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Posts posted by Dunnik

  1. The level 28 Heroic mission on Alderaan, "Special Delivery", is badly overturned in my opinion.


    Our full 4-man group consisted of all the elements of the trinity, tanks, heals, 2 DPS. I was the lowest in the party, at level 29 (the same as the mission). The tank was level 33, the healer level 32, and the other DPSer was also 32.


    We did everything that could be expected of us. We CC'd two targets, and continued to CC adds as they came in and our CD's expired. Our group tried to beat it three times - and wiped three times. Various expressions of "holy %#^%!" and such were heard in the party.


    In before L2P qq moar: ex-officer of a 5-year old WoW semi-hardcore raid guild, dozens of heroics bosses beaten. MMO player since 2003. What may be overtuned to one is undertuned to another - it's all relative - but my feeling is this particular Heroic mission is badly overtuned.


    Would like to hear of other people's experience with this mission and what they think of it.

  2. Looks like those invited in this first wave were:


    - the last few stragglers from yesterday's December 7th's


    - half or more of December 8th's


    As posters noted above, Rockjaw's Tweets promise even very late orders will get in (sometime) today. :)


    The obvious question is, if he's saying that there, then why is there not a new sticky post for today's invites that spreads this good news around? Oh well. We've come this far, Decemberists! Only a few more miles to go! We can make it! Stick together!

  3. I'm a late convert to Clone Wars - heard mixed reviews of the first season, and the movie had a 14% rating on RottenTomatoes.com - but then I heard the series was much improved, and so gave it a watch - and have been hooked ever since. Watched all the episodes (in part to stave off SWTOR withdrawl) and can't wait for the new one in January.
  4. A vendor on Ord Mantel sells a helmet, available around levels 8-10.


    It's a white-class item - no stats - and it's not a helmet, per se, more a visored cap, but it's better than nothing, and does go with the gear you get on Ord Mantell (either quests or commendations). The style is similar to the Rebel Alliance caps from Empire Strikes Back.

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