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Posts posted by Gnoblesse

  1. Taking augments out increases endurance, reduces willpower.


    It seems that pieces with augments in it bolster than pieces without, considerably so. I count a difference of 500 HP between Verpine boots, and their 178 blue counterparts that happen to have an augment. Similar stats, augment is the main difference.


    I'm going to try take my Nadia's gear in and test the theory.


    There shouldn't really be a need to take gear *in* anywhere, unless the Bolsterizer doesn't work correctly after this patch.

  2. If I were to guess, if folks were ranking PVP in MMOs as in a top ten, SWTOR would not even make the list.


    Naturally it has its benefits, good design points here and there and a relatively loyal portion of the playerbase. But I think the general consensus among PVP players would be that the system here is on the poor end.


    ESPECIALLY with respect to large player groups.


    The general consensus from most of the PVP players I know personally (obviously not claiming to speak for everyone,) - "tons of potential, mostly squandered."

  3. What that should indicate is that the vast majority of people who PvP are subscribers.


    Yeah, I have several issues with the answer (one of them being how accurate their count actually is, because...reasons) but it is at least addressing the question. It really should have been said on the forums, though - soooooo many people seem to not be aware that he said this.

  4. Back in the 2.4 Arena PvP post, the devs said the following:






    I personally think this is BW's answer to q problems. Do you guys agree this is the big PvP change coming mentioned in Snave's interview? What do you guys think, would you support this, hate it, want ranked to still require sub?



    If this is not it, why has it not occurred? Why have the devs given no information on this promise almost a year old?


    They have - it just never got posted to the forums.




    Go about 1 hour 24 minutes in, someone asked this question, and was told that they looked at the number of people who actually hit the cap, didn't think it was very many, and decided not to do it.

  5. When they delayed it from 1.2 to 1.3, that was the nail in the coffin. A couple of guilds resubbed just to play for a month or two, but almost everyone had moved on.


    You're both right, IMO. We lost a huge chunk of people with the initial delay - and then a decent chunk of what was left when ranked 8's were removed.

  6. The community has tried that twice now. First was when transfers first went live and most everyone went to pot5/bastion for NA and TOFN for EU. Then they ripped 8v8 from us a month later. Currently most teams for NA are migrating to harbinger and I don't know about EU.


    Me personally? I'm tired of hopping servers everytime pvp dies on one server. I'm back to pvping in WoW where the developers at least attempt to pay attention to pvp. BW doesn't put any real effort into pvp in this game, which is a shame because overall I like swtor more than WoW, but I'll take an active pvp community with consistent updates and cross server over the joke community we have here.


    Yep - there is a limit to the amount of times players are willing to pay for transfers. Most people I know hit that limit some time ago.

  7. No it's not... Use focus to do that... Or just keep an eye on them... It's not that hard... Especially as you should stay close to your healers anyway... Pvp is objective based... Not death match... Good healers normally stay near the objective point... People who run off to chase away from the nodes are the ones that don't get healed...

    Death matching is for noobs... Noobs that chase me for the kill are dumb... I normally refuse to engage properly and will lead them away from an objective so we can cap or guard it better... ie, Void Star... I'll quite often get them to chase me all the way back to our respawn so our team can cap... I don't care if they end up killing me... Although it usually takes a few to do so... Which is even better because I've lured 2-5 away...

    They are usually the ones bragging about how much DPS they did at the end of a match... And how you are a scrub or chicken because you won't engage properly... I lol at these people... They are sh*t players and nearly always lose the match...

    The only WZ that makes sense to fully engage is Pylons... Where kills and deaths actually count as proper objective to winning... Even then it is important not to die... So knowing when to run is important and protecting your healers is paramount in that WZ... People who suicide run into a group of the enemy are dumb...

    We really need all the info in the pvp sticky contenders thread from this forum available in the game... With a written notice going into the WZ or training feature like GSF has


    Anyway... Only mark their healer in pvp WZ... In arena's it's different... Some people mark their whole team so they know the focus rotation... It's also helpful if they have a player hiding and you can see where they are



    There is absolutely nothing wrong with marking your own healer. As someone who mostly plays healers, I've had people recognize me, mark me, and tell the rest of the pugs - "keep people off of Shield, if you want to get heals." And if often did make at least somewhat of a difference.

  8. I know its not simple. I work with servers, I know how it goes. I'm just saying, its something they should have done a long time ago. At this point its too late. Most of the people that cared have already left the game, but ya.....



    And that right there is the precise reason I say that if they're going to invest in cross server at some point, that's also when they'd need to drop the warzone restrictions. I could persuade QUITE a few folks who hadn't logged in for a year + to come back if I could say. "hey, you're not going to believe this.......etc...oh, and btw, the warzone restrictions are gone, too - what do you have to lose?"

  9. The healing % most likely is directly related to the pvp trauma de-buff. So the devs tweaked the numbers they wanted to see there with that.


    This is correct.


    Bear in mind that the following formula is two years old and has likely been tweaked substantially by this point, but...


    "PvP Trauma Ignore % = 20 * ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 0.01 / 0.2 ) ) ( Expertise / max(Level,20 ) / 0.72 ) ) Trauma ignore overcomes the Trauma (-30% healing received) debuff that players get in PvP, so it effectively improves healing."


    Edit - a more recent post seems to say this was simplified to "PvP Healing Boost = Expertise / 9900" - but it's still the same general idea (trauma ignore.)

  10. Which means it has to be one or the other and right now it's 4v4, because the reasoning behind it is that organizing 4v4 ranked is much easier than organizing 8v8 ranked and that, for the most part, is true.


    The sad thing is? Many (not all, but many) of the folks that complained that getting 8 people together was hard, now say the exact same thing about 4.


    Because the issue was never "finding 8 people," it was "finding 8 people who were already really good and not on someone else's team - OR 8 people who were willing to learn."


    Now, that's not to say that I blame them - if you're starting from the bottom, how much learning are you going to do in matches where you're getting flattened so hard that it would be hard to call it an opportunity to practice much of anything? It really needed to launch WITH cross server, so those teams could learn playing each other, and rise to the limits of their individual skill potential with practice. But that's not what we got. :/

  11. I'd add a #4 (which might end up lessening the necessity of tinkering with #3.)


    They mentioned dropping the warzone restrictions in a long ago blog (but it has since been stated on the official stream that it isn't going to happen.)


    Add cross server, bring back ranked 8's, drop the warzone F2P/Preferred restrictions (yes, even for ranked,) and watch people go nuts contacting their friends telling them "you're not going to believe this..." and then log in and look at your friends list - "wait, didn't he quit like a year and a half ago? HE'S back? Wow!"


    Matchmaking needs LARGE amounts of people to work properly - I don't know if we can honestly even say how well this system even works, because IMO, it has *never* had the critical mass of people needed to function the way it should/could.


    "But won't all the PvPers just cancel their subs?" Sure, some might. But they'd still have to deal with the stuff that you can't even bypass with unlocks (reduced comms being a big one, just as an example.) I think a fairly substantial number would stay subbed just for QOL stuff like that. And then there would be people who would sub (just like they do now) for the simple reason of wanting to support the game. (In this situation, I'd be one of them!)



    Bottom line, you need a LARGE influx of people. Do those three things? I know about 15 or so people personally that I think I could have back and playing the game within days, and that's just me/my friends.



    Go big, or go home.

  12. My 2 cents.


    Pvp'ers should try doing also pve, they are missing 80% of the game, plus, after 3 years on THE SAME 4 MAPS i dont know why u still paying for it xD


    I can't do any kind of meaningful PvE - I have physical reasons why I can't raid. (Mainly relating to not being able to commit to hours long chunks of time on any kind of regular basis, even casually.) Meanwhile, with PvP, I can log in, do a match or two, and if I feel like garbage, log back off again. It's on my schedule, not the schedule of 7 or 15 other people.


    Raiding and doing a ton of PvE is also very much a "been there, done that" thing for me - did the whole hardcore raiding thing back in the day, along with rep grinds and all that jazz. A surprising number of my PvP friends are also former raiders who went there, got the t-shirt, burned out on it now.


    But hey, thanks for the advice about how I should spend my time in game, I'm sure glad I asked for...oh wait. ;)


    I mean, clearly, we must have been unaware that this game has PvE. Thanks for pointing that out!

  13. The skill tree changes alone is worth it to PvPers. The PvP "new" content doesn't even matter. Most of us don't PvP because of new maps or whatever.. we PvP because it's fun. Since 2.0 Dropped, PvP fun factor has been decreasing steadily and it had nothing to do with lack of content and everything to do with class balanace issues, bolster, resolve, etc. If Bioware has played its cards right and sorted that **** out for 3.0, it will be sweet indeed.



    Respectfully...I'm wondering where you are getting the authority to speak for "most of us."


    I've been PvPing since launch and I'm honestly worn out with the maps that we have, I've run them so much I could probably do it in my sleep at this point. PvPing because it's fun but also being very, very bored with the current maps aren't mutually exclusive concepts.


    Edit: Just because content doesn't matter to you, and the lack of fun since 2.0 for you has had nothing to do with lack of content, again doesn't mean that is true for everyone.

  14. And if EA did give BW those funds, what would they do with the funds? We have leaderboards, we have a ELO matchmaker. But those are meaningless without the player voluntarily queuing. Throwing funds at it doesn't do anything.


    I'm not even sure cross-server would do anything. If you look at history Ranked was at its most popular when ranked 8v8 dropped, and also when 2.4 dropped, in both those cases its popularity steady decreased after those two starts. Sure cross-server would cause another jumpstart in queuing, but I do not see any reasons for why it wouldn't also decline as ranked has done in the past.


    I think the main issue is how absurdly hard it is for people to get into ranked particularly group ranked. Most new teams get into ranked just to get globaled in the first 15 seconds. Yeah the experienced people would look at that and think "we need to do this and that differently" but to a new team that isn't familiar with how coordinated top ranked teams are will just see the fact that they blinked and they where all dead, and hardly anyone would have the will to queue again after that, particularly if they just end up against the same team.


    Honestly, at this point, you're probably right - but there was a time when it (cross server) would have made a big difference, especially if it, and ranked, had come out when it was supposed to. Back then, with cross server, I think there would have been enough queuing that the inexperienced teams could have ended up playing each other.

  15. And that's the problem. Subscribers have this false, dilussioned mindset where, "I'm paying, I get what I want." This isn't Burger King. This isn't McDonalds. This is a community of players using a product that is developed by smart and intelligent men and women, yet produced by an evil tyrannical company. If you aren't following, go ahead and research the developer complaints against EA, read it from their perspective, and not from the consumer perspective.


    I hate EA. I think EA getting this game was the worst thing that has ever happened to it. Yet I still play, I still have fun with it, and I still encourage others to play. Why? Because I understand the software engineering cycle and a lot of the people whining and crying on these forums don't know a single thing about software engineering. Having EA doesn't make SW:ToR a bad game. They are good for one thing: capital. At EA's smallest whim, they could throw money at this game and make it great. But from what we have seen, they don't want to spend money on this project anymore. I may not like EA and what they do to developers, but at the same time, the developers have done a great job dealing with this, and I commend them for it.


    Now getting back to the original topic. In order for us PvPers to have a true voice, we need to utilize every aspect of PvP. I think a great start to that is making use of the PvP servers again. Let's get some OWPvP under way. Let's make team ranked pop every night. Let's give the PvE'rs and RP'ers their realm and stop whining about them not knowing how to play.


    If you are a PvP'er, casual or serious, live in NA, and PvP on pot5, bastion, or Jung Ma, kudos to you. This message isn't for you. But for those who want to talk crap about PvP, whine because people are undergeared for ranked, or people don't know standard 55 pvp strats, and yet still choose to play on an RP or PvE server, this hits home. When I read something like it, I really have to ask myself, "is this guy serious?" And yes, I have done the same thing to myself.


    You do realize that a lot of people have already done that once, right? Tons of people did exactly what you're suggesting and moved for ranked 8's. The response = the removal of ranked 8's. >.< At that point, some folks said "to heck with it" and went back to their original communities, where a lot of their friends were/are. So those folks? You'd be asking them to pay for a *third* server transfer; because (essentially) EA doesn't want to give BW the funds to do PvP right. I wouldn't blame those folks for saying "umm...nope."

  16. not that what you're saying is rocket science, but you're still over complicating the matter. East and West (just like North and South) never change. Learn which side is which just once, and you'll (impersonal) know where the F you're going. Left/Right is dependent on orientation, and orientation changes on every map, either because of rounds or depending on which faction you play on. I've had ppl call east when they meant west. I've had complete morons try to argue that E/W change depending whether you're attacking or defending. I've had equally stupid teammates insist that L/R doesn't change in voidstar, depending on whether you're attacking or defending.


    but my all time favorite was in CW when someone took the east/snow node from us. one or two ppl give the obligatory "what? no call?" complaint, and the guy who was guarding said, "I was stunned!" yeah. that deserves a super special award of some kind.




    lol well said.



    people will argue this, but w/e: "pylon" is harder to type quickly that east/west, especially if you're giving the numbers (which you should), e.g., 2 west, 3 east, etc. it's all left hand, and you shouldn't ever need to go beyond 5, rarely beyond 4, so they're not even the "far away" keys for left hand (like a ~ or 5).


    this is, of course, nitpicking. 2p or 3e or 4w are all fine.



    I might be overcomplicating it a bit - but I *personally* don't have problems remembering which is which. For others that seem to, though, I think remembering it in terms of where the datacore is could be helpful. Because you pretty much always know where you are in relation to that. If you can remember it's north, but STILL can't figure out what's west and east from that? Well, I wonder how those people managed to even log themselves into the game.

  17. And by tomorrow, a full year will have gone by without a single new operation, this of course in addition to over a full year without new flashpoints, outside the tactical ones.


    Good days indeed. :rolleyes:


    Dunno about PvP; Not my field of expertise.


    One new ground based 8v8 warzone map since the end of 2012. And it was a redesign of an existing game type.

    And arenas. But for people who enjoy 8v8 objective warzones...one. Since 2012.


    Bioware does so much for us to give us new content to go through. We need to stop complaining and let them do what they need to do so they can give us the content we might enjoy. I can't wait to hear what they have planned for the new expansion that is coming out.



    I mean this with all due respect, but I do not need to be told what I *need* to do. Do you follow people around at restaurants and tell them how much they need to tip? If not, why tell people here whether or not they should be happy with a service they're paying for? (Just for the record, I ALWAYS try to tip generously, because I know that some other people are cheapskates and I try to make up for it at least as much as I can.)

  18. Usually I say left and right as of spawn, this IMO makes it easier for the team to understand(unless I'm playing ACW where snow and grass are easy land marks) because IMO it takes too much thought power to figure out which side is which on the fly


    In VS, though, it really shouldn't take that much thought power, if you can remember one thing;


    According to the minimap, the datacore is always, always, always North*. (Well, technically Northeast, but still North of everything else. If you can remember that, getting W/E is way easier to remember.


    *Except if you're in the top hallway leading down to it. But if you're up there, you don't really have anything left to call out anyway.

  19. You can't be f2p and have no restrictions; That is a nonsensical business move, and I can assure you EA did not get as big as it is making nonsensical business moves.


    For everyone who complains on the forums, there are likely ten thousand who are fine with their decisions. That makes this the vocal minority.


    There is no restriction on doing the actual story from 1-50, and a lot of people say that's the best part of the game.

    So I'm not sure I'd call it nonsensical, especially since at one point they actually said that's what they were going to do - do away with at least some of the WZ restrictions. (Musco later said on a stream that they'd decided not to.)


    Besides, my suggestion wasn't do remove all F2P restrictions..just the WZ cap which no one worries about anyway because...reasons, allow the same people to queue for ranked as well, and watch the population explode. Large amount of people, matchmaking actually works, more people queue, some sub, possibly (paradoxically) leading to a net increase.


    1. Cross server queues. YES

    2. Bring back 8 man ranked. YES

    3. Pay to respect. NO (I enjoy being able to switch between heals and dps and have spent plenty of real money)

    4. Drop F2P restrictions. YES ( or at least modify to "No ranked coms". brutalizer would be unattainable)

    5. Bring back entry level pvp gear. PLEASE YES. (They should provide the bare minimum bolster to compete)


    I wasn't implying in my post that they should introduce a cost to respec - merely stating that (unless I'm mistaken) non-subs ALREADY have to pay to respec -and that's one of a few reasons people might sub even without the actual WZ cap/ranked restrictions in place.

  20. Personally, if it were up to me, what I'd do is this; Bring in cross server queues, bring back ranked 8's, and...here's the big one they won't do - drop the F2P and preferred restrictions entirely, including ranked.


    The response to that suggestion is usually "but then all the PvP players would instantly unsub" - but..would you?

    Even with buying all the unlocks with credits, you'd still have to deal with some things you probably wouldn't want to.

    (Getting commendations more slowly would be a big one. You'd also not be able to post on the forums. You'd still have to pay to respec, etc.) There would also be people who'd sub even if they didn't technically have to just because they wanted to support further development.


    What do you guys think? Personally I think that would have the potential to actual build the playerbase to the point where ranked could actually work like it's supposed to. And PvP subs could theoretically go UP.

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