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Posts posted by Elder

  1. Togruta, Devaronian, Cathar, Voss, Evocii, and Chagrian are all species that are in game that actually have potential as playable races if BioWare is going to stick to form. They are all customizable in all the pertanent details (facial structure, eyes, accessories, and possible facial hair and tatooos/color patterns), and they all are capable of taking on the necessary body types.


    Togruta: Jedi (both Classes), Sith Inquisitor, and maybe smuggler.

    Devaronian: Smuggler, BH, Maybe Trooper, and maybe evn SI (devilish look).

    Cathar: JK, JC, Trooper, and maybe even SI.

    Voss: IA, Trooper, JC, SI

    Evocii: Smuggler, BH and SI

    Chagrian: Trooper, IA, SI




    On the other hand, something I think that would be cool to do (Perhaps as part of the Legacy System), maybe it would be cool if you could unlock a special alien class based on a class that you took to 50 (or better yet, to the new level cap).


    For example, lets say you take an Imperial Agent up to max level. You then get the option to unlock the Bothan Spy (or perhaps the Assassin Droid instead, either way). Functionally it handles just like IA (although while I'd leave the sniper rifle, I'd make the base weapon and the Operative weapon a pistol instead of a rifle), but it's republic aligned (either or if it's the Assassin Droid) and works with the republic, having it's own class story.

  2. Whether it's for the current classes or for new ones, we're gonna need more of these guys. Here's what i'd like to see:


    A bothan spy. Abilities would probably be based on the opperative, lots of stabbing.


    An Ithorian Force Adept: Have you noticed that none of the healing companions are force users? They all seem to be based somewhat off of the smuggler, healing and using pistols.


    Bring back HK-51. Thinking about it, why 51 though? It's been 300 years since KotOR 2 (HK-51 was actually part of the cut content for that game). Why can't their have been a couple new models? HK-74 perhaps (plaing off of the old HK/AK-47 pun)? So long as he calls organic creatures meat-bags.


    A GO-TO style interrogation/intelligence droid, crits on slicing, etc.


    A child-prodigy in the force. Lets have a little kid who can do some serious cc. I'm thinking abilities based off of a Sage or a Sorceror.


    Any other ideas out there?

  3. Not to rain on the parade but lets reign this in a bit. There should be some guidelines to this sort of speculation:


    1. Stick to species that have the ability to speak basic. They're not going to throw away your classes voice-over so that you can play something with two mouths or something that only speaks in grunts and barks.


    2. Take a look at the character customization. It has to be something that fits in all of the available body types. It has to have options for all the facial features. I think this is where Nautolan may fail. Sure, they meet most other criteria, but you'd be screwed in character customization. No options for eyes, as to my knowledge, all nautolan eyes look the same. Jawas don't work either, aside from linguistic issues as they only have one body type that's not currently available, and I challenge anyone to tell me how to tell one Jawa from another.


    3. Something that isn't so esoteric that it would have to be it's own class. Wookiees for example, are so unique and iconic that in order to do them justice, they'd have to have their own class, as none of the current class stories can really show what it's like to be a wookiee. This of course is ignoring their linguistic barriers.


    4. Equipment. Wookiees, Jawas, etc.


    5. Make sure it's distinguishable from current species. Umbarans would be hard to pick from Rattataki. From a distance, I don't think I could tell a Zeltron from a Pureblood. My favorite pick, Kiffar, is simply way to close to human. I may as well just make a human with nice facial tattoos. Same goes for Echani really (my jedi sentinel is a white skinned human I'm passing for an Echani).

  4. More playable species would be nice, but lets stick to a few standards that we can work with here. BioWare wants their species reasonably humanoid. My pick list:


    Togruta- Yes, it would take a lot of work with the head gear, but if you can do it for Twi'leks, you can do it for these guys. Available to Both Jedi classes, Sith Inquisitor, and maybe Trooper I think.


    Cathar: There's enough Variety here that I think it would do nicely. Available to Troopers, Jedi Knights, Bounty Hunters, and Sith Inquisitors.


    Voss: Intriguing race, lots of character creation options. Jedi, Sith, Troopers, and perhaps agents.


    Evocii: I see potential with these guys. Smugglers, Bounty Hunters, Sith Inquisitors.


    Arkanians: seeing as how these guys play with their genome, I see them as having a ton of character creation options. Jedi Consulars, Sith, Agents.



    In the mean time, I would recommend a few guidelines:


    1. Stick to species that have the ability to speak basic. They're not going to throw away your classes voice-over so that you can play something with two mouths or something that only speaks in grunts and barks.


    2. Take a look at the character customization. It has to be something that fits in all of the available body types. It has to have options for all the facial features. I think this is where Nautolan may fail. Sure, they meet most other criteria, but you'd be screwed in character customization. No options for eyes, as to my knowledge, all nautolan eyes look the same. Jawas don't work either, aside from linguistic issues as they only have one body type that's not currently available, and I challenge anyone to tell me how to tell one Jawa from another.


    3. Something that isn't so esoteric that it would have to be it's own class. Wookiees for example, are so unique and iconic that in order to do them justice, they'd have to have their own class, as none of the current class stories can really show what it's like to be a wookiee. This of course is ignoring their linguistic barriers.


    4. Equipment. Wookiees, Jawas, etc.


    5. Make sure it's distinguishable from current species. Umbarans would be hard to pick from Rattataki. From a distance, I don't think I could tell a Zeltron from a Pureblood. My favorite pick, Kiffar, is simply way to close to human. I may as well just make a human with nice facial tattoos. Same goes for Echani really (my jedi sentinel is a white skinned human I'm passing for an Echani).

  5. K, I just had this pop into my head. Let me know what you guys think!


    At a certain point, it could be nice to unlock semi-new classes. In terms of role and mechanics, these would not be anything new. They'd be based off of the existing classes. In terms of content, voiceover, companions, appearance, and story, they'd be quite new.


    Examples include:


    The Noble: Functionally, a smuggler, with a few gear switches. Advanced classes: Revolutionary (sniper rifle, explosives, Cover, etc) and Spy (Vibro-knife, Stealth, healing).


    The Officer: Think Agent, but more with pistols, and the shotgun for that matter. Advanced classes include Tactician (double Pistols, explosives, cover) and Black Ops (Shotgun, Healing, Stealth).


    The Crusader: Mandalorian, Republic Side. Not a whole lot of differences with the trooper or BH. Maybe specs into Raider & pirate. Which does which means little to me.


    The Soldier: Imperial Troopers. Specs into the Guardsman (Tanking) and the Ravager (DPS).


    The mystic, the Adept, the Jedi Outcast, etc. (I'm afraid I'm running dry on ideas at the moment, although if anyone wants to make suggestions, by all means do). All of these could make for interresting new ways of experiencing TOR without disrupting the balance of the game. It would however require a gread deal of writing, voiceover, and the creation of a lot of characters, companions and NPC's alike.


    What d'y'all think?

  6. Got an idea for 2 new classes. As the title says, diplomat (republic) and imperial escort or envoy (imperial).


    These 2 should be an only buffer class, with maybe some very light dps, sort of like the bard in Rift. Skills could be both buffing and also debuffing the enemy. Don't have a good idea for their second spec, but maybe you can help. Was thinking maybe in the line of mastercrafters so far, but not sure if it would work out.


    Please say what you think of this :)


    Add some heavy crowd control. Maybe a little healing.Also, buffs and debuffs could be tactically based, similar to the Captain from LOTRO.


    Flesh it out. Tell me about advanced classes, companions, and gear.

  7. You know I thought at that point Id get the master rank and an apprentice? Nope, what a let down, what I did get was Basenthor and go to Balmora for the bug bash fest. Sure had me drummed up for no good immediate reason. Im finding a lot of little things like that with all my characters that are just not so great but the sage in particular...


    The lack of the sages saber useage, the repeated use of three attack spells, one of which is the dumbest animation in the history of gaming, (pebble throw). companion heals and a hold. The long tedious journey to pants ffs, (I thought having a pair of pants was almost as unattainable as this coveted white saber crystal people fuss about). The lack of customization in character creation and progression. The lack of saber choice. Pft the list goes on and on.


    Sorry, ranting now, Ill stop. dont want to derail or troll. Good luck op, I havent enjoyed this class myself, probably time for me to delete and move on.


    I suggest you spec balance. I found my sage was far more interresting when I was lifting 3 people up in the air at a time, and my DOTS became infinitely more relevant to my gameplay.

  8. I just finished the first chapter of the Jedi Consular story and givng him a rest, and to be honest, I liked it. I wasn't fighting the Empire at all, I wasn't dealing with weapons of mass destruction. I was healing something from within the Jedi order. I expected a cerebral story, a mystery, and to not necessarily succeed by my lightsaber alone, and that's what I got.


    I've started a Jedi Knight, and I'm reasonably along with it. Very different feel. I'm fighting the Empire, neutralizing weapons of mass destruction, and dazzling the ladies just a bit more. Honestly, I liked consular more, but maybe that's just my personality. I felt like I was getting more into the nitty gritty of the Force with the Consular, which doesn't seem to be a part of the Jedi Knight story, at least not in Chapter 1.


    I especially liked the Jedi Consular on Alderran. I felt like I was a part of something awesome there, fulfilling my role as a Jedi negotiator. I haven't gotten that far yet with my knight.

  9. A couple of my guildies and I were talking about what planets we'd like to see in any upcoming expansions. At the moment there are already a lot of planets unfamiliar to the casual Star Wars fan, so we were hoping they'd add some more familiar ones. Particularly ones with the potential for a great story line.






    Yavin V





    What do you guys think?



    Yes to Kashyyk, with Zaalbar there as the ruler I think (wookiees have long life spans).

    I could take or leave Naboo. Perhaps having it recently colonized and having issues with the natives.

    I don't see much use in putting in Endor. Don't get me wrong, I love Ewoks. I just don't see any real use for it. I can say the same for Mustafar and Bespin.

    I'm all for Geonosis though. Some nice arena pvp there could be worth while.

    I definitely want to see Dantooine. The ruins of the Jedi Enclave, the caves, Khoonda. All of this would make my day. Yavin IV to, with perhaps the spirit of Naga Sadow or Exar Kun asking for you to unseal it and help you fight the Sith Empire.


    My picks, beyond that would be Onderon, home of the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd, Kessel, complete with energy spiders and reasons why there are tombs there, and Arkania, reconquered by the Sith.

  10. K, real reason: BioWare wanted us to have the opportunity to experience making them ourselves. At least if we were Jedi. Sith get a different experience (and I feel that inquisitors get slightly ripped off, but that's another story).


    A couple of after the fact lore excuses I've come up with:

    1. Traditions, standards, and requirements for building the lightsaber changed over the centuries.


    2. With Ilum in Imperial hands, the Jedi order's supply of crystals was cut hard, and they had to limit who got to make lightsabers to padawans facing their trials or padawans who had just finished them.


    I see the first one as something of a cop-out. The second one makes sense to me.


    In the mean time, I thing the vibroswords and training blades look aweful. I prefered the ones we saw in KotOR and KotOR 2. Just sayin.

  11. 1. Again give the NPCs in game that don't speak Basic (or English in fact :p) subtitles and wookie sounds or even a robot translator isn't the end of the world.


    2. And professionals can't write a story for a Wookie? I've have thought being proffesionals that would be exactly what they COULD do. ;)


    3. Wookies have more than 1 body type canon-wise and did in SWG IIRC. The aren't going to be a carbon(ite) copy of the human ones..... but then that would BE the whole point, wouldn't it. :)


    1. NPC's not speaking intelligibly without subtitles and player characters are two very different things. A main character should be understandable. Subtitles would work, but would be a waste in a fully VO'd game. Droid translator could work.


    2. Professionals could write a story for a wookiee, but your story isn't based on your race, it's based on your class. Therefore, it would require a completely new wookiee class, as I've stated before.


    3. Pics please. I've only ever seen 1. I could imagine 2 of the ones that are currently in game, but beyond that it really just gets bad. And again, this isn't SWG. Get over it.

  12. OF COURSE Revan was back on the Dark Side. I'd like to see your mental health after 300 years of being mind ***** by an ancient Sith Lord. I don't care of Meetra was the female incarnation of Doctor Phil, he's gonna have some issues. It's only natural. Heck, she said Revan was on the edge of being completely lost. Well, he gets out dark side, but still loyal to the republic. That's about where I'd expect him to be.
  13. Yes please on the gambling.


    Actually, I was thinking that it might be nice to have a few social professions that are only of use at the social hubs. Things like:


    -Gambler: Great way to rake in the creds, maybe even let us put up gear as the stakes.

    -Entertainer: Why not. You do your dance, or play your instrument, and give people long term buffs (and no, I'm not an SWG vet, I just happen to like the idea of it).

    -Racer: race pods, swoops, animals (I believe they mentioned Rancor Racers in Fatal Alliance, did they not?)

    -Fighter: PVP arena style tournaments (fully viewable no less).


    Any class can pick up one of these professions.

  14. One of the complaints I've seen about character creation was that lack of inspired races you can currently choose from. With that I think it would be cool to compile a list of Races we'd like to be able to see playable in the future development of the game.


    Torgruta - This beautiful painty face carnivorous race is all over the game but not playable. I'd like to make one. A Female. She'd be the hottest Jedi in the Galaxy.


    Nautolan - These big eyed amphibian mud skippes are awesome. I want one with a Jamaican accent, maybe I'd name it Shabba, or Sean Paul, because their head extensions look like dreadlocks!


    Devaronian - They look like Satan!!! So Sithy Fresh! I could make King Dabura and get some DBZ in my SWTOR


    Cathar - If youtube has taught us anything, it's that kitties = hits. Yeah, okay... Most people hate Aric Jorgan, so why not let us redeem him with our own Pride of Bi-pedial cats? lots of creative customization potential there as well.


    What ever the hell YODA is - Not much is known about these ancient half-pint force sensitive dactyl thingies, we just know they are awesome and have great potential to do all the awesome on the battlefield.



    *Recommended by Archifikoss*


    Chagrian - Blue face horn heads. They look kinda Torgruta without the awesome hat look and Maybelline make-up job.


    Pau-an - They look like Nosfaratu with a pimp political sense.


    *Recommended by TItanten*


    Echani - Epic Albino's that like to fight nearly naked! Hates Mandalorians Perfect to be added with them.


    Gungan - Jar Jar Binks... I think many would create one just so they can commit suicide...


    Falleen - I'd imagine they'd be all darkside and stuff since they are subject to passion. Or could make for an interesting Republic class as well.


    Duros - They look like Area 51 aliens! We can relate to that!


    Mandalorian - The Most bad *** strategic cult race class in the universe. Yes please!



    *Recommended by Cooltrip*


    Voss - Chosen race of the Force? they believe this. They like... Jewish a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away!


    *Recommended by Phadian_gess* (and by popular demand)


    Rodian - Fawesome Bugeyed long mouthed Reptile people with Mohawks of awesome. Get you some


    *Recommended by Alohen*


    Mon Calamari - You know Admiral Ackbar?! IT'S HIS RACE!


    Kel-Dorian - Honestly, Ugly as hell, makes for some really cool facial attachment options!


    *Recommended by CrazYvan*


    Zelton - Oh Lawd! Do want these pink hue skinned lovelies! I hear they smell nice, like bubblegum! om nom nom!


    Recommended by djwhitfield


    Kaleesh - You may know one of these sinister looking bat faced lizard things from the clone wars. It wields 4 stolen light sabers... RUN AWAY!


    Weequay - They communicate through smell... this could make for some interesting dialog LoL!


    Droids - It is touched on Droids without Memory wipe becoming completely sentient. Could be fun.


    Recommended by BigAndyW


    Bothans - A neutral Yif race since all they really want to do is be heard and be social, could makes for some cool social point bonus.


    Recommended by Bombad_jedi


    Cerean - This race is clearly a head of the class! They have an extra heart for their Big *** brains! And unlike regular Jedi, they can fornicate! sold!


    Recommended by Izorii


    Gran - These 3 eye'd goat faced grass eaters may not have much in assortment to them visually, but their females have 3 whole *****, and that has to count for something.


    Any races you guys think would be a good idea? I'll edit them in if I think they are fitting!


    I'd love to see Cerean, Togruta, and Nautolan, not to mention Chagrian but the only problem is how to get their heads to fit in the headgear. They managed twi'leks, so I guess it isn't impossible.


    I don't see much point in Echani. There aren't any racial bonuses, so just make a pale white haired human and you're already there (that's what I'm doing). There's simply not enough to make them worth adding as a race. The same is true of a race I'd love to see, Kiffar. Just too human. I have slightly similar concerns with Zeltrons to Sith Purebloods and Falleen to Mirialians, but not quite as bad. Those to might make it.


    I see no problem with adding Cathar. Honestly, I think they should have been there at launch. They are well within the parameters that BioWare has set. They'd make great troopers, Jedi of either class, and Sith Inquisitors. Maybe even BH's. Yes please on the Voss as well.


    There were a few mentioned that I don't think will ever see the light of play, as BioWare seems to be stuck on making more or less humanoid races playable. They have there reasons for this, which they've stated, and I'm not going to go into that. I'm just gonna say that it's not likely.


    Finally, I have one race to add to the list: Arkanian. Gene spicers who mess with their DNA so much that it's difficult to say what an Arkanian actually is. Could have, or not have, pointy ears, yellow glowing eyes, any skin tone or hair color they want, and any other number of strange physical tratis, some of which could be borrowed from other species. I'd have them available to all of the Force user classes, and perhaps to IA's as well.

  15. Not gonna happen. At least not the way you're thinking.


    I've been over some of this in another thread but here are your problems with Wookiees (and yes, it is spelled with to e's):


    1. Language Barrier: I don't know if you noticed, but this game is fully voiced over. Hours and hours of voice acting have gone into each class. All of that would go to waste with a Wookiees, unless of course you don't want the wookiee experience. But if you're a real wookiee fan, you would be appalled if your character didn't speak in Shiriwook. Seeing as how each class has one voice actor, it ain't gonna happen.


    2. Wardrobe Malfunction: Wookiees are somewhat opposed to clothing. Therefore, it's a bit of a problem. I don't know what they're doing with Bowdarr, as I'm not playing a smuggler, but most wookiees tend to run around in the buff. Which totally works for them, but not for a gear conscious MMO.


    3. Body Type: Wookiees have one body type. TALL. TOR has 4 body types: Shrimpy, Average, Tall and Buff, and Fat. I could see Tall and Buff, maybe even Fat, but an average sized wookiee would kinda break it for me, and if you even think about a shrimpy wookiee, you need serious therapy.


    4. Story: Each class in this game is story centric, and none of those stories fit a wookiee. A wookiee would see and interact with the world in a distinctly different way than any of the current classes.


    Now, these are what stand between you and your dream of playing a wookiee. That said, I wouldn't lose total hope. There is one way you might one day get to play a wookiee, if BioWare ever does this, and I'm not saying that they're even considering this:


    LOTRO has something called monster play. Normally you get to play the humanoid 4 races of middle earth, who only vary in stature, ear shape, and facial/body/foot hair. However, yoiu can unlock the option to play as goblins, spiders, and wolves for the pure purpose of PVP. I could see some of the less Humanoid species in Star Wars getting similar treatment. You unlock the chance to play as a wookiee. The wookiee is it's own class that can speciallize in either swords or Bowcasters/Blaster Rifles. It would have it's own story (probably a shorter one than a normal class), which would be completely voiced in Shiriiwook (I'm pretty sure I mis-spelled that). I could see it being PVP centric, but it doesn't necessarily have to be.


    i'm not saying BioWare would do this, but if they're going to have wookiees being playable, it's the only way I can see it happening.

  16. 1. Droids do that all the time, so do a lot of the alien humanoid species, including ones you can actually have as a Player Character.


    2. They weren't too iconic to be a playable race in SWG (and there were a LOT more playable races in SWG too, 10 in fact) and there was absolutely no problem with them as such there, you could make that argument with Yoda, but not really with Wookies, admittedly though none of the current classes really scream Wookie, except bounty hunter maybe, but they wouldn't work so well as the mirror Trooper.






    The real reason is probably:


    3. BW for whatever reason couldn't manage non-human PC, just different coloured human "aliens".


    1. Name one currently playable species that has no history speaking basic.


    2. But this isn't SWG now, is it? When your story is actually professionally written, I'd rather have it fit. SWG, sure, you could role play a real wookiee just fine since the content was what the community made it. Here, we have professionally written scripts, an none of them fit wookiees.


    on a 3rd note, Wookiees only have on body type. I might be able to imagine the fat wookiee and the tall muscular wookiee, but the body type 2 would be a little off and body type 1 would just fail hard from a lore perspective.

  17. i think i would be great if they wee to come out with a wookiee race as a expansion latter on does anyone agree


    A few reasons shy it won't happen:


    1. Wookiees, with the notable exception of one who had a speech impediment, do not speak basic (the in universe common language of humans). In a game with this much voiceover, that's bad. Your character would nothing but grunt, growl and howl.


    2. Wookiees are a bit too iconic. Iconic is a good thing right? Yes, but too much of it makes them bad for class driven story. A wookiee would have to be it's own class, with it's own abilities and it's own story, as none of the current class stories would at all capture what it is to be a wookiee.


    Now, on the point of number 2, maybe if they did something similar to LOTRO's Monster play, where you could make a side character that was a wookiee class, that could work, but I don't know of anything like that on the books.

  18. On Belsavis you see Flesh Raiders in one of the side quests where you kill someone in a Rakata Mind Prison.


    That's the kind of info I was looking for. Looks like evidence of Rouge's Rakata theory, although not conclusive.

  19. They might have been Rakata, that's my strongest suspicion. But considering we are getting an entire comic series from DH set just to that era, I doubt that BW will touch this. The Consular storyline's Tython part is already problematic when set side by side with DH's vision.


    Yeah, there may be some retcons. However, perhaps this comic shows the beginning of the Force Wars and what we saw as Consulars was the end. I don't know.


    Rakata is a good guess. When I first saw flesh raiders i wondered if they were badly mutated Rakata. It would explain things.

  20. For whatever it's worth, here's Wookeepedia's stance on all this:


    Nope, nothing's overridden. Jango is indeed still a Mandalorian, with all of his previous history still intact. Filoni's commentary is not part of an official release, and therefore ambiguously canon. We usually only take such input when the commentary clarifies or adds to another otherwise ambiguous situation. Also, it's incorrect, as the concept of Jango being Mandalorian was not a fan assumption, but a fact stated in numerous licensed, official books, comics, and other releases, beginning—I believe—with the Visual Dictionary for Attack of the Clones. In situations such as these, where commentary is incorrect and in conflict with official canon, a behind the scenes note of the inconsistency is made, instead of altering the main body of the article. As for Almec's statements: The Essential Atlas indicates that the New Mandalorians—the faction of which Almec is a part of—looks down upon the traditional warrior clans, and the New Battlefronts Visual Guide implies Almec dismisses Jango out of pride, rather than fact. Bella'Mia 05:47, January 22, 2012 (UTC)




    take that as you will. Beyond throwing this in there, I wash my hands of this discussion. Have little stake in it, so long as Lucas stays away from KotOR/TOR era Mandos and Legacy Comics Mandos.

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