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Posts posted by Bladedheart

  1. Cool, helpful tips, It's something of a relief to know that it ISN'T a glitch and we're just doing it wrong. Guess next weekend we'll just make our console guys practice for a good ten minutes to get warmed up. I like the tank technique where one is down tanking the other is handling the consoles and the sage pulls when needed, that might be a hell of a lot more helpful than wasting an additional dps on a console. Appreciated to those who gave tips.
  2. Basically as soon as he's not red anymore, you need to be back on consoles setting up the next blast.


    They were hitting the consoles the second they were able to. It was fast. But as I said, I watched a video with a dude screwing up the consoles, he did it at least three times that I noticed, but his team still downed the bastard, video was uploaded on January 20, which is why I'm asking if anyone has downed him since the last patch or not.

  3. So we tried our hand at KP for the first time this weekend, after about 6 wipes on Heavy Fabricator we got frustrated and gave up. We all watched videos going into it and made sure our guys on the consoles knew what they were doing. We had two tanks for the fight, Vanguard and Guardian. Our healers were a Commando and a Scoundrel. DPS we had a Sentinel, two Commandos, and a Gunslinger. We were barely getting him past the halfway mark before he enraged. As for gear, we made sure everyone had at LEAST full daily comms mods but everyone had at least two pieces of Columi gear.


    The strategy we were employing was two men up top, one on the right console, the other on the center and left. The mines (at our healers behest) we simply ran into to explode. One of the videos I watched showed just one guy up top manning the consoles and he was screwing up pretty often but they still managed to down the boss. Our guys up top were hitting the consoles quick with not one screw up and still, barely over 1/2 hp down on the guy and he enrages. Now one of our team said he read (somewhere) that the boss is currently glitched and people are reporting that he's harder on normal mode than he is on the hard mode. So my question is simple; has anyone been able to down him (within the last week at the latest) or is he legit glitched?


    Second question, if he is NOT glitched; what could we be doing wrong? Tips would be appreciated.

  4. You guys are fanatics. WoW didnt have a Orange Mod system afaik, its is a new system for a new game. Stop trying to force your old rules into a new game. Open your minds and try to think about this NEW SYSTEM in a new way.


    Let's put it a bit more simply. Talk to the group first about what you want to do. If everyone agrees, cool.


    Also look at it this way. the armor in your OP only dropped because the Sith Warrior was in your group, if he hadn't been in your group you wouldn't have even seen the armor in the first place, so it makes more sense that it's HIS. Run the FP again until YOUR armor drops.

  5. Someone told me 20 mins.

    All I've done is like 5 minute poops so far and I've still been in.


    ...lol nice bro. Nice.


    I don't think I've done more than maybe 10 minutes of afk either. Just curious about how much of a window we have.

  6. Mythic came up with an idea to help with losing your position in the queue due to a crash

    Mythic now works for BioWare

    BioWare could have easily done that here, but they didnt care enough about the people paying them (us) to add it


    there you are. TLDR provided


    Technically no one is paying them yet. Early (free) Access. Sure some of us may have gotten our physical copies but that point is pretty well and truly moot.

  7. Short story: LS/DS points are only obtained by YOUR choices. You choose to kill the guy but your teammate chooses to spare em and he wins the roll, you still get the DS points.

    Flashpoints effecting story: It's my understanding that stuff that goes on in FPs *MOSTLY* stays in FPs. You may hear mention of saving the crew of the Esseles in your story but I understand any REAL consequences that come from it are only shown in FPs. (Supposedly Grand Moff Kilran is gonna come after me. Yea.)

  8. No I did not pick my server Bioware did and I do not want to reroll. They put our guild on The Harbinger and some Australian TOR site told all Oceanic to roll on our server so we have an entire country on this server. Last night we had a queue over 1000. If you look now The Harbinger is the only us west server on very heavy. They need to rebalance this server or give free moves. When you assign guilds to a server telling people to roll on another server should not be an option.



  9. At least you know when senta is going to let you open your presents. You dont have to sit by the damn tree for a week sitting on your hands...


    Sure you do. You think you were nice. But were you really? Were you SANTA'S version of the word? Only way to truly find out is to wait and see. So point remains. Santa wins. So does Bioware. GO SANTA AND BIOWARE!


    Also. don't even try to PRETEND you didn't sit by the tree for a week or two "sitting on your hands" waiting for Christmas and your parents to say you can open your presents. We all did it.

  10. why is it so hard to grasp that the 20th 3x the people that pre-ordered the game will purchase the game and it will be server *****torm, if they can't handle to let the people that pre-ordered the game in, how do they expect to survive the 20th? Contrary to most of the people on the forums 90% of people do not pre-order things.


    <<work at gamestop

    << midnight release for MW3 sell 700 copies

    << day MW3 actually came out sell 5,000 copies

    << where the hell were all these people at midnight release?

    << oh ya they are lazy and didn't preorder.

    <<20th == server *****torm INC


    Honestly? Very damn difficult to grasp. Where did you get your stats from? Three times the number of pre-ordered games.... will be sold to non-pre-orders... which means that there is no "limited quantity" of games put out on the market. Yep. You're right. It'll happen. Servers will go down. And we'll all find out the Mayans were, in fact, full of ****. Cuz the world will end about a year early. :rolleyes:

  11. You'd get your presents sometime between the 18'th of December and the 3'rd of January, depending on when you sent in your wish list. And your presents would be dolled out in waves throughout the day. That would be epic.


    Perhaps. But lets be real. Santa operates on a naughty or nice scale. Everyone QQing would fall under the "naughty" side and thus wouldn't get the presents anyway. Thus, Santa wins. As does Bioware. GO BIOWARE AND SANTA!

  12. Bioware is the mans. That's right. Mans. I got in on the first or second wave (6:44am MST on the thirteenth is when I received the email.) I logged in. Snagged all 4 names I wanted (Smuggler named Ron, Captain Ron anyone? Classic.) So yea. Best. Launch. Ever. Also. Good job Bioware! I loved you before. I loved you after Dragon Age 2 (problems, yes, but not as bad as people make it out to be. It was fun enough.) I love you now. Don't screw up Mass Effect 3 and I'll love you forever.


    /signed OP

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