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Posts posted by UrigiEkbos

  1. I would like to know that, as well. I don't really want to have one without the other. What if I had to cancel my phone service for some reason? What if I lose the key chain thingy? Granted, both could happen, but at that point I think I'd have to actually claim some level of responsibility. LOL :rolleyes:
  2. What does WoW have to do with anything?


    ...I couldn't have said this better myself. I think a lot of MMO'S could do well, if the communities WEREN'T trying to compare this game to WoW. I didn't care for WoW, personally. I liked games like City of Heroes, Anarchy Online, and Champions Online. They were all very different from each other, and I don't think ANY of them were very much like WoW. I get that WoW is probably the most-played MMO out there right now, but that doesn't mean anything in regard to Old Republic. I'm not saying don't LEARN anything from WoW, but Old Republic would do well to continue to strive towards being something more than "WoW with a Star Wars skin".


    ...So, I guess what I'm thinking is, if you find yourself playing and thinking "I don't like this. It's not like World of Warcraft," you're probably coming at it from the wrong perspective. Don't look at it as "How does this compare to WoW", think of it as, "How good is the game I'm playing right now?" :)

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