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Posts posted by Dboyy

  1. Teclado,


    Thank you, I appreciate the break down as well. That is to bad about the loss of PvP focus, We had some amazing Warzone battles when this game launched!!

  2. Is the PvP End game still competitive? Anyone care to give me a fill in. Wondering If leveling up all over again will just be a waste or if there is solid PvP end game.



  3. When I decided to come on back to SWTOR after (Roughly 4 years or so...) I went and dug around my old Videos and found these. Brought back some fun Memories. Some great players/guilds were kicking around SWTOR during Head start / Release!!






  4. A good sent / maurader cannot be beat period (aside from mass zerging, and even then....)


    If a sent is having an issue with the squishiest class in the game. going ranged isnt going to help.



    Advice to OP,


    Go and make yourself a sorc LOL come back and let us know how that worked out for you.





  5. Again,



    This game is RUN and OWNED by all Tank classes, If you are a gaurdian / Jugg / Powertech / shadow / aassasin.


    And think ANYTHING is Over powered that is not affiliated with your own spec. You should not be pvping. They are such faceroll classes its comical. I have one. They are so boring its pathetic. there is absolutely no challenge with a tank class.



  6. Warriorpoets, is an Online Gaming Community. We have a Vast and Accomplished Past. Our Presence has been felt in Many MMO's. From L2, Archlord, Warhammer, AoC, AION, WoW, Lotro, Rift, SWTOR, TERA and GW2. We are currently following ESO and ArcheAge. We are always looking to improve and enjoy our time in any game that we are in . Welcome to our home, we hope you enjoy your stay.




    The WarriorPoet is the several thousand-Year-Old Tradition of dedication to developing the body and mind as one. The Bushido warrior code of ancient Japan, the Shambhala Teachings of Tibet, the chivalrous knights of Medieval Europe, and the ancient Greek Warriors are all examples of this proud tradition. The WarriorPoets retain a mysteriously ancient aura, a member of the leadership class who guides with wisdom and courage. They are defined by their dedication to their crafts of warfare, intellectual study and reflection.



    We arrived here about 4 weeks ago from TERA and have been leveling our new IMP characters. A solid portion of us are now 50 and looking to fine tune our PvP / gear out / and get onto RWZ.


    http://www.truewarriorpoets.enjin.com/home For more info.


    Or check out some of our old SWTOR PvP, Prior to us leaving and heading to TERA / GW2 and DFUW Beta.








  7. Man would be great if BW just listened to its player base and went to Xserver Queue's for WZ's.



    Would be amazing. Than what server we all are on won't matter we will get to play everyone.




  8. I know it has been discussed at length. Hell we were asking for this before i quit for TERA over 9 months ago.


    Does anyone know if BW has even addressed this and do they plan on ever implementing it.


    We can't really know who is the top RWZ teams until we get Xserver WZ Queue's.



  9. So a player made a comment in an earlier post, that Bastion had the top IN THE WORLD team for RWZ's (won't really know till they get xserver queue's) but bold claim none the less. I was wondering if some of the more veteran players on this server could put together a llist of the top 5 IMP and top 5 Reb Guild's. In relation to PvP Only.


    PvE content holds no interest to me whatsoever.


    Always nice to know the competition.


    So if you guys are bored or don't mind. Start to list your thoughts on TOP 5 IMP / REB PVP Guilds.



  10. We have been back for almost 3 weeks now. Thought we had selected the server that was struggling the most IMP Faction Bastion. But apparently they claim they have the best RWZ teams peroid. So Not sure we picked the right server / Faction. Were looking for the underdogs ;p.


    But none the less great to be back and hope to see some old and new faces out in the WZ's.


    WP, Was around during Beta and about 3 months into the game. Left for TERA / DFUW beta and have decided to give SWTOR another run. We were Reb's last go around, So going Imp this time.






    ( Not HD Quality )



  11. Bastion imp side has the best rated pvp team on any server by far. The second and third best imp guilds would probably be the best if they transfered to any server other than the bastion.


    The pugs are god awful and the bads outnumber the skilled by alot but...the few good/best swtor players in the world play on imp side bastion. Im sure they will be more than happy to feed on and farm your guild along with all the other short bus tryhard rated teams so...welcome!


    I look forward to seeing you in the WZs!!




  12. So we hear that this server struggles on the IMP side. So We decided to bring what little help we can to this server.


    WP, Was around during Beta and about 3 months into the game. Left for TERA / DFUW beta and have decided to give SWTOR another run. We were Reb's last go around so wanted to find a server with an IMP faction struggling in the RWZ's!!






    ( Not HD Quality )



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