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Posts posted by Zez-Kai-Ell

  1. Yo,


    Looking for a tank and healer for TR on darth malgus.


    If you just want "mat farming" please alt f4.


    Message me if your interested

    if someone just want mats why would apply for your team when you clearly said what you want on your post? :)
  2. New people are not welcome in ranked.


    Agreee 110% get the mats out of ranked, at least team ranked, solo is not really ranked anyway.

    and who are you to say who is and whos not allowed to play ranked? good thing you are not in coordination of this game, sorry sorry but just a comment is just selfish, this game is already sinking in population, the amount of players doing ranked eighter solo or group is extremely short and you and drive them even more? if you your ego need so much rate then go team rank with people you trust/like, solo is all about luck on wath setup you end and wath classes are against you, you serious cant expect everyone have same or decent skill at pvp do you?:rolleyes:
  3. Who is talking about 1v1s?


    This applies to group combat just as much if not more. Lol.


    Besides.. you arent soloing good marauders on a jugg.

    My marauder has gear, i'll happily let you try.

    and wath you will play fury or a discipline whos not faceroll? understand this as you wish but far i recall when you were leveling marauder on game beginning you were playing fury on that time called rage, so unless you actually have experience outside fury evo you dont know nothing about marauder issues you just complain cause you hate simply when discharge and ball lightning fails:)

  4. 4's is a perfect way to scale how good a group would perform in 8's, if you were to run a melee train in 8vs8 you probably would never bring Jug dps and definitely not PT's because mara are 100% more tanky. The problem is it's on a 45s cd and 25% is not a lot, more often than not you will miss your hard stuns, your cc's and is OP.

    lol its not a lot but fairly to fail comparing to 100%,and when there is so much cc in game if there is a chance to resist ok then is bad i get it some people rely on cc to kill others that is why they play classes with them:rolleyes: 2 am for me have a good night man if they break marauders to crap like the ydid on 3.0 and took almost 1 year to fix min anything i wanna see whats your's and others complain :) i recall how people cried about juggs enrage def not that long ago was funny :) cheers have good matches

  5. So basically what you're saying is, if sins had a 45s shroud that last 6 seconds and also is able to blind white dmg it wouldn't be OP
    blind white damage? shroud is 100% resist vs yellow damage marauder obfuscate is can resist or not vs white and yellow but still have 25% chance to fail, so your problem with the skill is? and ranked should not be used as source to balance classes ever, this game was always 8v8, remove 8v8 rank was bad decision but regs was always the biggest preference by far by players, for certain 80% at least, sorry no offense really at all but if you look for a game with rank which means so much for you and others its not swtor, and before you accuse me of saying to leave game no i don't mean neighter wish people to do it
  6. Invalid, leaderboards haven't updated in ages. Again you make assumptions about everyone, I actually main all 3 tanks and do group ranked. So I'm not actually directly affected by any dps classes. Caprica only does group ranked and evolixe I'm guessing does a lot of solo ranked. We don't really care about regs. BTW I don't see how you can argue RA isn't overpowered, I just can't.
    cause is only way marauders can counter for 6 secs the sniper/mercenary damage and still inst 100% certain don't tell me 25% missing chance isn't actually something to take into consideration, assassin could use shroud to try prevent sniper stun now is useless cause new stun is white damage which is not countered by it just an exemple
  7. What’s interesting from looking at the leaderboards is it seems the changes to Mercs has see a reduction of good players using them in grouped. But Solo ranked is still their domain and Snipers aren’t used as much and Mara’s even less. It makes me wonder why Solo Ranked guys would be QQing about Mara’s at all.

    mercenary isn't weak or broken like most say just cause they dont do 30/35k and now do 25? they got to bad used since 5.0 hit took long to be some balance then soon it happen solution? reroll class, about cry about marauders? well if a class is giving them trouble too kill even by a slight margin they have to demand nerf,
  8. Then we go back to a total ranged meta with skank on melee because everyone will run sniper, sniper, skank and heal in group ranked and regs will become a shooting gallery.
    i had matches in tofn server long ago about 4y when snipers fairly balanced there was a guild know by doing 4 man sniper and in voice

    was almost impossible to win vs them atm sniper are so tank to a level which is so dumb, from ranged category sniper should be the best dps and marauder the best on melee, but i disagree in one thing no offense, considering the damage and def cd sniper have he will have always the upper advantage over marauder fury is dangerous for him but if he dont panic and use head he will win unless hes out cd but is a big if using head :)

  9. I

    Also, besides Hottie, who is a healer, what classes do you all play. Most of you seem reluctant to share.


    EDIT 2: I’ll go out on a limb here and say 95% of you don’t play ranked and are reg only players. Which means you are complain about bad Mara’s who run ina gank squad and kill you.

    i play ranked, Deception assassin and annihilation/carnage marauder :) (occasionally vengeance juggernaut)

    and for the record balance in this game shouldn't be based on ranked do that and will destroy balance even more, for obvious reason fury is played by 90% marauders and isn't cause its fun for sure. balance that and most of them will cry, quit game or roll for another spec where they can do retarded amount of damage, from all disciplines only fury have a chance against snipers, now skill have 45 sec dont tell me in mean while people cant outcome that for 6 secs........... ps am not attacking you or any quarrel last line was just a general quote and ye indeed skank is doing such dps....... they should start by reducing damage from crushing blow but buff even more its agro generation to not breake for pve also

  10. Learn the class? Please girl I know my classes, 75% tech and force resistance every 45 secondsis the most op cd in the game, it is ridiculous and to prove that the class DCD's are a bit too strong they are currently meta in 4's just like snipers (who also have too many dcd's or too strong dcd's)
    hahahah the most op df cd in game dude by that comment you prove you know nothing, how is that op compared to sniper cd? i bet how sniper, mercs would love that be nerfed right? you just cry like others who want to keep their advantage over melees all the time, ranged are better then melee by far since 3.0, 5.0 just made them go god level, and there is still the rng factor, 25% chance still to fail sadly bw as the reputation to hear complains like this and nerf wath they shouldn't.......

    At equal skill level unless the player is dub and its out of cd a ranged have like 90% at least to win over a melee, sorc doesn't count on this compare, once beat a sniper on my marauder with gear 220 rate and he was full 248 know why? cause was stupid, did use any dps cd neighter tried evade, wat his 4 secs 75% cance to avoid compared to 100% during 45 like snipers? marauders wirh utility points are op as hell indeed but only on fury no way the other specs can be compared equally in dps and survival like fury..... btw marauders are or should be the best melee dps class in game and damage wise should be equaly or almost by an inch to snipers which are ment to be best ranged dps but they arent sniper will always beat a marauder always except in a very very rare occasion. some people cant just accept their classes aren't supposed to be the best in dps charts.

  11. That's Ruthless Aggressor who gives that impression. 75% Force Tech resistance is way too much. :rolleyes:
    is still not 100% like shroud, but hey i can understand smash monkeys and force/tech classes qq about it cause makes harder for them to kill them they like easy preys :rolleyes:
  12. Concentration was viable in pvp even before the buff. It is my main since 3.0. and i always did big dps on it and was almost always r1-3 in dps on warzones. People just didnt know it's good and preferred other specs but after all these nerfs ofcourse smash became so popular
    concentration (focus) was always superior damage wise from all 3 specs at least in pvp, and about others play dif spec well i speak by myself, i play combat/watchman cause require way more skill and is more reward full succeed on them then smash wich is not my intent insult anyone i meant the spec itself is brain dead and overpower, the dot they moved from combat wich should never been there should have been given to watchman which would make all sense, and the cc imunity they have from force exhaustion/crush should be removed, sent dont need that in discipline itself if they want that then they have utility for that. Another note is sad that only concentration can beat snipers unlike the other 2 specs, all this due the excessive it have plus the cc imunity and ofc the leap vs cover they have.
  13. You are absolutely delusional. I can still do about the same DPS on an ops dummy with a Concealment Operative (after the recent nerf) as with a Deception Assassin. They were NOT heavily overperforming, ever since they fixed the duplicate stance bug.

    hes happy too see all classes/disciplines nerfed cause he play sniper :) so he can out dps everyone and thinking hes good cause of it :) its rikacha :D

  14. What theyre doing to vigi may or may not be a nerf or buff. I attempted to do some math but I'm no theory crafter. My honest hope for vigi is that it stays where it is now. A 60% nerf to freezing force will hurt and I'm not certain the buff to dots will even bring us back to where we are now.


    As a fellow melee sustained dps player I can understand you being upset about a nerf believe me I feel the same currently. To me it seems that BW feels they over buffed dps and are now nerfing basically everyone down to their "target dps" tiers. If this is the case, I request they recheck their target because I know people having issues with dps checks as it is.


    But hey what do I know, I'm a tank main who dwebbles in vigi.

    as if freezing force was a frequent skil lto be used right? :) is just a slow nothing more a slow from sniper or op deals way more damage i know it cant be a op skill aloowing root and big big damage liek force storm was doing in past but imo there is nothing to be nerfed on guardian on dps spec at least, not even utility's, they should is instead fix the crap heals focused/enraged defense gives.....

    and about over buff dps? they did that with ranged not melee :)

  15. Guess we're going back to the good 'ole 3.X days when "anything Watchman can do, Vig/Serenity can do better." Seriously, do you people even play your own game?

    oh was great right? 3.0 at start devs saying sentinels/marauders were doing fine wich actualy it wasnt. when there was rare seeing one in pve and pve, in pvp were the brain dead smash monkey when there was one,

    3.0 was pve wise and abit pvp not like now ranged favor, i was in a guild where the team who cleared revan hm was all ranged classes melee simply not wanted and how things are going now they are saying to us? play ranged dont play melee, we love ranged:rolleyes:

  16. Only issue is that they didn't fix clipping for Carnage and Fury's new rotation will put them above it on the dummy. In Ops Carnage will still be the go to spec. That said, all content will still be doable with Anni so no need to freak out.

    i agree on with you on ops part but in pvp is bad, cause ranged are already better then any melee clearly and they keep screwing melee classes in the da ythe ywant people play them they will over buff them like did on sniper and merc. and so the the cycle keep going on, buff/nerf/buff nerf......

  17. Didn't saw this message until now, but yeah, I used to main mara in 4.0 and still play around some really good marauder whith my Deception Assassin, so yeah I do think I have a good understanding of how the class works, especially against other class as well. ;)


    What I did ask, and what didn't receive a response from anyone is that I wanted to know if you really think that Marauders needed this utility before -let's say in 4.0 or we could think about what will happen when mercs and snipers will get nerfed- and for now, nobody answered by a simple yes or a simple no.


    I totally agree on the fact that with the current meta, marauders do need this utility. But when things will start to change (for the better I hope !) with the Utility/Skank meta then won't this be a little overkill ? I as a marauder didn't need this before when there was somewhat of a balance (when you didn't have this OP vs bad class thing). And I honestly think, because I still play marauder when I have the motivation or if I feel like it, that this won't be needed when all of this nonsense ends.


    So yeah, despite your somewhat rude accusation, I do play marauders and I do think they will be a little overtuned if the current meta ends. :)

    you didnt need ruthless aggressor before cause was not need but with some classes ranged becoming stupidly op now they need, and that utility is a must have if you face operatives but ofc all the holly trinity atm sniper/merc operative want that nerfed.....

    class balance is in chaos for years all caus devs (i will most likely get a warn cause of this statement :rolleyes:) are absolutely incompetent and not even play minimally their own game if they say so just to make pretty scene, and btw when they were streaming an uprising before 5.0 went live guess what classes they were playing? merc/operative not certain if a sniper was there and managed to be wiped on the first pull :D

    i miss days when disciplines had each a dif identity and more suited situation to be used, i recall before 2.0 carnage was teh best to deal with snipers other 2 were ok well not the monkey one but even annihilation worked, same way inside same class annihilation is counter for carnage assuming player know what hes doing.

  18. Don't do ranked, can somebody explain me what the person who loses on purpose gets out of it?


    I mean, sure, the winner gets more stuff, rating, etc, but the guy on the losing team, what he gets out of it?

    the ones who not care about rating wich means nothing anyway just to feed people ego, they do as extra to get more unassembled components.
  19. I disagree about 1v1 sniper, if you are on a Fury Mara, you can beat them if closely skilled (no two players are 100% equal). Taking on and hopefully taking out snipers (especially engineering) is one of my main goals when I'm on my Fury Mara. I feel we are the most able to take pressure off our team by killing or distracting the sniper. Of course other snipers are good too 😉.

    IMO, every class has a counter class or they should. With the advent of Merc domination for most of the year we saw engineering snipers step up because they are the natural counter to them. People complain heavily about sniper probe, but that is what makes them so effect against Mercs because they can't face tank a sniper and run away if they take too much damage. So while snipers are a Mercs counter class, Fury Maras are an engineering snipers counter class.

    I think if Mercs hadn't been so OP, then you wouldn't have seen so many people switch to engineering. Lots of those who swapped were marksman snipers.

    Problem with snipers regardless discipline is the stupid amount of tools they have to handle with melee classes, and some utilitys like the ones to heal after each roll and sick damage reduction under aoe shield makes them almost tanky like a tank, is perfectly normal a sniper getting 500k to 600k in heals just by standing in cover and rolling, to do that annihilation you have to make bleed alot really alot, sniper is a burst class undeniable and he should not have such survival, atm playing melee vs ranged not counting sorcerer is a real nightmare assuming the ranged knows whats doing

  20. Yeah, I 100% agree with you with jugg... They need something to be a bit more resistant. :/


    Just for info, there is a mandatory utility when playing assassin, that gives you 2sec of Force Shroud when using Force Cloak, maybe it's why you thought they were using it. Besides, there is a difference between opening somebody with Shroud and running away from him with Shroud. ^^

    the word mandatory is very relative it can be mandatory for you but not for others and ofc depends the class/discipline my utility's chance according annihilation and carnage .Fury i don't play that brain dead discipline no offense it needs actualy a tune down on teh discipline starting by the cc immunity, that is something the class should not have eight er as skill of utility
  21. Well, the thing is I won't waste a Force Cloak to wait until the end of the RA buff. Force Cloak has way more uses elsewhere and you don't always have this kind of time in WZ. :)

    Dude classes who like to abuse on stuns are qquing about the utility, like they did on shadow immunity on deflection, so was op but its not op a sniper who have 40 sec imunnity to everything literally, and the immunity on deflection don't include slows, knock backs, roots is stuns and lifts and more if the stun is white damage like sniper 10m stun then is useless but against stun from merc, op mara jugg it works sniper is the only class who truly have immunity to any kid of cc, i barely played shadow but i agreed that twas need for them now depends each player style oh and deflection is 2 mins cd but sniper get his entrench way too fast, no offense but maybe you caught mediocre player while playing marauders, all this whine is trying to make wath? marauder like the bogie man? you can be sure if they nerf even more marauders you will be on the next line of crying to be nerfed, ye cause quite few idiots say shadow can stun lock people blah. no offense really is not my objective but if you were able to play at excel levels marauder like some maybe yo would understand better how vulnerable they can be.

    just an exemple i made a 2 marauder and freaking hell i beated a fully sniper on a maraude with just 1 relic 236 all reast of gear is implants and ear piece 230 and armor and weapons 208 from pve last patch, if the sniper wasn't clueless he would have beat me in a breeze but he was too cooky so he died

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