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Posts posted by sotacram

  1. Guardian is supposed to be the ultimate tank, yet Vanguard can hold aggro better. Doesnt make sense if you ask me.


    Where did you read that Guardians is supposed to be the ultimate tank?


    If we are going according to SW lore, troopers out of the gate will be much stronger than a freshly minted Jedi (padawan).


    Deflecting blaster bolts required an extensive amount of concentration while standing still. (Luke in ANH). When adding in movement and other factors an even higher level of mastery over the force is needed. (Windu/Kenobi AOTC)


    In this way I appreciate what the Devs were POSSIBLY thinking when they created the JK Guardian. The learning curve is very large but rewarding in the end.


    Do I wish threat generation could be better? Sure I always welcome good change.


    I enjoy playing classes that have a higher than average difficulty. I was a BST on FFXI pre-leave patch.

  2. Captain Needa's facial expressions. All of them priceless in the face of a certain force choke.


    Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru Their ability to keep a secret despite being burned alive they never gave up the who/what/when/where of Luke Skywalker or the Droids. Golum could learn a few things from them. Aunt Beru's blue milk anyone?


    On a serious note I would have to say Chewbacca.

  3. I used that build for a while and I can tell you that the 3 points in Accuracy are pretty worthless. You already have a 90% Melee and 100% Force base accuracy to begin with.


    I was wondering about putting points in to accuracy as well. Still a far ways off but thanks for sharing.


    Current build at level 25:





    Goal at level 50 PVE:




    Only difference I would make for PVP is to put full points to profound resolution instead of courage.


    Is putting points into courage worth it over profound resolution for general usage?

  4. From what I understand, the reason we don't have gory splashy light sabers is the same reason the galaxy's worst insult is calling someone "scum:" the series has always tried to stay away from strong language and over the top violence. In the event someone is dismembered, the wound is generally cauterized and doesn't really bleed (I think the giant ice monster thing on Hoth is the only one that bleeds).


    Um... IIRC Obi-wan cuts off an arm in the Tatooine cantina and they show the arm + blood. I guess the cauterize effect became a part of the lore when Vader's LS cut off Luke's hand. Couldn't have our hero bleed to death all over Bespin.

  5. I've read a few of your posts, and I can't understand why you're RPing in non-RP forums to people asking legitimate questions about items or animations. Just be straight up. Seriously.


    LMAO! I thought I was the only one that did not understand what that person was saying. My first inclination was it's time to put on the coffee.

  6. You get your choice of a Tiara, Tech Glasses, or Tech Visor until level 50 at which point you'll be force into the Power Ranger helmet.


    So basically everything cool on the Emp Sith side turns out crap when equipped by a comparable Jedi Rep. ie Hood down armor and Face mask.

  7. Nostalgia for me.


    I like running around with my lightsaber sheathed. I get aggro'd by a mob and the light saber ignition sound brings me back to all day footsie pajama wearing, watching ANH on Betamax..... BETAMAX!


    Playing ESB on the Atari.


    Anyways, kids these days complaining about ability responsiveness.

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