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Posts posted by Dalur

  1. /signed


    I still love SWTOR as is (minority on the boards it seems) but, I definitely appreciate that someone took the time to actually propose effective and creative suggestions to improve upon the open world PVP, rather than just crying on every post.


    Really interesting ideas, hope Bioware takes notice, and at least comments and considers your proposal.

  2. Re-posted from the earlier linked thread.


    While frustrating, this doesn't seem like a "broken" mechanic. If the drops are RNG, with each bag offering a 25% chance to drop a BM comm, it does not mean that you should be getting 1 comm every 4 bags. What most seem to be experiencing is a case of the Gambler's Fallacy. It's exact same reason why Vegas is so successful. People believe that based on previous experience they are MORE likely to be successful in future endeavors.


    In reality, each time you open a bag, it does not take into account previous bags, each opening is totally independent event.


    "The Gambler's fallacy... also referred to as the fallacy of the maturity of chances, is the belief that if deviations from expected behaviour are observed in repeated independent trials of some random process, future deviations in the opposite direction are then more likely"




    This is all based on the assumption that the BM bags are operating on a RNG system

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