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Posts posted by KarterJK

  1. I have to agree with most of the ppl who have posted they dislike the level sync. After a couple of years I started playing again, only to find that leveling means absolutely nothing. I am a solo player also, and it is damned hard to get a group up for a World Boss and things like that. I was shocked when my 65 character couldn't kill the WB on Coruscant. What a pity, this used to be a reasonably enjoyable game.


    I won't renew my subscription, it is pointless.

  2. Christ Almighty,


    It is driving me crazy, I need to login into forum, I need to login into game, I need to login to view my account, I need to login to view my store. EVEN AFTER I AM LOGGED IN


    You even want us to add a third layer and then purchase a physical key!!!!!!!!!!!!


    This is insanity, and the one time password is a F***ING Nightmare, BioWare this is a game not Fort Knox

    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE backoff the Security BS, I just want to play a game, not be imprisoned by your obsessions.

  3. WHY I am leaving . . .


    I am still subscribed but am leaving (been here since the start).

    I haven't played for nearly 2 months, simply forgot to cancel.


    That's why I am even at the forum now, just thought I take a last look and see if much has changed. Sadly, it doesn't look like it. For me this game has been the most frustrating game I have ever encountered. So many bugs (probably still are), that I felt it was almost unplayable. Even at that I continued. I was in most of the beta-testing and hoped they would correct things.


    But there came a point I was beyond fedup. It wasn't with the game. It was with BioWare, and not addressing many of the problems and there were other things they did, that angered a lot of people. Even at that I could have bit my lip and stayed.



    My main reason for leaving is due, much to the SWTOR Community itself, I feel that so many of them 'seem to' have a zero-tolerance level. It's as though, if you don't give your life to the game, praise it as being the best ever. Then, well, you are considered a blasphemer and have no place here. They seem to have an arrogance that one can play no other game, except SWTOR. an honestly, they are too much for me to deal with. I don't even want to try.


    LOL, I suspect they will spiel their usual ridicule of this post and me, and how I am a naysayer, blah, blah, blah. Talk about bullying<sheesh>. But, it won't matter because I will be gone and they can play with themselves as long as they want.


    I hope your experience will be different . . . luck to the game and yourself.

  4. Did you ever hear a Sage say "ooooo, I have to much distance on my Force Stun, please mr. programmer reduce the it?[B] NOT


    So, who was complaining? Could it be some Imperial PvPer, whiners that they are, that was complaining of being stunned for a whole 6 secs?


    I play a healer sage, one of my moves a Force Stun, had its distance reduced not by 1/2 but by 2/3's. I spent extra tree points just so the cool down would be less. It is the only tool, I have if I am being pummeled in a OPs, to briefly halt the onslaught, so I can re-coop. It used to be 30m now it's 10m, it renders it almost useless. Why, even have it?


    WHY MUST I BE PENALIZED because some PvPer whined that they think it is to unfair?


    To hell with them and give my Force Stun back. Why should I even have to spend 2 points to reduce its cool down to begin with?

  5. Did you ever hear a Sage say "ooooo, I have to much distance on my Force Stun, please mr. programmer reduce the it?[B] NOT


    So, who was complaining? Could it be some Imperial PvPer, whiners that they are, that was complaining of being stunned for a whole 6 secs?


    I play a healer sage, one of my moves a Force Stun, had its distance reduced not by 1/2 but by 2/3's. I spent extra tree points just so the cool down would be less. It is the only tool, I have if I am being pummeled in a OPs, to briefly halt the onslaught, so I can re-coop. It used to be 30m now it's 10m, it renders it almost useless. Why, even have it?


    WHY MUST I BE PENALIZED because some PvPer whined that they think it is to unfair?


    To hell with them and give my Force Stun back. Why should I even have to spend 2 points to reduce its cool down to begin with?

  6. Did you ever hear a Sage say "ooooo, I have to much distance on my Force Stun, please mr. programmer reduce the it?[B] NOT


    So, who was complaining? Could it be some Imperial PvPer, whiners that they are, that was complaining of being stunned for a whole 6 secs?


    I play a healer sage, one of my moves a Force Stun, had its distance reduced not by 1/2 but by 2/3's. I spent extra tree points just so the cool down would be less. It is the only tool, I have if I am being pummeled in a OPs, to briefly halt the onslaught, so I can re-coop. It used to be 30m now it's 10m, it renders it almost useless. Why, even have it?


    WHY MUST I BE PENALIZED because some PvPer whined that they think it is to unfair?


    To hell with them and give my Force Stun back. Why should I even have to spend 2 points to reduce its cool down to begin with?

  7. Did you ever hear a Sage say "ooooo, I have to much distance on my Force Stun, please mr. programmer reduce the it?[B] NOT


    So, who was complaining? Could it be some Imperial PvPer, whiners that they are, that was complaining of being stunned for a whole 6 secs?


    I play a healer sage, one of my moves a Force Stun, had its distance reduced not by 1/2 but by 2/3's. I spent extra tree points just so the cool down would be less. It is the only tool, I have if I am being pummeled in a OPs, to briefly halt the onslaught, so I can re-coop. It used to be 30m now it's 10m, it renders it almost useless. Why, even have it?


    WHY MUST I BE PENALIZED because some PvPer whined that they think it is to unfair?


    To hell with them and give my Force Stun back. Why should I even have to spend 2 points to reduce its cool down to begin with?

  8. I don't PvP often, because I think PvP in SWTOR sucks, big Time.


    However, it has the biggest whiners of the entire game. So, why does my character have to get nerfed and dumded down because of them?


    I play a healer sage, one of my moves a Force Stun, had its distance reduced not by 1/2 but by 2/3's. I spent extra tree points just so the coold down would be less. It is the only tool, I have if I am being pummeled in a OPs, to briefly halt the onslaught, so I can recoop. It used to be 30m now it's 10m, it rendors it almost usless. Why, even have it?


    WHY MUST I BE PENALIZED because some nerdy PvPer whined that they think it is to unfair?


    To hell with them and give my Force Stun back. Why should I even have to spend 2 points to reduce its cooldown to begin with?


    GOD this game sucks at PvP

  9. what I really would like to see in WZ are 2 basic items


    1) Selectable battles

    I don't like the random option, I want to participate in the battle fields of my choice


    2) More battle information prior to battle start

    I want more information that can be displayed during battles, I want to be able to see the

    name, class, guild name of opposing team, along with current info prior to game start

    I want to know what I am up against, so that I better understand a strategy and

    if I get wiped out, as to the reasons why

  10. I know this post is a little old, but this is for those that may want more information....


    First, lets make sure we understand what we are saying when we refer to HP (hit points)

    HP is not how hard you hit, BUT how much damage you can endure before you die. But, other factors play into that, amount of armor, blah, blah, blah. that said;


    To be more precise about the Endurance factor ... each endurance point will increase your HP by 10 so, example +86 Endurance will increase your HP by 860


    As for the Jedi Sentinel, strength will increase your damage you do but you still need that endurance for stamina so you don't die, it is just a balancing act.


    I think also as one gets better at learning how to use their sabers and powers, endurance factor goes down a little. I know for me, once I learned what focus was and how to use it, my game play changed dramatically, so HP became less threatening. Of course, higher rated armor always help :)

  11. Well, I am on the Harbinger Server and it is not listed in any of the above sites....


    I think BioWare needs to add a section for each server, when a guild is formed that players can check their specific server to know which guilds exist for it. This game though you can solo while leveling, at end-game is 90% grouped activities, if you have no group you are screwed.

  12. Crafting confused me alot, and it still does, I have Artifice and it is my understanding you only have to know how to craft a few items to boost your skill. Once your skill is high enough you can learn different things. Once you learn an item you have to reproduce it several times and then REVERSE ENGINEER the item (over and over), which will eventually increase your ability to produce a higher quality item, hence;

    the green

    the blue

    the purple quality

    at least I think thats how it works


    to get more materials i send my crew out on different level missions to collect things, I have treasure hunting and archelogy, if you look at your crew list (the diamond) it has a drop down list that allows you ro select which level to gather. if you hover over an item, like for me it is usually crystals and it tells me what level the item it is and that lets me know what level a mission to send my crew out on.


    here is a site that explains better than I can




    I hope that helps a little

    good luck

  13. It gives you lore entries, which explains things about some creatures or regions that may be helpful in defeating them

    BUT ...

    One of the most useful things I use the codex for are datacron entries....


    Each planet usually has 4-5 datacrons, (if you find them) these are power cubes that will give you permanent stat boosts in strength, endurance, willpower, etc...

    In addition, you can find power crystals that can be turned into relics that boost stats


    you can find a good guide here

    http://www.swtor-spy.com/codex/achievement-datacrons/11/ by codex entry and


    here, gives screenshots and instructions how to get them



    Each datacron has a Codex entry number, it makes it a whole lot easier to keep track of which ones I have found and not found. There are about 80 of them, so it is very hepful

  14. I am curious Hutta and Korriban do not show on my Galaxy map within my ship

    is this because I am a Jedi Sentinel (Republic) and they are Sith planets OR

    will they show later on, with some other event to trigger them to show?


    And how else would I find the answer to this, if not for the forums :)

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