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Posts posted by Taw_Kobalt

  1. Dear Dev Team, i wanted to take a couple moments as we head in to launch week to give you some feedback on 4.0.


    First off, thanks very much. This patch has really injected some fresh life into the game.

    The story in KOTFE was excellent. The leveling experience was excellent. Companions, also excellent. On the whole, I feel just about right in terms of power level.


    Level sync with the Heroic terminals are an awesome idea. I have also experienced world bosses with the level sync and its been great. Please do not get rid of level sync.


    I have found a couple bugs. Some i know you are working on still but I will mention them here:

    1) No ability to summon old companions once you start KOTFE. The terminal is broken.

    2) The last patch removed Medical Probe form Commando's. There is a blank skill in the skill window that you need to go train, but its not at the trainer.

    3) Theres a bug in Dread Fortress that results in an excessive amount of EXP being given. You can message me if you are not aware of it and want to know more.

    4) It was promised that starting KOTFE would remove all the old story missions, but that pesky Illum mission keeps showing up in my quest log =P


    My 1 critique, is the most recent cartel packs. The new packs are rubbish. With only a single piece of armor in box, it is not worth the money to try and collect those sets. I personally will not be spending any more money on cartel packs until they are revised to be similar to previous packs in terms of value. Its too bad because there are some nice sets in this round of packs, but at 2-3 million a piece on the GTN, its not worth it.


    Thanks and I hope you have a great Holiday season!


    -Kasarkyn, lvl 65 - Jedi Covenant.

  2. You are nerfing this item based on materials decreasing in value when the real culprit is the people with hundreds of jawa junk already stockpiled from conquest/cartel packs sudenly able to get G11 materials from the Jawa Traders.


    Prices are going to rise again which will reward the people that bought low, to sell high, this is a slap in the face to all casual gamers. The rich get richer and these changes remove any chance for people to craft their own gear without paying the insane GTN prices for materials.


    I am very dissapointed in this decision. Instead of waiting to see where prices normalize, you make a knee jerk reaction to a very vocal minority.


    Based on this, I will not be getting whatever the next slot machine is until you release one for a cartel rep I havent maxed yet. Otherwise its just a waste of time.

  3. I have a suggestion to improve crafting that will also make it so that materials are not gouged excessively on the GTN.


    Make the green, blue, and purple jawa trading material instead act as universal materials, and make any items made with those items bind on legacy.


    This would let you sell packs of crafting materials on the Cartel Store, it would let players level up crafting and build items for themselves without needing to worry about materials, and it keeps jawa materials (pay to win) and the items you get with them, seperate from crew mission items.


    This would also let a hardcore conquest person make themselves an upgrade once or twice a week, without letting them benefit unfairly economically against players and guilds that can not compete.

  4. The top tier ops, should drop the gear naturally, and should be the only source of the set bonuses


    The lower tier ops should drop the comms so that you can at least work towards better gear and get you to a point where you can actually do the new ops without pulling your hair out.


    Not everyone is a progression raider that enjoys wiping for 16 hours learning a new boss mechanic.

  5. Got booted from game for the first time ever, after it kicked me to the server list screen, then said it couldnt retrieve a server list, then the game client disappeared altogether. Tried to open it and play but I got a red message saying login server unavailable. Did everything go down all at once? How long does it take the server status page to update to show servers that are down?


    Lag on Jedi Covenant tonight has been steady at 1k+ for multiple minutes at a stretch. I got disconencted form the game to the sever list, then couldnt connectback to the server, logged out, started again...red error message you got..


    nothing on the forums to indicate if there are any issues.


    Logged back in, then immediatly lost connection. Alt F4'd when ping hit 96k and it hadnt booted me yet.

  6. Cartel Market: 1000 Cartel Coins

    Alternate Ability Effects:

    A Light Side Sith Warrior can unlock the Jedi Guardian Graphics for certain skills.

    A Dark Side Shadow, can unlock the Sith Assassin animation for certain skills.


    Cartel Market: 500 Coins

    Alternate Ability Color:

    Change the color of Force lightning to <purple/yellow/whatever>



  7. Halting XP makes perfect sense to me.


    PVP pre 50 is fun. The other guy may have more abilities on his bar than me, but Its roughly equal.


    PVP @ 50 is junk. The starter PVP gear does nothing to help against people in full war hero.


    They need to remove gear completely from PVP and then PVP at 50 will be fun.


    The reason that they even have expertise is so that PVE gear is not also BiS for PVP, but if they instead had just said all jedi count as having these stats (and yes, that means removign the advantage from datacrons and stims too) then suddenly PVp is about skill, and not gear.

  8. Space missions are awesome.


    I agree, they tell a story themselves, are quick (what maybe 5 minutes), fun, and actually are failable.


    I suggest everyone really give them a try.


    When I first heard about the space combat in this game, it was about a year ago and I said that it would be crap and that I wasnt going to play SWTOR.


    Glad I kept an open mind.

  9. What they were referring to was being able to later on add a CE cd key to your acct to unlock the extra items, that you would not need to start a new account to activate the second key.


    The only difference between the CE and the DDE digitally is the CE store i believe?


    Its up to you if you think its worth forking out extra money for a full copy of the CE on top of what you already paid.

  10. This is terrible. I have to go back to healing, and back to gunnery (dps) in order to heal some heroics and flashpoints. But when questing as a healer, ITS MISERABLY SLOW.


    Make respecs like 10k credits max. I don't understand why you feel the need to charge outrageous sums of credits for a respec.


    I mean if you aren't going to have some form of dual spec at launch, make sure that respccing doesn't cost me my genitals.


    If your finding leveling as a healer slow, maybe you should try changing companions? The DPS companions are supposed to make up for lower healer DPS

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