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Posts posted by Knvkl

  1. Totally agreed - I've needlessly killed 4 Jedi now and nobody seems to care. The only character to mention it was the "bad guy" at our 1st holo meeting when he made a comment along the lines of "are you just going to kill everyone?"


    My consular is still in her 20s, but

    early in the game Rajivari on Tython says something about not sacrificing your own strength for others. I assumed this would be part of the dark side consular storyline... saving your own strength vs. strength through numbers (by using a cure that weakens you in this case).



    With that dilemma in mind, I have so far enjoyed the consular story more than most other class stories.

  2. I love the wow dungeon finder and it would actually make me want to play SWTOR again if it's implemented correctly. I know people are afraid that cross-server lfd will kill community, but there are suggestions on how to minimize that problem. Back when this topic was discussed in 2010, I suggested prioritising players from the same servers:


    If 4 matching players from server A are available, the system should group these together. If 2 players from server A and 2 players from server B are available, they should form a group. Only if no other players from your own server are available should you be matched with randoms from other servers, which is still better than finding no group at all.


    Anyway, I'm really looking forward to actually being able to complete a few flashpoints without wasting huge amounts of time forming groups.

  3. I've played GW2. It's miles ahead of TOR.

    GW2 plays like an mmo released in the 2010s should play like.

    TOR plays like an mmo released in the 00s played like. Actually besides the voice acting(which fans of MMOs could've told them that it isn't needed or wanted), this game is subpar in every category.


    What would I know, it's not like I've played countless MMOs....

    oh wait, I have.


    GW2 doesn't even have raids... Unless you like bashing gates in PvP (Gate Wars 2), I really don't see what's so special about that game.

  4. Subs might even recover if Bioware continues to improve the game and once people realize that GW2 or other currently hyped MMOs aren't all that. I'm especially looking forward to seeing Karma in action when GW2 faceplants. That game is treated like the savior of MMOs, but doesn't even have raids (and apparently no official forum currently, which is why its fans migrate all over the internet to bash the competition). The much advertised PvP is just bashing doors in. Eventually people will judge SWTOR more fairly.
  5. For a while, due to the constant hype, I was absolutely sure that GW2 would be the next big MMO and that it would be the death blow for SWTOR. After watching lots of live streams of the beta weekend, Guild Wars 2 looks like a mediocre MMO without any PvE endgame (no raids, seriously?). The PvP seems a bit more interesting, although WoW does competitive PvP better and WvWvW is just Gate Wars 2. Guild Wars 2 must be the most overhyped game of the last years. But we'll see, maybe I just don't understand what so many people see in GW2.
  6. Es gibt Spieler, die rückwärts laufen weil sie überfordert sind. Es gibt aber auch immer mal Augenblicke, da muss man ein paar Schritte korrigieren und geht halt rückwärts. Dieses grundsätzliche Verdammen von "rückwärts laufen" ist nur pseudo-elitäres Gegröhle.
  7. We're blaming Bioware for making one faction choice bland and boring.


    Indeed. I usually play the good/light/paragon faction, but the Jedi and the Republic as a whole feel like a catholic priest seminar, or a parody thereof.

  8. I would have no problem with an arena if it only offered bragging rights (titles, mounts). When an arena system offers gear advantages, it becomes mandatory for PvP players, and also removes the importance of skill in PvP and it becomes a gear grind. The gear grind in swtor is bad enough as it is.
  9. Arena has inflated rewards that force people into the arena mini-game, even if they don't want to. If arena only offered titles and mounts etc., I would not have a problem with it, but if they give arena players gear advantages, it should never see the light of day.
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