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Posts posted by Bought_by_Blood

  1. This is an absolute joke. I mean I appreciate Bioware trying to bring new players and new subs into the game I love, the more players the better, but you really have to stop treating your loyal customers like crap.


    We payed for the game. A few months later everyone else got it for free, we got a crappy title. We payed for the expansion, now people are getting it free, we get another crappy title.


    Figure it out. It is embarrassing to your company how badly you have handled this sort of stuff.

  2. I don't frequent the forums very often so I will keep this brief. I know there is a lot of outcry for nerfs to some encounters in TFB Nightmare, specifically the Dread Guard and I would like to say that there are people out there who actually enjoy challenging themselves and do not want to see this fight reduced in difficulty just to satisfy peoples need for instant gratification.


    Personally I enjoy working at a fight and perfecting it, agonizing over it, until that moment when you finally break through and defeat it and can have a sense of accomplishment, rather than cruising through it on the first day that you attempted it.


    As a member of a guild that is not quite on the cutting edge of progression raiding it would be a shame to see this fight nerfed before having a chance to seriously test ourselves against it. It is already sad that the first fight of the instance was nerfed by reducing the health of the Jealous Male. This has made the fight go from moderately challenging to trivial and it is a shame to see.


    This is NIGHTMARE content, the hardest content in the game. If it takes a month before people clear it then I think that is a good benchmark. If it takes six weeks then all the better. A week per boss seems like a completely acceptable amount of time to hone your skills on an encounter. To figure out ways and strategies to be better, to push the limits of what people thought was possible.


    So Bioware, please don't nerf NiM TFB, there are players out here who still enjoy being challenged. To those that are hoping that Bioware will nerf it, trust me, it will feel a lot more satisfying when you actually do get it down if you had to work for it, than if you had walked out of there on the same day you entered with a shiny new piece of gear.



  3. Looking for a guild that does some late night raiding, have a 50 Operative that can heal or dps, working on a Powertech tank, currently 40. On Republic side I have a fresh 50 Sentinel.


    I'm a good player, used to raid in a server first guild in WoW.


    looking to have some fun doing some operations.


    Are any guilds on this server raiding past 10PM?

  4. Sorry but are people honestly complaining that tank companions are not good enough? I leveled my agent to 50 with Kaliyo as my companion, as a healer it was quite easy to keep her alive while I chipped away at the opponents health. On my Sentinel I used T7 for most of the time, spent some time with Rusk when I got him and now mostly use Lord Scourge, again no issues, they do their job they hold aggro and essentially give you double your health, once your companion dies as a DPS character you should have no problem finishing off the current batch of enemies before you die.


    If you are a tanking class using a tanking companion then sure you might have issues but that would reflect your companion choice not the companions ability.


    Please leave the tank companions alone, if you have any kind of presence bonuses from your Legacy at all they are very strong. It takes a little bit of effort right now to level, making sure you are using all your abilities properly to get through fights in decent order, taking that out by buffing the tanks would make the leveling process nothing more than a time investment and supremely boring.

  5. Have to remember we have no addons as of yet, and WoW designs all their fights around the assumption that everyone runs certain addons.


    I would disagree with that, WoW uses the same visual and audio clues that SWTOR does. addons get used by everyone but they are primarily designed for people who cannot adjust to those visual clues. In progression raiding most of your "crutch" addons like DBM are useless because of changes that have occurred since the PTR, timers will be off, it won't pick up on certain abilities.


    The people that are relying on addons to defeat encounters are the same people who have already watched a strategy video before they even go into a fight.


    WoW designs difficult fights because bleeding edge progression raiders enjoy the difficulty, Yes they have addon's running because they can but if you think they are relying on them I would disagree.


    They know their characters inside and out, they can run through their rotations for all situations without watching the timers. They know the fight inside and out because they have done 50+ attempts, they know what abilities are coming, and when they are coming just from sheer muscle memory.

  6. Of the 6 bosses out currently 4 are near free loot on hard mode provided people have been doing the work to gear themselves through hard operations. The other two are easily as difficult as what youd expect from a wow NORMAL encounter.


    Edited for truth, well not quite i would say HM Soa would be on par with entry level WoW heroics. for sure no where near the harder ones as far as mechanics go.

  7. Inflation itself isn't bad, every game has inflation however every game also has end game money sinks and SWTOR doesn't that is the real problem.


    The OP is right about one thing, slicing is very good right now because of the heavy cash flow when people have a limited access to credits. As soon as the economy grows a little bit in a few weeks slicing won't be any better than any of the other tradeskills.


    However inflation is never going to help the economy, new players will be unable to buy anything unless they put some major credit sinks into the game to drive the prices on goods down not up.

  8. Hey all.


    I've been playing a few characters, each with their own sort of personality.


    I really like being able to choose answers on-the-fly. For example, my Smuggler isn't a psycho who's a jerk to everyone, but he doesn't believe in mercy for killers so he'll sometimes get dark-side points for sparing the life of a serial murderer (lol). My companions also disagree with me from time to time.


    I was wondering if this will hurt me later on. I hate the idea of choosing dialogue based on accumulating the maximum amount of points in order to get better gear or more powerful companions.


    As far as the companions go you can buy them gifts to raise their affection towards you if they get unhappy with your decisions.


    For end game gear, right now it is true there is only gear for extreme light/dark but they have said they they are looking at including "grey" gear for players that prefer not to go to either extreme.


    Also you can always garner more force points later by running flashpoints again or through Diplomacy missions if you want to change your alignment to give yourself access to the gear.

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