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Posts posted by Cuatela

  1. I am most annoyed that we can't tell our old love interests (if we are still faithful to them) that we're still alive, even! We got our new base set up with communication, transport, and supply routes! I know Lana and the other guy said they're still looking for our companions... but really, the ability to bring your old companions back shouldn't even have been part of a terminal. It should have been part of the original 9 chapters. Making people wait months for companions they have grown attached to (or potentially never getting them back at all) is really frustrating. It's fine to make me lose my crew for a few hours to further the story... but months?



    This sums up my thoughts exactly. Some of them I'm happy to get rid of (Gus), but others like Bowdaar I am very attached to, and to just have them be gone completely sucks horribly. I was operating under strong hints from Bioware that we'd be able to retrieve our companions one way or another. So far I haven't found any way to do it, and it is indeed very frustrating.

  2. Which may be why some companions are having issues.

    It's quite possible they won't let you get companions if they exist in future chapters.



    And yet, the dev posts I recall specifically stated that certain companions would be recoverable (especially previously-romanced companions) via that console.

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