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Posts posted by Zagrak

  1. I can assure you that that never happened, only time my guild was on Ilum was when you were ganking reps and the whole general was QQing for your 4v1 thats when we came and kick your asses, other than that we had a fight with Outbreak when they were ganking also. So would you please say something related to the RWZ now that we have agreed discussing about that, we can settle this ganking on Ilum debate after we finish with RWZ since that is a bigger issue.


    LOL I can assure you it did, and I think you'll find you're the one who brought this up having a moan and also you've never kicked my *** but feel free to tell yourself whatever you need to hear to make yourself feel justified anyways just drop it and stop whining, its kinda pathetic and its taking things off topic.

  2. Wow, isn't Coral the guild who only ganked on Ilum 4v1? I can clearly remember that, imps holding the mid on all instances of Ilum exept one so rep went to that instance in order to finish the [PvP]Daily and Coral was camping on the mid and killing rep players, not even an honest fight since it was 4v1 and later QQed on general when another guild kicked your *** and helped players finish the daily. So yes I have my opinion about your guild being gay and it wont change, you did something and now you pay the price


    Ah makes me laugh....Ilums pvp area is not imps vs reps, its free for all, do you understand the concept of FREE FOR ALL? Its not intended to be stroll in and do you dailies solo or without being attacked and its also not intended for it to be reps only attacking imps or vice versa, otherwise it wouldn't be free for all. And I distinctly remember 4 of your guild trying to jump some friendlyfire players in pve gear and i then had my group step and and your guys died....thats not 4vs1 thats just a gank attempt that failed and made someone butthurt. Less QQ kthx.... anyways back to topic.

  3. Are you seriously expecting most pugs not to be terribad?


    The whole reason people queue in premades is to have as few pugs as possible on their team, its the same on both sides no matter what you want to believe, the chances of having no heals or terrible dps is the same if youre imp or rep. Only real solution is to accept it and either make a premade yourself or queue solo with no expectations. I queue solo often enough myself but if I am queueing solo I'm always assuming its gonna be a bad team as opposed to a good team and thats basically all you can do

  4. Your sample size is so small it has no meaning. Come again, really, i would be delighted to see your face when those numbers turn 180 degrees in the opposite direction and keep going that way.


    Anyways, enough of the cocky me.. I already told you this is not what i like my face to be.


    It has more meaning than making claims like you're top 1% on the forums tbh!!


    You're a good player, but you're not nearly as good as you make yourself out to be on the forums and by the looks of it brus proved it on an alt he doesn't play all that often.

  5. Ziso - DGF and Spilli 3 Names i know for sure :D


    Not going to tell who i am :p

    Small hint i was one of the Mos E flame crew lol


    And no i am not The Dargan i just stole his name hahaha

    Hema could know who i am :cool:


    Ill take a wild stab at it and assume your swg name began with a w and ended with a g haha

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