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Posts posted by FuryoftheStars

  1. I was just going to say - hey we can do without X rated content - then I realised that the OP is probably American and a fanny to them is not what a fanny is to an Englishman.


    Well what in the heck is a "Fanny Pack" to you? Cause as an American, this is what I think of when I hear the term: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Leather_Fanny_Pack.JPG


    And that is not "sexy" or X-Rated by any stretch of the imagination (to me).

  2. Made worse by the fact that Lucas has explicitly stated that there was no 'special programming' in the Clones of any kind, so can't pass it off as some kind of switch going off in their heads that the Jedi couldn't have predicted.

    I thought it was mentioned in the movie that they were "100% loyal", which would imply some sort of programming? Also, to have Palpatine call them up and simply say "Execute Order 66" and nothing else for them to start killing Jedi means they've known of the Order and ready to execute it if need be.


    As for the Jedi being "caught by surprise" and killed, that's easy enough to explain... complacency. They've been fighting side-by-side with them for roughly 3 years, some of them even becoming good friends with some of the clones. Their attention was focused elsewhere... distracted. Yoda was able to sense the betrayal because he sensed so many other Jedi dying throughout the Galaxy... this caused him to suddenly "open" his awareness of what was going on around him in an attempt to figure out why.


    2) When they were throwing seats on each other in senate room, Yoda was able to stop all of them, but Palpatine actually had to jump aside when Yoda throwed one at him himself.

    Erm, I thought he only stopped one, set it spinning and then back at Palpatine? The rest he dodged. But really, with most of that fight, Palpatine looks like he is hurling the seats with little effort (much like toys), while Yoda has a visible strain on his face just trying to stop the momentum of that one.


    Also, another point on the retreat, he lost his lightsaber against that last bit of Force Lightning.


    I will admit that the decision to leave does come off as being in haste/without ample reason to back it up, but to me it is obvious that he is not gaining any headway against Sidious.

  3. My issue with this is more so just the fact that someone has exclusive rights to making the games. No one else really has the opportunity to create something, now. And yes, I will admit, I have a bad taste in my mouth concerning EA.


    I do not understand the hate for EA, sure they aren't the best company, but they let their developers do what they want.

    Bioware is one of my favorite companies and I don't feel they changed much since being bought by EA.

    Question (in earnest, here, as I've heard varying things): how many of the original team from Bioware are still around after acquisition from EA?


    2:World of Warcraft was made by Blizzard released in 2004, 4 years before Activision was bought by Vivendi and became Activision Blizzard, so really it wasn't Activision's big hit. Besides that they aren't the only 2 MMOs neither was the first neither was the last, just because they are probably the most known doesn't mean EA copied Blizzard.

    After having been away from WoW for several years, after my first day of playing SWToR a couple months ago and before I had ever visited the forums or read any reviews... you know what my concluding thought for the day of gameplay was? "My God, this feels so much like WoW."


    3:SimCity did have a bad launch, and still has some issues but I play and enjoy the game. I have had very little issues with ToR and have been playing it since launch. And personally I don't unplug my computer from the internet ever, and in the rare hour or so it drops if it does I have plenty of other games to play or things I can do.

    IMO, SimCity started going down the drain for me after SC2000 (once it went from Maxis -> EA). I was kind of OK with 3000, but some of the changes irked me. When I read some of the "features" to 4, I said screw it and never picked it up again.

  4. I'm against Vet rewards. It always turns the community into a divided jerk fest. If you weren't X months subbed or played from the start, people lorded it over you and treated you like dirt.


    Meh. I like just getting preorder bonuses that have no impact what so ever. No one cares who has a Taun Taun Fawn.


    Hmm, well, I haven't seen such things, but then again, I've only played 1 game where there were vet rewards at the time I was playing. Hopefully you just had bad luck? Hard to say from my standpoint....


    But yeah, the rewards should be more cosmetic in nature or allowing you to get something that everyone else can sooner. If something unique that can actually be useful in game, then they'd have to consider it very well.

  5. No point arguing with the EU fanboys bud. Im sure they also think superman pulling the earth out of its obit with a big chain was a good move.


    Yeah, I'm starting to see what you mean.... Unfortunately, after each great "feat", EU authors feel the need to 1-up with something bigger. And will continue to do so until the readers/fanbase goes "***? Lame...", which (unfortunately for SW) takes a lot considering they're all used to comics where the characters are already doing stupidly absurd things (and GL never actually defined the limits of a Force user).


    Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of the books, but some of the moves I see them pull off make me go "***" because it's making them into a virtual God.

  6. You think they look sexy? :eek:


    As an optional alternative to current belts, maybe. But not add extra inventory space. Otherwise you'd be giving an added perk to those who like the looks of them and those who don't... well, would either have to suffer or go without. That wouldn't be fair. Besides, you can already spend credits or CC to increase this to a sizable amount.

  7. Please change the sexist and outdated Legacy Title "Master CraftsMan" to a Gender Neutral alternative (such as: Artisan, Crafter, Craftsperson).


    Agreed and support.


    EDIT: Now, having actually read through the thread....


    I think one thing that some people are forgetting is the time/era in which some of the words we have now were actually created. Words like "craftsman" were created to literally mean a "man of crafts" during an era when only men were doing these kinds of things. Women were either forbidden, laughed at, or shunned because it was a man's job.


    And besides, as Vil-lynne has already pointed out, there are many terms that used to be exclusive female roles that have had their terms changed to be more gender neutral so men can actually "feel comfortable" with their job titles. :p

  8. Yet when planets start blowing up, i think people would very quickly understand that the Empire is blowing up planets that are suspected of being in line with the Rebellion.


    Umm, yeah? I know this, hence...


    Whether the planets blowing up are because of some "Super Top Secret" weapon or because of the Force, no one would be able to tell the difference


    EDIT: Err, sorry... over an hour later and it just dawned on me that you were picking on something else... :p

    I don't think it'd be as quickly as you believe. Most people don't even travel off their own planets or only to a few others. "Rumors" of planets just "disappearing" would be taken at first as being nothing more than tales, much like old sailor "mermaid" stories. The Empire, in order for this weapon to work as intended, would of course not deny the claims. But, as with the existence of the Force, many would not believe it until they saw it with their own eyes.


    Point being, though, that it would be no more effective at causing terror than an SSD flying around with old Palps on the bridge.

  9. Well we kinda have already been through this once before, no need to go through it again. But the Death Star was more for fear, then blowing up planets...it has the capacity to destroy one sure but that wasn't what it was made for.


    Yes, it was an instrument of terror. But really, there would be as many people who would believe that it doesn't exist as there are who believed the Force is nothing more than magic tricks. Look at Han's reaction when Obi-Wan first told him it wasn't a moon....


    Assuming Sidious' power is as great as the EU suggests, a Super Star Destroyer going around with him on board probably would've worked just as well. Whether the planets blowing up are because of some "Super Top Secret" weapon or because of the Force, no one would be able to tell the difference and all would be just as afraid at the sight of an SSD as they would a Death Star.


    The Death Star plans were in the making as early as Ep II... Palpatine obviously felt as though his powers alone were not going to be enough to keep the whole Galaxy under control and minimize the support that rebellions would get.

  10. Compared to the Force Storms? Those are small things...

    Compared to an Air Craft Carrier, a Cruiser is small, but is still large to a person.


    As for Vader how is that not small compared to everything else? Though the fact that he just sustained heavy damage, and just recently got into his suit and did all that was rather impressive anyway.

    That is my point, that what Vader did in that scene is small compared to everything else we've seen in the EU. Suit means nothing where the Force is concerned. It does not somehow block or require his using the Force in a different means to achieve the same affects. Injuries also mean little by that point. We do not hear strain in his voice as if he is dealing with pain (distraction), and he still has well over 60% of his body mass (probably closer to 80%) so the reduction in his ability to use the Force should not be severely reduced by that. And yet, in perhaps one of the biggest fits of emotion he has (or will ever have), which should enhance his Force ability, that is the destruction we see?


    I'm saying the EU has blown the potential for Force users out of proportion. If one was that powerful, nothing could threaten them. Fleets would be like flies for the swatting, rebellious planets would be eggs to crack open... one wouldn't need to build a Death Star.

  11. They are small, Palps has been the only one to use Force Storms in making a wormhole to destroy an entire fleet. No other Force User has shown to doing that, so its like...a very small and niche thing to which I don't see why it matters if only one person has been shown to use it.


    You obviously haven't been keeping up with all of the EU stories.


    I can't recall the Darth's name or which story it is from, but there is one that destroyed a planet with the Force.

    KotOR 2 sees someone who devourers all life on planets.

    Unleashed and one story with Luke (can't recall title) sees a Star Destroyer being pulled out of orbit by the Force.


    These are not "small" by any stretch of the imagination. I mean, come on... at the end of Ep III, we see Vader, who is completely distraught and beside himself with grief on the news that his wife is dead, merely breaks a few things and breaks/bends some of the supporting struts of the room? Seems the Darkside gains strength through use of emotion, you'd think he'd cause a lot more destruction than that....

  12. Yes unrealistic. Even fantasy has to have SOME grounds in reality. And yes good ol George wrote the universe, but it has it's limits, everything does.


    Especially seems it is science-fiction, and not straight up fantasy.


    I mean, really, it seems to me like with each EU book/game, they try 1-up'ing each other with some even greater feat in the Force. Some people try to claim that there's a "cost" in using the Force, but honestly, we see a few vain attempts at it in the EU and really nothing for evidence for that in the movies. I think the most "cost" there is in using the Force comes from Darkside corruption of the body, but that's just in basic appearance, etc... not actually killing the user any faster. As such, I also think the feats that Force users are able to accomplish are actually a lot smaller than what the EU believes; none of this planet destroying/devouring, black-hole/wormhole creating nonsense. If these feats in the Force really were capable of happening, then I'd think we'd see a lot more fleet "swatting" and planet crushing going on....

  13. I would disagree. Star Destroyers and the Empire's military power in general was designed to invoke fear in the populations they sought to suppress. To quote Tarkin:


    "Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station."


    "Only though the projection of power do we bring order. The inefficiencies of nonstandard practices, of trade barriers, of restrictions due to cultures and provincial interest... all will be swept away. There will be order through power."


    "I maintain that the effectiveness of the Star Destroyer stems from not only its massive firepower, but from its size. When citizens look at a Star Destroyer and then compare it to the craft which might be mustered to attack it, they have a tendency to dismiss such a notion as suicidal rather than approach the problem tactically."


    The Tarkin Doctrine revolved around these ideas.


    Whether it works or not is a different story, however I would be intimidated by the military power of the Galactic Empire. And the Empire, whom had had 20 years to experiment, clearly believed it worked. Even Rahm Kota, a Jedi Master, was intimidated: "It's a fool's errand, boy. The Empire's army is infinite. You'll eventually be killed…or worse. And nothing will have changed." If a Jedi can be dissuaded by the Empire's might, a few rowdy Twi'leks can.


    Nonetheless I would agree that in the case of the most aggresive and most proud of people i.e. Wookiees slavery is the most effective way to break them. However I expect the main reason was man power, given the fact that Wookiees were not the only organics enslaved but Yuzzem and Talz for strength. Mon Calamari and Given for their ship-building skills. Quarren, Chromans, Ugnaughts and Mustafarians for their mining skills. Gamorreans, Lugubraas and Gungans for military operations and Kaminoans and Kallidahins for their cloning skills. Slavery for the Empire was effectively a way of forcing those with skills they needed into subservience without having to worry about paying for them or providing basic services. Such advantages would not exist in terms of droids which are only slightly cheaper than employing organics, and grossly more expensive that simply enslaving them. I mean do you even know of a droid designed to clone? Or build ships?


    Also note that planets such as Kasyyykk and Alzoc III (Talz homeworld) were of little tatical or economic significance to the Empire. Alzoc III in particular was conquered for the sole purpose of enslaving the primitive population. Clearly if they thought droids would be more effective they would have simply built some droid factories, but they didn't. This would heavily imply slave labor was more cost effective, even when conquering the planet to that end, even more cost effective when the planet is strategically or resourcefully advantageous.


    Slavery was also a method of removing potential dissidents. The Galactic Empire in particular enslaved non-humans and critics of the Empire to this end.


    I understand all of this and yes, it works great on regular people.


    Wookies, on the other hand, are not the type simply to bow down because a Star Destroyer is hovering over head, and it's firing upon the planet will just cause a planet wide revolt. As such, forcing them into slave labor was an attempt to break their spirits. And I'm not saying that it worked, either....


    EDIT: pfft... accidentally quoted the wrong post first time through :p

    EDIT2: Also note, the Empire cannot just leave a planet that in some way defies it. They wanted their own rulers at every world to show that they were the ones in control. Wookies would not have liked this. But they can't simply not put a ruler there because of possible revolt... if other worlds got wind of this.... See where I'm going with that? The labor to build the DS was simply an excuse in their case. In reality, it was a sign of dominance and control because if you leave even 1 spark of freedom somewhere, it will attempt to grow and spread.


    EDIT3: Also want to make it clear, I'm not really trying to argue which is cheaper... droids or slaves. Personally, I believe it depends on the location in reference to manufacturing facilities, in part. I'm just saying that there are times where slave labor comes in for reasons other than cost.

  14. yet that doesn't add up like I said earlier


    If he needs clones to sustain "his power", he doesn't have it because not even his clone can sustain him for long.


    If his "spirit" can have all this power might aswell convert to a force ghost and have "ULIMIIIITED POWAR"


    you see Palpatine is NOT the most powerful darkside user in existance, he is master mind and is responsible of the jedi purge but HE IS NOT the most powerful entity in Star Wars, just doesn't add up.


    According to GL, Palpatine and Luke were the most powerful. Like I said, I believe the EU blew this out of proportion.

  15. True fury, I think those creatures that live in a darkside enviroment would likely become twisted because of it or feed on the darkside either way seems like natural life is greater in scale to darkside.


    Now on Palpatine, a walking darkside nexus, how does he get all that energy that can could planets entirely, I mean a fragile Old man can't sustain it he needs clones...yet he does...I got a simpler definition of palpatine:


    He is the star wars devil, the darkside nexus noone can ever explain because just is...which is stupid.


    I think it's more likely that the EU has completely blown out of proportion what the Force is or capable of and thus if you tone it down/consider certain EU as being impossible (such as Dark Empire, I believe... the one with Palpatine clones), then it all makes much better sense (IMO).

    I think Vader was hinting at something else, not just raw destructive power.
  16. If those said Wookiees were not enslaved, they would prove problematic for the Empire in the form of muscled and skilled resistance (likely giving the Rebels additional manpower), which would cost billions of credits to repress. Also, the Empire would have to replace millions of Wookiees with heavy duty labor droids. This would cost billions more credits just to produce. While the Wookiees were essentially free.


    I mean do you really think the Empire repressed the Wookiees for the sake of repression? The Empire has no need to engage in such petty displays of power, they have these for that.

    A show of strength means nothing. The exertion of strength (on proud people) merely enrages them. Enslaving them was a method of breaking their spirit.


    But, I also agree with both of these posts from the previous page:



  17. Yes in the cave there were critters and what now, but the movie tries to make them "intimidating" like the lizards outside the cave in dagobah roars like a dinosaur literally if you see that scene again.


    Im assuming only darkside creatures can live in darkside places, just like in Korriban or Malachor V you see strange creatures that feed on the darkside.


    Note I say feed on the darkside, not walking darkside (Palpatine) I just doesn't make sense in SW rules.


    Oh, ok. But really, when it comes to a creature, anything that is drawn to the light will obviously be repulsed by the dark, and vice versa. Or, the dark could've "corrupted" those creatures that were within its influence.

  18. ZahirS, if you will recall correctly from the movies (at least), there are several instances where we can see droids preforming tasks. They are, essentially, slave labor in that context.


    Any instances of mass slavery (or the attempt thereof, like with the Wookies) is nothing more than an attempt at exerting dominance over them. In those cases, cost is not a factor.

  19. The only thing that doesn't add up is why there isn't more slavery, than droids.


    Well, it's not widespread, at least, because it's illegal in the Republic. Some worlds do have it despite this, though. Tatooine (for example) was too far out for the Republic's "influence", if I remember correctly from Ep I.

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