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Posts posted by Whitesquall

  1. 1. I have always been a fan of duel sabers, KOTOR, DND, SWRPG: saga edition, in fact every jedi character I have ever made has been doing so.


    2. Not a big fan of the dark side, seems like everywhere I look people are raving about playing some dark evil jerk wad, but all they ever end up doing is playing some melodramatic emo kid (Anakin) who fell to the force because he didn't get his way and needs some babies to punch to make himself feel better.


    3. The class is fun and well designed, the trees enable a lot of variant play styles all of which seem geared for pumping out some form of dps or another (ie: bust/sustained) and in beta, I made it to about 25 with one, and never felt like I wasn't pulling my weight, but was sufficiently engaged in doing my job.


    4. And lastly, because sentinels are like pirates that look as cool as ninjas. I mean think about it, you got a ship, a crew, roam the high galaxy collecting booty with your treasure hunting and archeology, then when it's time to fight you are all ninja swords and clothes... never before has there been such an amazing amalgamation!

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