 people.


    2.Screen shots, video recording, or audio recording must be taken for each achievement. (for example "Kill Warlord Troy in Outlaws Den - 10pts" you could take a screen shot or a video recording. We need proof that you completed your mission. Another example "Record your team making ******* sounds in the melody of a song - 20pts" you would need an audio recording. You can easily do that using the record button in mumble.


    3.First team to 200 points Wins!


    4.All achievements must be verified and approved before wining.


    5.All achievements can be completed by 1 person in your team unless the achievement specifically says otherwise. For example "Have your entire team complete "Ilum Beast Handler" achievement - 25pts".


    6.If anyone is caught cheating in any way they will automatically be DQ'ed from the competition, along with your entire team.


    (Any Questions or confusion over anything speak with Devil)


    - Kill Warlord Troy in Outlaws Den - 10pts


    - Get 4 people to dance naked for you -15pts


    - Record someone outside of the guild on any voice communication device for example mumble, singing "I'm a little teapot" - 50pts


    - Get Combatmedicjr to say "***** TO THE GLASS" in all caps - 75pts


    - Record your team making ******* sounds in the melody of a song - 20pts


    - Get Anna'ka to whisper one of your team members "Devil's is girthier" - 30pts


    - Get 1 of your team members on top of a light pole in the PVP section of the fleet - 10pts


    - Have 10 people or more naked sit down in a circle on the fleet (team members allowed) - 20pts


    - Coordinate a Vehicle train of 10 people or more and do a full circle around the fleet (team members allowed) - 20pts


    - Get 5 people to put on the "Astounded Mood" face on - 15pts


    - Kill all the world bosses on Tatooine, Hoth, Alderaan, and Quesh - 40pts


    - Get 1 stranger thats lvl 10 into the box on the Coruscant spaceport - 30 pts


    - Have 5 or more people say they will "report" you in trade chat - 25pts


    - Join Hail Skroob and then say in guild chat in all caps "911 WAS AN INSIDE JOB AND JESUS IS REALLY A GAY MUSLIM" and then /gquit right away - 60pts


    - Start a dance party of 10 or more people in the Cantina of the fleet (team members allowed) -20pts


    - One person must ride the flying whale mount in Alderaan - 10pts


    - Sit down next to a dead Krayt Dragon - 10pts


    - Dance next to 3 Jawas in Tatooine - 15pts


    - Record someone in the guild that is not in your team to say in a sexy voice "Oh Daddy please stick it in one more time" - 30pts


    - Get Warlord Troy to say "I beat pvp" - 10pts


    - Have 1 person outside of the guild compete in this scavenger hunt from start to finish - 40pts


    - Start a whisper war with any girl (that everyone knows is a girl) outside of the guild about anything and get her to call you and "******e" - 25pts


    - Beat Devil in a best of 5 Duel Series ( all consumables allowed and every duel must start at 30 meter range) - 35pts


    - Get Dargos to call you a "***" - 20pts


    - Have 1 person from LD50 admit they cheat in pvp - 100pts


    - Beat 3 people from Hail Skroob in a duel - 30pts


    - Find 5 people outside of the guild with the "Bell Hat" from KP on - 25 pts


    - Get 3 Snipers lined up in cover - 15pts


    - Find 10 "Monkey Lizard" pets on the fleet - 20pts


    - Get 5 people to use their "Party Jawa" at the same time on fleet that are not in the guild - 20pts


    - Have your entire team complete "Ilum Beast Handler" achievement - 25pts


    - Have your entire team complete "Wounding the Sand People" achievement - 25pts


    - Have your entire team complete "Tatooine: Pillaging the Republic" achievement - 35pts


    - Join LD50 and say in guild chat in all caps "Can someone help me setup a lag switch?" - 60pts


    - Get someone outside of the guild to whisper to you "Bad boys get spankings" - 20pts


    - Get Anna'ka to flirt with you in whispers - 15pts


    - Defeat an entire team competing in the scavenger hunt in Outlaw's Den -35pts


    - Make your own guild and call it "JC Girls are Easy" - 20pts


    - Score 1 goal in Huttball - 15pts


    - Have your entire team play 1 Warzone Match and obtain 0 Dmg, 0 Healing, 0 Protection, and still get 5 medals at the end of the match - 30pts


    - Get someone outside of the guild to trade you 100k credits - 10pts


    - Record Hooty singing any Spice Girl song - 50pts


    The wining team will receive their own guild rank name of their choosing and will be able to keep it until the next Guild Scavenger Hunt. Also bragging rights over the entire guild and that's the most important part.

  4. Wow that was alot to read. This is the way I look at US. They are like this friend I have who likes to talk a lot of **** at the random guys bigger then him at the bar. I know he does it because myself and the rest of our friends will have his back and won't let him get hurt because he is a little guy. He is a coward at heart but he is my friend. I know he will never stop and I always got his back. From time to time I try to teach him how to fight so he can one day be a man who fights his own fights.


    US you are that friend of mine. I have told you guys this before I don't agree with the super queing and que dodging. I know if you guys tried you could put together a good rateds team. For what ever reason it just doesn't happen. Like I said before I don't agree with what they do and I also do not pay their sub fee so I won't tell them how to spend their time on the game.


    The faster you guys accept that they will never stop, the better off you guys will be and just learning how to deal with it.


    Lets be honest here. PVP on this server is a joke. It will always be that way until cross server ques come. People on this server are just soft and don't understand what it takes to make a wining team let alone take the time and effort to work through the kinks to make your team better. 90% or more of the people on this server don't even have the right to talk about PVP like you know a thing or 2. Don't be so quick to point fingers because most of you guys doing that are **** at pvp as well.


    That is all. Troll on or be civil.

  5. Well sense no one wants to be honest here I guess ill be the ******e.


    Reasons why 90% of the players on JC fail at PVP in ranked.


    1. PVE server.

    2. Star Wars! This IP attracts a lot of new mmo players that just don't have a clue.

    3. COD mind set. Most people won't take themselves out of the action to help out with the objective.

    4. IMO there is only around 100 players who I think are worth a damn in pvp.

    5. Being able to get a solid 8 for your team is ruff. It can be a hard thing to come by.

    6. LEADERSHIP! Probably the second most important thing in a team. You need your QB. So even if you get your solid eight you still need someone to lead them.

    7. Team Moral. You have to like your team mates. If you gets don't get along off the field, you wont play along on the field.

    8. COMMUNICATION! Is by far the most important thing in great team play. People just don't do that. I've listened to other teams play ranked and they just don't talk at all.


    Until cross server ques come into this game most of you don't belong in ranked. If you think I'm wrong then prove me wrong. A lot of you guys think your amazing but really your just a novice.


    As far as people saying people don't que because they don't want their rating to get lower is BS. The people with high rating are the ones that care about rating loss. The main reason is you don't want to lose. Well tuff ****. You are going to lose over and over before you start to win. If you can't take those losses and learn from your mistakes to get better then you really don't want to improve at all. IMO a lot of you guys just want to face teams worse then you or some what equal to you so you can get a win. Sounds like you would keep it that way if it was up to you.


    Uncensored is always going to que as much as we can. Just understand that and accept it. DEAL WITH IT.


    Here is a tip for you guys. If I was not in Uncensored and on the receiving end I would try and get as many other teams queing for ranked as much as possibly so it would lower my chances of fighting that team. Just a thought.


    Some of you out there do wan't to get better and want to compete with the best. For you guys all you need to do is just drop the ego and expect to not win a match for a long time and just PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE as a team in ranked. You don't learn in regs. You learn in Ranked! Get that solid 8 guys and just grind it out.


    Most of you guys will read this and be like "**** devil why would I listen to that ******e". You can do that and you will stay a bad pvp player on a bad pvp team. Very few of you will read this and understand what I'm saying and will drop the ego and ask for help. Those people who do that will get my full attention and I promise you I will help you as much as possible and your team along with it. You become better while the rest of them stay the same.


    Until we have cross server ques this is what we have to deal with. So you can either QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ about it all day every day or you can step and do something about it.


    Lets be real here when I say step up I don't expect any of you guys to just all the sudden get your **** together in a weeks time and start beating Uncensored. What I mean is get more teams in the que so you don't have to face Uncensored all the time.


    In all honestly none of you will change or try to make this situation better. Things will stay the same. The expansion will revive the ranked scene for a bit and then it will go back to normal.


    Here is a side story. When I was a little kid I really like baseball and there was this other kid around my block that was amazing at it. While all the other kids always wanted to be better then him as did I. They thought talking **** about him and practicing baseball with the other kids would get them better at the sport. I admired that kid and asked that kid if I could practice with him. He said yes and we would go outside every day and throw the ball around and teach me how to throw sliders, curve balls, ect.. . . I did that with him for a long time. Soon enough I was a better player then all the other kids who were to busy talking **** about this amazing kid instead of learning from him. That amazing kid and myself got on a traveling baseball team and won alot of games, while the other kids got to watch us collect trophies. Then I would go on to find even better players then him and coaches and just ask them questions all the time. Find new people to admire their skill to learn from and just keep practicing with these more superior players then myself. Years passed and we became freshmen in High school. We tried out for senior varsity our freshmen year. I made the team and that amazing kid who was a teenager at that point with me did not make the cut. I had eventually become better then him.


    This post has probably gotten really long by now so I will just leave you with this. If you want to actually get better and want help, just ask me. I will go as far as playing ranked matches with you and help guide. For the rest of you forum warriors. Troll on. Keep talking out of your asses like you know a thing or two.

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