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Posts posted by Vorone

  1. 1v1, gear roughly the same.


    In my experience:


    OP/SC - We are dead. No questions asked, if you get into a 1v1 with a op/sc there is very little you can do unless you are playing against a under geared or bad OP/SC


    Marauder/Sent - We are dead. Sure you can dot them and try to kite them for like an hour but good ones will stick to you like glue.


    Juggs/Guardians - See marauder, only difference is depending on spec. They either kill you in record speed or shrug off dots like no ones business.


    BH/Trooper:PT/Merc - Mercs can kill you really fast if you can't LOS them. Luckily most mercs don't know *** to do if you interrupt tracer missile and stand there like morons. But if you have played against one with skill its a different story. PTs are like marauders/juggs, but they bring you to them instead of the other way around


    Assassin/Shadow - Probably our best match up (aside from other sorcs/sages), but not by much. If they get the jump on you the will win most of the time.


    So in other words, yes. Sorcs are HORRIBLE 1v1. We have to rely on positioning and teammates in order to succeed. Don't get me wrong I have won plenty of 1v1s but they were mainly against horrible players, other sage/sorcs or people with horrible gear. Most of the time, I am dead if someone gets on me and wont get off. I make it as annoying as possible and even try to kill them if I can but the best case scenario is I run away and they quit chasing me.


    Where Sorcs SHINE: Being left the **** alone. I can dish some crazy damage... Not soo much directly to 1 person but to groups. That is what people see on the scoreboard at the end of the game and why people think we are OP is because of our AoE. If you let a Sorc sit there and destroy you they will.


    But to think we are OP is beyond stupid, the only reason there are a lot of us is because we shoot FRIGGIN LIGHTENING OUT OF OUR FINGERS, no really, that is the only reason. I would consider us middle of the pack. Dangerous when left alone but dead when focused.

  2. As a Sorc I can honestly say that it is frustrating and without all the "CC" we would be worthless because we a super squishy. Every class knows this and I get targeted by just about everything as soon as purple leaves my finger tips. Our burst isn't the best in fact I would call it pathetic compared to most classes.


    Juggs/Guardians are a major pain to deal with. Our dots are LOL to them, they can stick to us like glue and have as many CCs as we have if not more. Not only that but I have seen them due crazy amounts of damage.


    OP/SC - These guys still do crazy damage even after the nerf and they are always on my ***. Same with Assassins/Shadow, super obnoxious.


    Merc/Powertech/trooper - These guys ugh. If you are not paying attention a merc will take me from full to dead in seconds. I purposely save my interrupt for them and it is funny to watch them sit there for about 4 seconds doing nothing. Powertech loves to grab me, like I said that Purple stuff is a giant bulls eye for everyone.


    People overrate Sorcs. Healing Sorcs are great, but it's not so great being a DPS

  3. Good idea. Start leveling now and you should get to 50 in time for them to be nerfed.


    Honestly I would rather be leveling a new character than continue the PvP gear grind, I don't think I would be missing much between being the #1 target for the most OP class in MMO history and the RNG PvP bags.


    Plus while I am leveling my OP character, certain things may or may not happen. It's a win win


    1. They balance the classes better, in which case I go back to my beloved Sorcerer.


    2. They don't balance the classes and I can enjoy wrecking WZs until they do.


    3. Possibility of them making a better system than RNG for PvP bags.

  4. I am thinking about making a Operative and getting my grubby little hands all over that ridiculousness. Or oaybe a Powertech Bounty Hunter. Walking tank of doom or insta-kill whoever doesn't have trinket ready stealth class, hmmm choices choices.
  5. With enough time and patience, you too can slice your way into debt! Not for you? Then enjoy one of the crafting skills where you can makes items that are inferior to what you can find and receive while questing.


    Right now every crafting skill is nothing more than "dump X amount of credits here". I got artifice up to 300, for a long time I could craft items i couldn't even use and I still haven't used a single thing I can craft because questing/pvp/everything rewards much better.

  6. He meant purple colored crystals, like Mace Windu's



    but to answer your question, yes you can get Purple quality crystals with RE by REing the crystals you craft.


    Yes sorry, I should have been more clear. I did mean purple color crystals, ones that would change the color of a lightsaber to purple. Yes I am silly about that sort of thing. I will dedicate hours of my time to get the color I want and it just so happens that my favorite color is purple.

  7. I'm wondering the same thing. The few synthweavers I've talked to only have orange items they've found schematics on. I think one had an entire suit they could craft of a medium type armor. It only consisted of that five standard pieces: head, chest, hands, legs, feet.


    Just one suit? I was hoping synthweaving would have multiple craftable slot orange items with individual appearances. Since all orange items are the same statistically, it would be nice to be able to craft yourself some appearance variety and then mod the items with the stats desired.

  8. I picked up artifice hoping I might be able to find schematics or at least find purple crystals and it doesn't seem like that is going to happen. Artifice has been a bust so far, got two choices: either Endurance or Crit crystals right now...


    Anyway Synthweavers, a quick question: Are there a lot of orange items (modifiable items) that you can craft? I am thinking about dropping artifice and picking up Synthweaving just so I can customize the appearance of my character. Also can you craft orange belts/bracers?

  9. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZbsbrzRruZcMcRszz.1


    The idea behind this build is to use wrath to insta cast chain lightening and other lightening spells. I am only level 30 so I can't test this build out for myself and I don't know what I would be missing from the top tier talents. But from what I have experienced so far I think the AoE from Death field and chain lightening would be devastating in PvP.


    I would appreciate it if someone with experience explain to me why this would or wouldn't be a good idea

  10. The only problem I have with huttball is the fact that it has been the only match type I have played in the last 4-5 days or so, it would be nice to play something else for a change.
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