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Posts posted by Shinnanju

  1. . This is an older one of mine, I've still got the Dromund Kaas one in here, and not my Yavin one (and it's before the hook limit increase on Tattooine). There's a few ideas in here that are pretty good for getting your hook limit that I saw from other strongholds. I'll make a new one soon and upload it as well.
  2. Yes, this feature is in game. Open your preferences, and click on User Interface. Scroll down to the Tooltip area, and the middle one on the left "Enable Companion Comparative Tooltip" is the one you are looking for. Check the box, hit apply and/or OK, and when you hover over an item, it will show your equipped gear and your companions next to it.
  3. It would be nice to have my droid companion be able to use the leftover gear that drops, or even the commendations I pick up. I've gotten to the point where I have a large supply of commendations in my "bank" and I am unable to properly gear my droid companions. It would be nice if there were a vendor in Fleet who took the (Tionese/Columi/Rakata/Campaign) commendations normally given to other vendors to convert them to stuff you can equip on your droid companion.


    I know that a chest piece doesn't convert to a droid, but maybe chest and legs can become core, gloves and boots can be motors, head pieces can be sensors, and bracers and waist can be parts. We can still buy appropriate weapons, generators and shields, as well as implants and ear pieces, so those don't need to be implemented, but it would be nice to use these poorly geared companions.

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