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Posts posted by Jaysun

  1. Krayt's power was either the same or very close as Luke's, since they were both fighting Abeloth together and they both got almost dead. And Krayt reborn is even more powerful because he's cured of his Vong disease and immortal, and repeatedly beats one of Luke's descendants.




    no and no

  2. I went the middle on my Marauder and didn't really notice anything. granted I did level quickly and typically bled every planet dry prior to moving on so I was usually 2-5 levels -at least- higher than the quests I was running. That has made leveling pretty easy. And with the ease in which you can get tokens now-from quests and daily FP-its not difficult to keep yourself geared. What I did since I went Artifice was I had purple hilts from lvl 11+ that I would upgrade every 2-3 hilts. since a purple lvl 31 hilt usually was good until say lvl 36-37 blue you could skip a few in between. I would upgrade my armor and mods every 3-5 levels.
  3. maybe that's what I'm doin wrong..no cc..most of the time I find myself desperately trying to heal myself and I always have mako along.


    I'll keep trying different rotations, just swithced to pyro from arsenal thinking it would give me more damage but so far no luck.


    thanks for the advice guys..




    I just bolded your mistake.. Mercs have a 1 min CC that they can keep up indefinatly..



    if you don't know that, then WOWZA

  4. crap like this is what is starting to make me MMO jaded..


    this isn't a PVP game.. its a PVE game that has PVP..


    now had the game been balanced around PVP/RVR what ever then I can say yes .. balance it around PvP.


    in a game where most of the player base doesn't PVP, balancing classes around pvp will get lots of players to jump ship.


    at this point I'm considering simply not renewing because I think this (and i said this in BETA) title will be F2P very soon.


    I'll simply return when it is.

  5. ok nice arguments on both sides.... having said that as a pure DPS the only thing a DPS Merc brings to the table that another DPS doesn't is a 1 min CC..


    other than that I'd rather have a Mara if they're(the Merc) is not healer


    Like i said i played a full bodyguard spec to 44 in beta and healed all flashpoints and PVP up to that and did well..


    a DPS Sorc brings more t othe table than a DPS Merc..


    Hybrid is the way to go IMO..

  6. OK the title is a bit of a stretch...


    I'm not here to tell you how to play your class.. but since I started my PT.. you can't shoot your blaster or toss a Jawa in any direction without hitting a Sorc and/or Merc..


    the issue is.. after 33 levels and fairly active pvp (28 valor or so) I've run into 3 - I know its 3 because I remember each healer Merc.. twice in PVP once in PVE..


    I played a heal spec Merc to 44 in last beta build or 2nd to last forgot.. anyway.. my point is why aren't more Mercs healing?


    even if you're spec'd DPS and the team needs an off heal, anything helps but I've been in groups with 2-3 Mercs and not one tries to heal..-unless they are about to die, at that point its too late since we're all dead..


    I understand how underwhelming Merc healing can be and its sorta like playing a Mara/Sent only for a Healer as heal Mercs-the good one-need to be very active; managing heat, keeping the team alive and DPSing/CCing..


    I'm contemplating rolling one simply because you just can't find one, even though Mercs seem to be as prevalent as Sorcs..


    I don't get the 'healing on a Merc is boring' argument because healing on a Merc is anything but.. and the 'but Sorcs and IA's heal soo much better than us' is really a lazy excuse


    I've always found that healers tend to level easier and get groups quicker...


    case in point the other day on Tat I invite 3 Mercs to a Heroic group thinking 'OK I have a 33% chance that one is a healer..or course they are all DPS.. what a surprise!


    so I say

    "hey since you're not all spec'd to heal with 3 CC's and off healing we should be ok..."


    3 wipes and not a single heal-unless they were trying to save themselves.. I /logged

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