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Posts posted by IsaakC

  1. So I'm a fairly new MMO player. I've played a few here and there but never gotten past level 17 or so. My current main is a level 46 BH PT and I'll (hopefully) hit level 50 sometime in the next week or two. I guess my main question is what should I do next? I've never been a part of a guild or tried to get top level gear or anything like that. So, I figured I'd ask the advice of more experienced MMO players. What should I do after I'm done with leveling?
  2. I see what you mean. I mean, look at how much our civilization has progressed. 2,000-3,000 years means the difference between having the internet or having roads. Star Wars is a fictional Universe so hard to make significant technological reduction and still make players feel like they're in the same universe they've come to know and love.
  3. So I'm going to be using a BH Powertech for my first main character and I was just curious as to what most people have found to be a nice crew skill build for them. I'm assuming a powermech would be a good choice so far as the main crew skills goes but what else should I slot in? Thanks for the help and advice!
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